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Author Topic: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"  (Read 1247116 times)


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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1485 on: October 21, 2006, 08:18:25 PM »
Simplicity leads to awareness of the obvious.

The graphics depicts what we know about current flow and magnetic fields.

The striped toroid is the mag field from the control coil 'A'.
And according to the right hand rule lets say the green arrow is the induced current flow.

When the current flows through the collector to the next control coil 'B' a new field will be induced into the next control coil 'B'.

Now the control coils are sequence pulsed in the direction of the induced current while still maintaining the right hand rule. This was put in place by the direction we wound the control coil windings.

So additively we have an induced field in the coil that we are about to pulse next.

Time this just right to reduce losses.

Now lets stack three of these ring configurations and pulse each sequence just behind the other ring at a 90d phase. I have them spread apart for viewing. Marco had a good animated gif of current flow with moving arrows on his coils posted a while back. The second one from the bottom is the one we will focus on. Square pulses incite quick fields and the smooth sequencing will get you the additive power you get from the kicks in harmonic resonancy.

If the 3 rings were adjacent in close proximity then the mag fields from each ring would also induce current in its partner. My ears are starting to ring now.

Time this just right to add pressure. I see 'push comes to shove'.

I have three rings in sequence in 1 pic and two rings in phase behind the middle ring in another pic. Hence the two frequencies, top and bottom, and the middle one. We'll call this one a 'Magnetic bulldozer'.

These revisions exemplify the need for the segmented control coils.

Now what if the center control coils were not pulsed. Then the induced current on the middle collector and the control coils could be siphoned off, no? This would lend credence to 'Some are conected in parallel and some in series'. This also looks like a magnetic Tesla coil.

Oh, BTW, The 90d coupling happens twice. Can you see it? It is not a problem.


P.S. To the MIBs: we know you see and we don't care...


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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1486 on: October 21, 2006, 09:26:00 PM »
So then, there is no current in the center collector wiring?
Then why pulse the controllers?
If one were to pulse the collector and read off the controller coils, that just equates to a circular step up transformer.
The thing that makes the toroid different is the segmented pulsing for the rotationg magnetic field and or the increasing and decreasing magnetic pressure in the center of the core/field.
Since this project has the rotational field by segmented control imbedded in it, there has been no mention of the consequences of magnetic center spinning around off center. Does this happen anywhere else?
There are two outcomes to this project. Electrical and magnetic. They are tightly bound together. I am concerned with both. And in both arenas there has been progress made. And it does seem that major steps can be taken by putting together the steps that don't seem to do much but quantitatively the output is phenominal. That is what Tesla's findings are. All the incremental parts of his findings are in every day life. But put them together and the sum is much bigger than the parts. You end up with devices that scare upper management.

Thanks for the critiques, RFC on my drawings. I don't want to waste time or server space.

With the added ads down the side, the 10 posts per page are longer than they should be, navigationally speaking. Be careful what we ask for. I save many posts by page number to my messages. Double them , divide by 2, more work, lost doco. The design guide has chunks missing till I decide to go back and research. My time on this site is for moving forward, not back peddling. Sigh... The post speed has the needle pegged. If one spends too much time looking back, one eats dust.



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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1487 on: October 21, 2006, 09:58:10 PM »
Hi Dom,  I am sure the thing has a rotating field and winds up when started.  The compass spins faster and faster until the field spins too fast for the compass to keep up.

I am sure there is an IC in the centre box controlling the rotating field or something.

Indeed, there is an IC in the control circuit, but it is not involved in rotating the field.

I can create a rotating field with or without ICs, I can make one that winds up by itself by using transistors and feeding one control coil to the next, etc.

All this is easy.  The biggest problem to me is why there is such a large coupling at 90 degrees.

In normal terms this would be so unefficient as to be worthless.  But SM seems to indicate it is an important factor, yet no conventional circuits can make use of this?  We can talk about rotating fields and harmonics and any other previously known and well understood phenomenah, but none of it explains why he has such a strong coupling at 90 degrees between the contol and collector coils?

Like SM said, what we know from conventional electromagnetism may not serve us well here.

I think we are waisting our time until we understand how such a strong and efficient 90 degree coupling can exist!

Why don't you explore this avenue as we know for sure that this is how it works. Then, when you hit on the effect, you'll have plenty of time to figure it out.

But having said this the smaller see through device doesnt have this, just 4 bifilar coils, thats it!

Are we to take what we can see with our own eyes in the video, or are we to listen to so called SM emails via Mannix that we have no evidence are really from SM?  I am not saying that are not, just its hard to know the wheat from the chaf.

The see through device also have this. It's just that you don't see it. And neither can you see it in the toroidal devices. But it (collector orientation) has been confirmed by SM as accurate.

So we have a mix of frequencys and rotating fields, in normal terms this still won't couple to the collector!  So it cannot be normal EM interaction, its must be something else, radiant energy, longitudinal EM wave or something.  And lets say you have a 90 degree coupling that works, what will make it so special that it won't be subject to the normal losses of 0 degree coupling?  In other words, lets say you had a 90 degree coupling that worked, why should this be overunity?  Where is the extra energy coming from?

