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Author Topic: New invention of motion less generation of electric power  (Read 351754 times)


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Re: New invention of motion less generation of electric power
« Reply #105 on: September 04, 2009, 05:39:21 PM »
@ Ali,
Can you indicate how we can contribute any further to your technology in this forum?

I have the impression you do not want to reveal anymore details than you already did.
If that is the case it maybe useful to close this discussion thread and move on.

Right on robbie47. Inventor made it clear in several posts how he wants to share this and help humanity... Turned out not to be the case... When asked - no blueprints no software. Why he is here for then?..



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Re: New invention of motion less generation of electric power
« Reply #106 on: September 04, 2009, 06:07:34 PM »
I think you are a bit harsh on ALi,
i am sure in his own good time the project will help humanity. why does he have to share it with you at this stage.
So you try and make him feel guilty. There are many ways thsi project can help humanity but in the first intance he might need to  look after his own family and needs
Just my thoughts


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Re: New invention of motion less generation of electric power
« Reply #107 on: September 04, 2009, 07:52:35 PM »
I have to agree with Mark.

Besides looking out for the intellectual property angle, there is the issue that this is still very much in its alpha stages and verification of the phenomenon using DC as opposed to AC for good measurement analysis has not yet been done.

I can sympathize with winsonali not wanting to state that this is a proven technology or release more details until it has been proven. There have been many grandiose claims made at on time or another on OU that have been proven to be misinterpretation of measurement results, a misunderstanding of physics, or an outright scam and the posters of these claims are not treated the most kindly after such a discovery.
Double and triple checking personal results (with the good recommendations already posted in this thread) before allowing replication information to be posted might be wise.

That said, I can understand the wishes of the open source FE community to know more specifics about the device as the theme of the site is open source and winsonali should understand that the request for additional data about the device is not going to stop.

Sharing the design info of the device and the software after successful retesting would be a good thing for replicating the effect and validating the claim though. It's even led to design improvements at times.


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Re: New invention of motion less generation of electric power
« Reply #108 on: September 04, 2009, 10:37:32 PM »
I will tell you where I am after combining all discussions in this thread.
The attached circuit is able to multiply the input voltage to any desired level after the right switch sequence is applied and ignoring 'old school' theories on currents and charges. The big question is where does the increased current come from. Is it the 'siphon' effect?

[edit] actually SW2 can be left out or closed during the whole switch sequence
« Last Edit: September 04, 2009, 11:21:10 PM by robbie47 »


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Re: New invention of motion less generation of electric power
« Reply #109 on: September 04, 2009, 11:23:35 PM »
just another thought,
Ali was invited here as our guest. I am not sure where you have the right to demand his IP at this stage. We were hoping he would share some information. Is this how you treat guests, invite them in to your house then hold a gun at their head? When some one is invited as guest at a club or conference that does not mean they then have to share everything with you.
I think this is quiet sick and you owe Ali and appology. You are to say the least disprespectful.
I would suggest Stephan or whoever invited him here to appologise on OU.coms behalf and take some sort of disiplinary action.
You are sick, very sick and I have recommended to Ali not to post here anymore.
I am also considering the future of my input. Some of you are very selfish to the extreme and pretend your here for humanatarian purposes and just want to line you own pockets.
Sham Shame Shame.
Without Regards


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Re: New invention of motion less generation of electric power
« Reply #110 on: September 04, 2009, 11:31:08 PM »
Hi Robbie,

Your drawing reminds me of a Marx generator on a smaller scale. Charge the caps in parallel then dump across the load in series. Fun part is coming up with the high speed switching.


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Re: New invention of motion less generation of electric power
« Reply #111 on: September 04, 2009, 11:44:37 PM »
I am not sure where you have the right to demand his IP at this stage.

Mark, I just asked for it, I did not DEMAND it.

His comment to his you-tube posting says:
this video shows the new invention of motion less generation of electric power it take 1.5 amps at 30 volts(45 watt) and produces 0.7amp at 220 volts (154watt) this device can be used to reduce your electri city bill slow down the meter this generator is world first solid state power generator please see the video and if you have any querries you can contact me on if you wish to but one of these units for R&D purpose i will send you a unit imediatly i have already file the patent for any further question related to over unity , comparsion with magnacoaster vorktex , magnetic electric gererator, perpetual motion , tesla coil , high frequency or principal of bearden motionless generator please ask me i will send you details. the sole purpose fo sjowing this video is to promote free or low cost electricity you can reduce you electri bill upto 60% very easily
this power generation is based on my own theory of smart energy my email address is winsonali on yahoo
this unit can be directly connected to windmill and solar panels and this is a perfect solution for alternative energy


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Re: New invention of motion less generation of electric power
« Reply #112 on: September 04, 2009, 11:45:00 PM »
Where does the energy come from?

Best explanation so far...


1993 T. E. Bearden


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Re: New invention of motion less generation of electric power
« Reply #113 on: September 05, 2009, 12:15:26 AM »
Where does the energy come from?
Best explanation so far...
1993 T. E. Bearden

Can you be a bit more specific? What chapter, paragraph are you refering to in this particular case?


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Re: New invention of motion less generation of electric power
« Reply #115 on: September 06, 2009, 03:39:47 AM »
Kinda makes me ashamed to admit  that I belong to the same race(human).
Just my thoughts,,,,,,,,,,,,,errrrrr,feelings.
What if a new person with a gift shows up here?
How would we treat him?
This thread needs to be turned around or ended.
I can control what I look at on my end>
I will accept that option for now.
Logged:  Saturday evening,central Texas,September 5, 2009
Time (Central Standard)8:34PM


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Re: New invention of motion less generation of electric power
« Reply #116 on: September 06, 2009, 05:34:50 PM »
@  Ali SAID ON 9-1-09

The behavior of the unit is purely like a generator you off load it, the  voltage rises we need to develop an AVR.  Loads like air conditioners turns on the compressor and turns off this could seriously effect the process, an instantaneous response to load variation is required to be incorporated within device.
Device cannot work without load it will destroy it self (resonating frequency).  We need to include dummy load to balance the device and harness the appropriate output according to current dissipation.  If output load increase from the capacity of input source the unit destroy itself.  Things are not so simple as it seems, a lot more work is required before the device is ready for market.



