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Author Topic: Late Harvest Moon  (Read 116035 times)


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Re: Late Harvest Moon
« Reply #120 on: September 26, 2010, 12:37:36 PM »
Moses knew how to predict Noah flood by looking at the planets and stars. Instead of alerting all the good people of Egypt, he played it sectarian and decided to saved the lifes of the Hebrews only, regardless if some were pedophiles, murderers and idolaters.

Jesus in the other hand told the non-jews Moses secret of looking to the Father in Heaven (Stars and planets) for a sign, that he himself will come back as a star (Shakinah) to alert us before the cataclysm. The Pharisee killed Jesus because he tried to saved the non-jews by divulgating Moses secrets. For Jesus sectarianism was a sin and Humanism a vertu

Today we have the same Pharisees telling us that everything is fine and to stay put and die, they are using Disinfo, Controled Sciences, Controled Media and they even chemtrailing the horizon for us not to notice anything...

Well we need another Jesus and quick, cause a lot of good people will get genocided once more


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Re: Late Harvest Moon
« Reply #121 on: September 26, 2010, 01:30:45 PM »
Dont blame your ignorance and you blind faith on us, all the mythologies and ancient religion talks about what is going on today.
They were all paranoid with their solar clock and the postion of the sun at the equinoxes and the soltices, because it is writting everywhere that when it is no more "constant" the Earth will experiment a major cataclism.

Immanuel Velikovsky wrote extensively about it (in is book World in collision)and blame Venus and Mars previous cycle of destruction.
We could debate if it is the fact that the elypse is moved to enter too close to Venus or Mars or its because we are getting to close to the Sun that will generate the massive volcanic eruptions and the Earth rotation stop described in EVERY mythologies.

For my part I believe it is the next Venus Transit who will block us totaly from the Solar Wind, but we have to agree that this is the TIME and they know it since 3000bc when the first Venus observation was calculated.

Moses knew when to get out on solid rock, how did he knew?????

Magic, no it was an alien for planet jhvjfnk

PS What hard science fact do you have? They are repeating Kepler 1650's mathematic formulas...anything more recent?

My blind faith and ignorance?  You may be surprised, but my faith is firmly established in God and I am aware of what is written in the ancient manuscripts.

The fact remains, at this current time, there is no noticeable change in the earth's axis.  When there is a major change, we will all be aware of it, and it will be undeniable.

Yes, the tilt does vary slightly over many thousands of years and is part of the normal cycle.  We shouldn't be concerned with this.  What we should be concerned with is a major change in a matter of a few days, months, years, a few decades, or even centuries.

The faster the change, the worst it will be for the inhabitants of the earth.  Only God knows the magnitude of these events, or the exact time these events will occur, for they will not be announced ahead of time.  He will come as a thief in the night.

God will catch the wise in their own craftiness.  He will confuse the wise with the simplest things of this world.  The fear of the Lord (respect), is the beginning of knowledge.



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Re: Late Harvest Moon
« Reply #122 on: September 26, 2010, 01:44:06 PM »

The fact remains, at this current time, there is no noticeable change in the earth's axis.  When there is a major change, we will all be aware of it, and it will be undeniable.

We are aware of the tilt change, the birds are aware, the oceans tides are aware, the inuits are aware, the crop failures are aware, the magnetic poles are aware. You in the other hand are paroting the Pharisees and you dont even know how to calculate the Earth axis.

Are you that naive or just intelectually "special" that you dont need to comprehent a thesis in order to repeat it mindlesly?



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Re: Late Harvest Moon
« Reply #123 on: September 26, 2010, 02:20:57 PM »
We are aware of the tilt change, the birds are aware, the oceans tides are aware, the inuits are aware, the crop failures are aware, the magnetic poles are aware. You in the other hand are paroting the Pharisees and you dont even know how to calculate the Earth axis.

Are you that naive or just intelectually "special" that you dont need to comprehent a thesis in order to repeat it mindlesly?
it is deliciously amusing (almost as amusing as you guys fighting over which of your imaginary trinities is the correct one; ea, enki and enlil or father, son and holy ghost) when someone who can't even spell calls someone else 'naive' or 'intelectually [sic] special'... paroting? comprent? mindlesly? lol ::)
furthermore, it is not that your 'thesis' is uncomprehensible, it is that you have no valid evidence to support your conclusion.

speaking of naive and intellectually special, the elite were represented by the sadducees (the priests and aristocrats), the pharisees represented the common people...


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Re: Late Harvest Moon
« Reply #124 on: September 26, 2010, 02:51:02 PM »
Geese can't we get out of that "bronze" age?
Maybe get at least to the "Chrome" age?