Lets say even that some frequencys can mix and create a larger amplitude which contains more energy, like the two sinewaves adding.  This still wont couple to a 90 degree collector.  So what is going on?

Magnetic resonance.

I think its easy to get carried away with so many ideas, we need to get back to basics!  How can we get a 90 degree coupling?  How can this be possible?  Perhaps when this is clear, the rest will become clear?  The rotating frequencys and mix must in some way create a situation which allows the impossible 90 degree coupling...

I submit to you that the extra energy being picked up by the collector coils might not be a result of coupling, but the manifestation of another phenomena. Think about it...




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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1488 on: October 21, 2006, 10:24:47 PM »

Someone mentioned it earlier, but you deserve it once more: your graphics are really stunning! Good work!

Marco had a good animated gif of current flow with moving arrows on his coils posted a while back. The second one from the bottom is the one we will focus on.

I must respectfully disagree with you giantkiller: Marco does have good animated gifs, but unfortunately none represent the way the control coils should be pulsed.

P.S. To the MIBs: we know you see and we don't care...

The military probably isn't overly worried either. They have certainly noticed that the only rotational movement going on here doesn't involve magnetic flux but people, going round in circle trying to figure it out.   :D  




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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1489 on: October 21, 2006, 10:30:06 PM »

I submit to you that the extra energy being picked up by the collector coils might not be a result of coupling, but the manifestation of another phenomena. Think about it...



i think he means the extra energy is coming from the ionization of the molecules in the air.
but he wont tell us because he likes to keeps things for himself.

so no offence just spitting out all i know to try and help the others here understand.

There is no offence Marco. Actually, your theory is interesting. But it would imply that the TPU would not work in the absence of air. Do you think that's the case?



Dingus Mungus

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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1490 on: October 21, 2006, 10:31:50 PM »
Hi Dave,, here's the link of that odd oscillator, that apparently is free running once started, this would be good to try  with the addition of a neg free resistor:-, from his simple version using off the shelf components:-

Anyway its a thought


Dom   ;)

Exactly what I was thinking!!!  :)

The way I understand the NRO's funtion is the voltage drops expontialy while the amperage climbs exponetialy with no losses to resistance, like a superconducting step up transformer. If any amount of any HV open source energy (static, dry pile, radiowave) could be fed in to such a circut to stablize the voltage the circut could then supply a frequency of constantly growing amplitude. If you could then use the torriod to collect, rotate, and distribute the energy, it would seem to be a viable soluion for well tuned nongrounded oscillating power.


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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1491 on: October 21, 2006, 10:45:31 PM »

I must respectfully disagree with you giantkiller: Marco does have good animated gifs, but unfortunately none represent the way the control coils should be pulsed.



dude i asked you how should it be connected ...... you never awnserd that.
like i said you like to keep things.

Sorry Marco, you are right, I never answered. First I didn't have the time to do so. Also, remember what SM said (or was it Mannix) about "monkey see monkey do". We all need to try to understand what is going on here. Finally, I had already answered it earlier when I published the toroidal winding diagram.

But to make your life easier, I suggest that you only work with one collector coil for now. The 2 others are not necessary unless you have control circuitry onboard. Also, if you drive the coils with a simple mosfet circuit, you wont create the favorable conditions. These coils must operate as part of a balanced LC circuit.




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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1492 on: October 21, 2006, 11:09:17 PM »
Ok. Let's do this again.
It's been a while since I did waste server space with eflame.
We know we need a mechanical configuration and the electrical configuration.
The parameters of both are vast.
Most of the traffic volume has been in the last 2 months with more relevant information from true building and experimenting, not theory and pictures. Congrats to those of us that have put in an honest try. But, to members of this thread that have unreleased answers, I say @#@#%# to you and the horse rode in on.
You end every post with God bless. Every day that you withhold vital information, the poor suffer and die.
What are your beliefs?
what are your beliefs?
what are your beliefs?
what are your beliefs?
@everone else
what are your beliefs?

Everyday while the experimentors slave, spend time and money, travel, buy, put together, test, win/lose,
the theorists and withholders, mentally masterbate over the control they keep(small men wanna be god):
146,000 abortions are performed worldwide daily,
10,000 innocent humans starve to death daily,
Untold millions of children goto bed hungry nightly, I was one!
Untold thousands get sold into slavery daily,
Over 1 million tons of armaments are sold monthly,
for those who read this and do not weep, then damn ya.
You think I am having fun here? I am working towards an answer like others who give a shit about the world.
It has been stated that 'we must progress to the point of knowing what this techology is or we could hurt ourselves'. Back up the truck dipshit. Let us all go to the store and buy more useless shit packaged by some 3rd world slave, payed only enough to feed one when they have a family to support. Buy your health food snack made by a cigarette company selling smokes to children in the Phillipines. So who is hurting who?

It's been 9 months since this thread opened. If this thread crosses the 1 year mark with the same results up till now then I guess it can't be done? That is one hell of an ugly thought. And I had it! A real mental scab. Tesla was such a great soul to present what he know and what is possible. If any of us go to our graves with secrets,

May God smite your lineage...