Above, you mentioned you need to get some flaws out of your Device before you sell it.  MOST of us BUYERS WANT to BUY it AS IS WITH THE FLAWS so we can HELP YOU further your research.  Please consider selling a KIT which includes a Schematic, Programmed IC, and a Parts Layout. We the buyers WILL SUPPLY THE REST of the PARTS.  Plus, we Buyers AGREE to PROTECT the Privacy of your invention.

The advantages to you are:

1.  Your invention will be protected.

2.  You will receive money now to further your research.

3.  We buyers can PAY YOU INSTANTLY online through PayPal.Com

4.  Our feedback of ideas back to you can help you improve your Device.

5.  Your Utube Video and Postings here on OVERUNITY, PROVE the invention is YOURS.

6.  After you receive each payment, you would only need to Snail Mail one Programmed IC, and Email 2 or 3 pieces of paper to each Buyer (schematic, & Parts Layout).

7.  As a suggestion, perhaps $45 per Kit would be fair.  The $45 should be Out The Door and include Postage & Handling.  100 Buyers times $45 will give you $4,500 to help your research.

8.  Some Buyers ONLY want a Schematic and Parts Layout.  Maybe you could sell (Email) those 2 pieces of paper for $30.  100 Buyers times $30 will give you $3,000 more to further your research.

9.  Plus, after you improve your Device, you can come back here to OverUnity & SELL your Improved Schematic and Parts List..


Thank you for your consideration.

« Last Edit: September 06, 2009, 11:34:09 PM by FatBird »


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Re: New invention of motion less generation of electric power
« Reply #117 on: September 08, 2009, 05:58:54 AM »
dear fatbird
i respect your offer and value your suggestion

i am currently developing the DC input source for the unit
once that unit is complete  we can satisfy the skeptics of its possible use with windmill and solar panel.

all those who are in touch with me and giving me good ideas i will send them a complete unit for no cost as a gentle man promise.

thanks and regards


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Re: New invention of motion less generation of electric power
« Reply #118 on: September 08, 2009, 11:39:27 AM »
@ winsonali,

My apologies but I don’t think I get it right…
You claim a non-trivial OU rate (assuming that would be such a thing as a “trivial OU rate”!) and then it seems you send the readers hunting ghosts (shiphon etc) and/or you find various excuses instead of doing the only one thing that matters, which is path no.1 bellow, of many false paths (2-5 that I could count so far) brought forward for a doubtful purpose (I suppose) as long as they are conditional to 1 and subsidiary to ‘the cause’:
1. All you have to do is nothing else but closing the loop! I understand you’ve fried many units so it shouldn’t be a problem to build&use two or more of them on that purpose. Come on now: dummy loads is piece of cake and I think 220V-30V transformers exist for some time as well as 12VDC-220VAC converters…  ;)
Maybe you can shed some light on the issue. Why it hasn’t been done yet?!

2. Money and family care are of concern? Not any longer after the point 1 above is proved. Sponsorships and donations will flow to you beyond anyone’s imagination and without you to have to oblige in any way.  Why is it then discussed inhere, prior to 1?!

3. Intellectual property is an issue? But there is no real need to divulge anything in a ‘black-box’ approach, as needed for point 1 above. Just let a tiny bulb lighting and ‘the box’ producing some heat, all from a 12V capacitor kick-start on 24h basis… Hmmm… would anybody need something else?!

4. Scientific recognition is what would satisfy you? Make point 1 above happen and even if you write that electricity is made out of little spaghetti ‘shiphoning’ out of something, it will still be published; no matter what you do, for such an experimental accomplishment you have real chances for Nobel.

5. Humanitarian concerns?! Ha! Again a marginal issue at your fingertip once point 1 is proven real.

Last but not least, I’m afraid that showing the proof of point 1 is not optional, my friend. It’s not for the ‘skeptics’ either but it’s fully implied by what’s been claimed already. Once you or anyone else claim that a device generates energy (which you had), decoupling it from its known power source has to be done sooner or later, pretty much like a solar panel or a wind turbine does not need to be plugged into an outlet to function.

So, I apologies again but this thread doesn’t make sense at all in my mind… or if it makes a sense that would be toward the same one as for each and every other OU-claims in the past…
Can you really change that or not? That’s the question!
If yes, how and when?
And in doing it, what is you need from us?

Best regards,
« Last Edit: September 08, 2009, 03:07:39 PM by tinu »


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Re: New invention of motion less generation of electric power
« Reply #119 on: September 08, 2009, 12:32:25 PM »
@ Ali,
Just like Tinu and many others, I was looking for clear indications whether you would allow us to replicate your findings.
That is why I asked very direct questions. I did not mean to be hostile or skeptic, but I am cautious.
Too many incorrect claims have passed in this forum earlier in time.
I hope you can understand our cautiousness.

I also realize that difference in cultures may play a role when people post in this forum.
What seems to be very rude in some cultures is perfectly normal behavior in other cultures.
If you feel offended, please do express it so we understand.

It would be helpful if you could indicate how you would like to go ahead after you finished your DC module.
Again, I respect your way of working to promote your finding although I can't understand why you promote it this way.

« Last Edit: September 08, 2009, 01:49:03 PM by robbie47 »