When you gonna show us how to build the Falcon?


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Re: Late Harvest Moon
« Reply #125 on: September 26, 2010, 02:51:56 PM »
We are aware of the tilt change, the birds are aware, the oceans tides are aware, the inuits are aware, the crop failures are aware, the magnetic poles are aware. You in the other hand are paroting the Pharisees and you dont even know how to calculate the Earth axis.

Are you that naive or just intelectually "special" that you dont need to comprehent a thesis in order to repeat it mindlesly?

Here's an exercise for measuring the earth's tilt for grades 3 through 6, which should be at your level,



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Re: Late Harvest Moon
« Reply #126 on: September 26, 2010, 03:13:08 PM »

You took the time to educate yourself! wow shocking

So when did you take a meter and cast a shadow during the soltices?
So how can you come here and tell us that the axis didnt changed?
When all the credible observational evidences are leading us to a tilt change

Are you paroting someone? Are you paid to say that? Is it a part of you personality to trust everyone without thinking?

Now that you cant proove to us that the axis didnt change try to answer those questions:

Why the inuits elders are testifying that the stars and the Sun changed position?
Why are the magnetic poles are racing away from there old positions?
Why are the birds showing up at new upwards locations?
Why all the tides of the world are now drasticaly changed?
Why are the Red tides phenomenas are now common?
Why the plants are confused and bared fruit early?
Why is the Sun intensity increased in the Arctic?

Well I forgot you cant think for yourself.

You have faith that the Earth axis didnt change, well OK
Hope is for people like you


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Re: Late Harvest Moon
« Reply #127 on: September 26, 2010, 04:58:20 PM »

You took the time to educate yourself! wow shocking

So when did you take a meter and cast a shadow during the soltices?
So how can you come here and tell us that the axis didnt changed?
When all the credible observational evidences are leading us to a tilt change

Are you paroting someone? Are you paid to say that? Is it a part of you personality to trust everyone without thinking?

Now that you cant proove to us that the axis didnt change try to answer those questions:

Why the inuits elders are testifying that the stars and the Sun changed position?
Why are the magnetic poles are racing away from there old positions?
Why are the birds showing up at new upwards locations?
Why all the tides of the world are now drasticaly changed?
Why are the Red tides phenomenas are now common?
Why the plants are confused and bared fruit early?
Why is the Sun intensity increased in the Arctic?

Well I forgot you cant think for yourself.

You have faith that the Earth axis didnt change, well OK
Hope is for people like you

I'm going to make this really simple for you with an illustration.  Watch the video at the bottom of this web-page and of course read the text also,

As you can see, any amateur astronomer with a telescope will notice if there is a change in the earth's axial tilt.  In fact, a person can even see there is no change in the axial tilt with the naked eye in a matter of hours.

TechStuff has been promoting this idea of a change in the earth's axial tilt for quite some time now (this is nothing new).  I have already researched his claims way before now, and the conclusion is the claims are erroneous and unfounded.



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Re: Late Harvest Moon
« Reply #128 on: September 26, 2010, 06:30:31 PM »

You took the time to educate yourself! wow shocking

So when did you take a meter and cast a shadow during the soltices?
So how can you come here and tell us that the axis didnt changed?
When all the credible observational evidences are leading us to a tilt change

Are you paroting someone? Are you paid to say that? Is it a part of you personality to trust everyone without thinking?

Now that you cant proove to us that the axis didnt change try to answer those questions:

Why the inuits elders are testifying that the stars and the Sun changed position?
Why are the magnetic poles are racing away from there old positions?
Why are the birds showing up at new upwards locations?
Why all the tides of the world are now drasticaly changed?
Why are the Red tides phenomenas are now common?
Why the plants are confused and bared fruit early?
Why is the Sun intensity increased in the Arctic?

Well I forgot you cant think for yourself.

You have faith that the Earth axis didnt change, well OK
Hope is for people like you

go back and look. i did measure the sun angle a month ago and it was dead on.
why don't you tell us your results?


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Re: Late Harvest Moon
« Reply #129 on: September 26, 2010, 08:08:07 PM »

 But if I'm the crackpot that you, Pirate, obviously believe me to be, then what are you still wasting time on my thread for?  Don't waste your valuable time on the likes of me!  Surely you have loved ones that could use the attention?

Touche.  You got me with that one.

Well played sir.



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Re: Late Harvest Moon
« Reply #130 on: September 26, 2010, 08:18:00 PM »
actually bill as much fun as it is to argue with them its for all the lurkers that we correct nonsense.


