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Author Topic: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"  (Read 1247096 times)


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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1755 on: October 29, 2006, 10:35:24 PM »
Hi giantkiller,

>>>>  the input is what is odd >>>>>

There is NOTHING odd about it. I don?t want to disappoint everybody but the ONLY thing SM has said is the KICK. NOTHING ELSE. The rest are appliances, including rotational filed, multiple frequencies?. Do I have to repeat SM?s words here again? READ THEM AGAIN. Those are means to achieve the final result and can be done in using unlimited number of configurations, including one without any rotational filed. I have joined this forum for the only reason; there was a direct communication with SM. Practically 99% of all the test/experiments shown in this forum I did before I have joined this forum.

In my early posts in this forum I posted a link to a web site about inrush current. The picture on that page is showing a parabolic form of the inrush current. To my surprise almost nobody paid attention to it. What does it mean? Can somebody answer how one can get a parabolic current form without generating additional energy or having a negative resistance? Negative resistance is very doubtful in this case. Additional energy remains in tact. And furthermore, the additional energy is created at a higher rate than the source energy, as simple as is. Otherwise, the inrush current MUST have a linear function but it doesn?t. If you like, what did SM say about accidents when people got injured when connecting wires to powerful generators? If you want to measure such a kick/inrush current, you won?t be able, period. I doubt that anybody in this forum have access to the necessary equipment. Let me give you one example. When I used to work in the electronic lab, our equipment, even used one, was estimated for 1 000 000 US dollars for 7 people. Does anybody in this forum have anything close to it, including myself? Probably and most obviously is not. If you want to measure any effect of the kick or inrush current, you need equipment that can work in a 1GHz range at least, including oscilloscope. You can see the effect of the kick in a really big coil, I mean REALLY big coil. You simply cannot build one in home. If you have somewhere a 60KWt electrical motor/generator for your experiments, you can use it to investigate the kick and see the real results with standard equipment. I don?t have such a motor/generator at home.
With small coils one has to find a way to extract the additional energy from the base signal and ONLY then you can say what is going on and how it can be used. Reverse engineering is very attractive, but if doesn?t work it doesn?t work.

Experiments with jumping wire when pulsed with high current are nothing new. Yes, it does that and what? What are the measurements? Any current kick caught in oscilloscope? By the way, you have the same wire jumps with a very low current but a very sharp unidirectional pulse, such a high voltage spark. Just try it, no tricks are involved. Possibly, it is an earth magnetic field influence but how one can use it? This a practical question. I don?t have a practical answer to it.

A lot of discussion seems to be going about radiant energy but nobody has presented any real example. Let me describe a real experiment, no tricks, no special adjustments are involved. Everybody is saying about Tesla experiment with unidirectional high voltage spark. DID ANYBODY TRY IT? I did and here is the description of the experiment. Take a very standard car ignition coil and pulse it whit 50?1000 Hz. At the output, connect multiple high voltage diodes in series to prevent any oscillation or back current. Use as a discharge circuit two cooper 18G wires with a 5mm air gap. DON?T use any capacitor at the high voltage wire.  After about 10 or 20 seconds the ground (negative) wire is overheated like it had 20?50 amperes going through. The plastic, in my test, that was holding the ground wire was literary melted in 10?20 seconds. The positive (high voltage wire) remained cool. Do I have to go into more details? It is very simple, just try it. Is it radiant energy, second emission, eddy currents?? I don?t know.  SM was saying that his device is overheated because of the eddy currents. Eddy currents where? In the coils without a magnetic core? Eddy currents in the actual wire?

Vacuum tubes. Vacuum tubes are the most efficient devices for mixing energies/frequencies. A semiconductor cannot simply do it with the same efficiency. That is why it was much easier for SM to discover the effect when using vacuum tubes. I don?t want to go into more details about vacuum tubes, it is too lengthy and I am very lazy, just do some research.

Mixing frequencies/kicks. There are two types of mixing frequencies, adding/subtraction and multiplying/division. In my opinion only multiplying frequencies/kicks can produce excess of the energy. However, the vacuum tube can add energies directly (not frequencies), which might look like additions, but it is not. It is still multiplying when you come to a close look at it.

A lot of people are saying that if a single kick (or whatever signal) doesn?t give you excess of energy there is nothing to look for. Let me tell something, THERE IS NOTHING MORE WRONG THAN SUCH A STATEMENT. Again, in my early posts I have provided very primitive mathematics showing how wrong it is, check it out. You have to look for additional energy generated and how it grows and not necessarily exceeding the kick in a single action. Very simple.