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Re: Late Harvest Moon
« Reply #131 on: September 26, 2010, 08:18:46 PM »
Ok lets do it easy for the slow learners.

The 23.3 is the mesurment related to the Sun elevation at the Soltices.
NOT THE AXIS OF ROTATION like the mindless parrot posted earlier.

The 23.3 is related to the elyptic amplitude/angle, a change in the elyptic will affect the Sun elevation
(Thats why you have now the Magnetic north Pole racing upwards towards Russia)

The intellectually challenge might have difficulties understanding that you cant measure the Earth Tilt in relation to the SUN outside of the Soltices, because this is an observational number based on the soltices position.

So the clown who measured it last month probably is another of the "paid per line" internet troll

Gravityblock you studied this for sometime now you said? Drop it you are humiliating yourself.

For those who can think for themselves:

« Last Edit: September 26, 2010, 08:51:48 PM by Atlastired »


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Re: Late Harvest Moon
« Reply #132 on: September 26, 2010, 09:29:32 PM »
TechStuff has been promoting this idea of a change in the earth's axial tilt for quite some time now (this is nothing new).  I have already researched his claims way before now, and the conclusion is the claims are erroneous and unfounded.

The Sun now rises and sets well north of it's former position in summer:  Established with photographic evidence from several independent sources.  Mysterious tides, increased earthquakes in population centers, tsunami, rogue waves, rough seas....ALL established by independent news sources.  The moon is way off as well....established by photographic evidence.

Whether one chooses to believe the evidence, or make personal verification is up to each individual.

Some ostriches have their heads buried and all they wish to do is argue about the exact depth of sand over them......

That, in essence, is what is really going on here.

I propose that the naysayers start their own thread in support of their own evidence and see how it holds up for them.

Blessings in Yeshua, Jesus Christ
« Last Edit: September 27, 2010, 06:29:56 AM by TechStuf »


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Re: Late Harvest Moon
« Reply #133 on: September 26, 2010, 09:29:40 PM »
Ok lets do it easy for the slow learners.

The 23.3 is the mesurment related to the Sun elevation at the Soltices.
NOT THE AXIS OF ROTATION like the mindless parrot posted earlier.

The 23.3 is related to the elyptic amplitude/angle, a change in the elyptic will affect the Sun elevation
(Thats why you have now the Magnetic north Pole racing upwards towards Russia)

The intellectually challenge might have difficulties understanding that you cant measure the Earth Tilt in relation to the SUN outside of the Soltices, because this is an observational number based on the soltices position.

So the clown who measured it last month probably is another of the "paid per line" internet troll

Gravityblock you studied this for sometime now you said? Drop it you are humiliating yourself.

For those who can think for themselves:
the clown corrected for the time of year just like navigators corrected for the last 500 years when calculating lattitude.
knowing how the seasons affect the suns apparant position you can calulate lattude any day of the year or reverse the process
and calculate any change in axial tilt.
did you measure it on the Soltice what are your results?
are you saying the earths orbit has changed but its axis of rotation has stayed the same?
buy the way the magnetic pole has little to do with the axis of rotation.


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Re: Late Harvest Moon
« Reply #134 on: September 26, 2010, 09:48:34 PM »
The 23.3 is related to the elyptic amplitude/angle, a change in the elyptic will affect the Sun elevation
(Thats why you have now the Magnetic north Pole racing upwards towards Russia)

I agree with this statement, Atlastired, the ecliptic plane seems to have changed.  If we reach another summer, as I have stated before, judging by what was witnessed last summer, it is possible that we (at least those of us at 41 degrees N latitude), could witness the sun never completely set for a month or so near the beginning of Summer, making the sun visible 24/7!

This seems quite possibly related to a change in the eliptic plane.  Our planet appears to dip below the former ecliptic plane at summer and rise above it in winter.

Notice how the naysayers don't touch the mountain of supporting evidence, but only focus on "establishment data" which many people have found "less than trust worthy." 

The documentary movie, "Expelled - Intelligence not allowed" comes to mind.

Since when did lying to one's self and others become such a 'noble' art?  Pretty far back, actually.

I'd much rather be a sincere 'layman' and try to apprise my fellow man of very real heaven and earth changes and be off on a few details, details which sometimes change with each passing month....

Than be a 'professional' liar for hire (subject to TPTB's approval, of course)

At any rate, all will be revealed soon enough, and it will be too soon according to too many.  Make yourselves ready, dear readers, get right with your Creator.  There is a point, fast approaching, when He will cease contending for the souls of earthling humankind.

Blessings in Yeshua, Jesus Christ
« Last Edit: September 27, 2010, 12:14:57 AM by TechStuf »