Even SM promised to provide some basic hardware diagrams; I doubt he is going to do that. If I were he, why would I show anything more if everybody doesn?t want to follow my ideas? I don?t want to say that SM is right or wrong; it is simply a case of who has the real results.


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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1756 on: October 29, 2006, 10:37:02 PM »
The vortex, is probably concentrated on the circumference of the device, thats why SM uses bifilar, so we don't have magnetic flux leakage all over the place. I don't know about this meltdown, but i guess don't keep your face to close to it, and wear eye protection.

All im thinking here is analogy..

1. we have an input, thats the magnets that are placed ontop, to get things going

2. The larger bifilar windings act as loop antenna and help with this magnetic rotational field, this might be assisting the magnets cct also, so they are gradually both building up.

3. this magnetic rotating field is being induced in the finer windings which is evidently wound around one of the bifilar windings,
but at the end of this finer winding is attached a large cable , to deal with the current the load requires.

If anyone has other thoughts that maybe i'm wrong, please correct me...




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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1757 on: October 30, 2006, 01:32:30 AM »
Hi z_p_e,

I don?t assume that nobody read my posts. I said that there was not enough attention to an obvious thing.
>>>> Surely it is coming from the AC mains supply, and the excessive current demand is caused by the starting conditions and saturation limits of the transformer core.>>>>>>
It is not coming from any AC mains supply and doesn?t have to do anything with any core saturation limits. Any powerful electric motor is designed to withstand an electric pulse by multiple times, far exceeding any level where core saturation can start playing any significant role. If it wasn?t a case, any streetcar won?t survive for a day. I have tested inrush current with a 10000 turns coil without any magnetic core, therefore, no saturation. It did have a parabolic form but the pulse was too short, around 1?5 microsecond (maybe that is why SM?s device takes some time before it starts operating properly) and I didn?t manage to collect it somehow in subsequent kicks.

>>>>>I also had a look at one of your earlier posts where you mentioned that 50W ZPE circuit>>>>
I did mention that circuit in a completely different meaning. Actually I tried to explain why the software used to calculate that circuit gave a wrong result. Please read my post again. What I wanted to say about that particular circuit is that ?don?t waste your time, it won?t work?.



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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1758 on: October 30, 2006, 01:53:19 AM »
kosh it are his exact words exept for the (tesla) thing i putted in.

i will carefully put in some intresting additional info that has been put in by
other people.

that what is being received from the Earth?s magnetic field is not electricity

but a form of magnetic current

The magnet is necessary for several reasons. 
It locks in the exact magetic frequency just like a crystal. 
If you take it out, the circuit drifts and loses its resonance. 
When Steven takes it out of his working device, it winds down.

This coil(refering to a coil he made...) will resonate with about any freq in the area and when amplified will pick up even the faintest magnetic disturbancies.  For example, I can attach my scope to the coil with no amplification and pick up the paterns of data from my printer while it is running in the next room.  When everything is absolutely quiet it will sit there and pick up a background signal around the 170KHZ freq which I always thought was caused by the earth's magnetic flux.

By placing a Neodymimum magnet inside of the coil and injecting a signal from my Wavetek signal generator into it I looked for a freq which gave me the maximum gain on the scope which turned out to be 174.925 KHZ.

Ahh yes, the old MRA replication converstations.. A lot of heavies worked on that. Bill Beaty, Norman Wootan, Joel McClain.. Good read. They seemed to discover that ferromagnetism and gravity do in fact have frequency component.

Here's the link.


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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1759 on: October 30, 2006, 02:21:45 AM »
Hi marco,

Your attachment file "valve_amps.jpg" isn?t one that SM advised to find and read a long time ago in this forum?
Have to investigate Miller-Larson effect, never heard, at least by name.



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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1760 on: October 30, 2006, 02:36:28 AM »
so people again.... think before you post things like:

assume,I guess,I'm assuming,apparently,I assume,doesn't seem to,we don't know,but I think,one can assume,my guess,seemed,it appears,etc...etc..

cause we got lots of that going around..

try to understand the "given facts"
we will do it step by step.
as we all understand part one we can slowly move on to part two


All due respect Marco, but we have a lot of guess work to do. If we didn't we'd have figured this out by now. There are a lot of wild assumptions being made, but we always come back to center. And we are all guilty in that respect.


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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1761 on: October 30, 2006, 06:11:34 AM »
Did anyone look in basic scientific publications to see any of this information? Did anyone get some sensitive measuring equipment and do this experiment? Must be too simple and beneath the dignity of those on the web. Some people just sit back and say, well that isn't very much power, we want to make much more.

In order to run you must walk first.

Thank you kames.


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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1762 on: October 30, 2006, 08:55:28 AM »
Yes walk before you run.

I'll be building mine around Teslas transformer, with bifilar windings in series, check diagram and also these two urls:-

These two links above are great, for basic foundation. This setup is a guide, and based on Otto's work, who hopefully post soon with his results.



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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1763 on: October 30, 2006, 09:01:14 AM »
The bottom bit was cut of, sorry, I,ve spoken to an engineer today, and he said finer windings like that on second proto, are meant for high current loads.




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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1764 on: October 30, 2006, 10:35:39 AM »
Thanks Dom
for the diagram and links :)



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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1765 on: October 30, 2006, 11:03:50 AM »
Thanks Dom
for the diagram and links :)


Mike and Others,

Mike Your most welcome,

Dave mentioned to me before that he didn't understand my diagam, which I drew a few posts ago, it was abit vague, so I thought i'd do it again. This is all based on SM's 2nd prototype, the one that shows 91 volts operation, two rings shown, bottom ring with bifilar windings.

@Marco, I'm keeping to this formula for the moment, because of Otto's post, I couldn't just wait, I was too excited and wanted to have ago, I looked again at the 2nd prototype, and thanks to Dave, for picking it out, because were only seeing one angle of the clear pic device, but with other angles it does look like the bifilar coils are populated on the whole bottom ring of the device.

Now with help from my friends like yourselves and doing alot of reading, I've come to the conclusion of the drawing posted on this page.

The issue here is that the answer was right under our noses, Tesla left his gift, I will post what I mean soon




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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1766 on: October 30, 2006, 12:05:50 PM »
I have been shooting sparks into some metal.....i have an ignition coil near the metal and it has a 4"  blue flouro and a 12" 8 watt normal flouro connected to its terminals...not the high volt out terminal....the pos and neg terminals...
When i shoot sparks into some metal, i see the tubes that are connected to the ignition coil light up.. ???   so only the pulse energy from the metal can go in the ignition coil  :-\ 
The metal was not physically connected to anything....i was just playing around with sparks, zapping stuff, then i saw the ignition coil circuit light up... ;D
I got a zap too....but my meter was reading 1v @ 12ma ac  and it read about 1khz.....but that was another test  ;) 
Can i get a good zap with that power and htz?  It was a decent zap.
I won't do it again  :-[  LOL.
If i can organise things a bit i'll make a clip and post it on my site....


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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1767 on: October 30, 2006, 12:10:04 PM »
Dave, Sm said you won't be able to see these kicks with normal measuring equipment.
He was talking you'd need a scope like 1gigahertz.  don't know...hehehe maybe im wrong. Check what he said to Lindsay in his latest post.

Ok I have something else for you to think about, I recommend everyone here to read Teslas patent again, he mentions that this exciter which feeds his generator, gets the gen spinning at a fast rate, which he wouldnt be able to do normally. Now looking at the drawing the generator is to the right of the exciter, then theres dotted lines going down , which is another view of the toroidal generator, Tesla claims that this is a very efficient system of generating power because of the seperate coils and the fact that theres  shift in the magnetic poles in the gen, read from 30 to 50 in the patent, now home into 45 and 50:-

I produce a high rotation of the magnetic poles of one element of the generator and drive the other at a different speed, by which similar results are obtained to those seemed by a rapid rotation of one of the elements

Now another thing to consider, Tesla was a very ingeniuos man, and he would have known that economics and his philosophies of life would clash, don't forget he was a humanitarian.
So do you think for a moment, that he would have died, taking his inventions with him, for no one to ever know.
I doubt this very much, and I think we all should look closely to his designs, because he put his greatest works in there, and weve all been missing it.




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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1768 on: October 30, 2006, 12:15:55 PM »
Hello all,

excuse me for not posting earlier but I dont know what to do.  Mannix said to you not to wait for me and I think he means that Im showing you the wrong way. I always said that I dont know the exact setup and the TPU I made is MY setup. After a long weekend worked all the time on my TPU Im tired and dissapointed (with my work)!!

Never mind I will go on (as always) and I will finish the TPU!!!




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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1769 on: October 30, 2006, 12:24:48 PM »
Hi Otto,

Can you eloborate? what are you dissapointed about?

what happened with needle compass spinning slowly without input?

do you have pics?, maybe you have made a change that stopped it from working. talk to us we will try and help

Kind rgds,