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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1493 on: October 21, 2006, 11:25:24 PM »

T-minus 100 days and counting...



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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1494 on: October 22, 2006, 01:14:57 AM »

And if SM setup the frequencies to have the worst case ineractions like is talked about Tesla above, SM would create all these mini-fireballs(KICKS) and these would HIT the collectors!

I AM NOT SAYING THIS IS ANYTHING, ONLY THAT IT IS VERY INTERESTING and should be researched............[/b]

so its a balanced hangs on the edge of destruction?
maybe i should go for a solar panel :)




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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1495 on: October 22, 2006, 01:35:22 AM »

It will be necessary to reconstruct his statements from very fragmentary notes and a long distance memory.

Parasitic oscillations, or circuits, within the main circuit were a source of danger from this cause. Points of resistance in the main circuits could result in minor oscillating circuits between terminals or between two points of resistance and these minor circuits would have a very much higher period of oscillation than the main circuit and could be set into oscillation by the main current of lower frequency.


Even when the principle oscillating circuit was adjusted for the greatest efficiency of operation by the diminution of all sources of losses the fireballs continued to occur but these were due to stray high frequency charges from random earth currents.

From these experiences it became apparent that the fireballs resulted from the interaction of two frequencies, a stray higher frequency wave imposed on the lower frequency free oscillations of the main circuit.


It is but a step, from learning how a high frequency current can explosively discharge a lower frequency current, to using the principle to design a system in which these explosions can be produced by intent."


Steven's quotes:

"The multiple frequencies traveling around the coils are of too high a frequency to provide for any motive effort. They are only a means to achieve an end. The multiple frequencies begin to feed themselves and the multiple kicks become a combined big kick." size=15pt]"
Then you can measure all kinds of things going on. You can generate all kinds of hash and multiple frequencies, and I do mean all kinds. What I measured during this process was very interesting. All these frequencies occasionally met at the same time with a much larger kick at the output."

"When I began to study the effects of multiple frequencies combined together I found out that when you deliberately strive to create the worst case scenario of frequencies you start to get some very measurable kicks. In themselves they are not much. But if you make enough of them fast sendoff, you get a collectible power spike that is more then the power available to begin with. The destructive heating caused by the eddy currents become the problem we face when we make a really large powerful coil."


What if the descriptions from Tesla above are what SM was producing, but on a lesser scale then Tesla, which would be created by the imposing of multiple frequencies in a certain way.

And what if one of the waves SM was using was actually naturally occuring like from lightning, space, or magnetism??

And if SM setup the frequencies to have the worst case ineractions like is talked about Tesla above, SM would create all these mini-fireballs(KICKS) and these would HIT the collectors!


[/quote] I THINK THAT THAT POST OF YOURS WILL BE VERY HELPFUL!Evan, sorry for the caps dont know how to splice quotes.


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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1496 on: October 22, 2006, 01:42:27 AM »
Ok. Let's do this again.
It's been a while since I did waste server space with eflame.
We know we need a mechanical configuration and the electrical configuration.
The parameters of both are vast.
Most of the traffic volume has been in the last 2 months with more relevant information from true building and experimenting, not theory and pictures. Congrats to those of us that have put in an honest try. But, to members of this thread that have unreleased answers, I say @#@#%# to you and the horse rode in on.
You end every post with God bless. Every day that you withhold vital information, the poor suffer and die.
What are your beliefs?
what are your beliefs?
what are your beliefs?
what are your beliefs?
@everone else
what are your beliefs?

Everyday while the experimentors slave, spend time and money, travel, buy, put together, test, win/lose,
the theorists and withholders, mentally masterbate over the control they keep(small men wanna be god):
146,000 abortions are performed worldwide daily,
10,000 innocent humans starve to death daily,
Untold millions of children goto bed hungry nightly, I was one!
Untold thousands get sold into slavery daily,
Over 1 million tons of armaments are sold monthly,
for those who read this and do not weep, then damn ya.
You think I am having fun here? I am working towards an answer like others who give a shit about the world.
It has been stated that 'we must progress to the point of knowing what this techology is or we could hurt ourselves'. Back up the truck dipshit. Let us all go to the store and buy more useless shit packaged by some 3rd world slave, payed only enough to feed one when they have a family to support. Buy your health food snack made by a cigarette company selling smokes to children in the Phillipines. So who is hurting who?

It's been 9 months since this thread opened. If this thread crosses the 1 year mark with the same results up till now then I guess it can't be done? That is one hell of an ugly thought. And I had it! A real mental scab. Tesla was such a great soul to present what he know and what is possible. If any of us go to our graves with secrets,

May God smite your lineage...


Hello giantkiller,

You bring up an interesting point here. Are you suggesting that God's intends to use this technology to save the world. Or that he wants it made public to relieve human suffering on this planet?

If you have any information about what God will is, please share it. But I am not convinced that he wants it public. You know why? Because it's all there, in front of everyone.

SM had already said EVERYTHING about it. The rest is inspiration. And God will gladly give it to anyone who humbly asks. And now, you have even more information because I have also given you valuable insight. If you put it all together, you'll have a TPU up and running in no time flat. Then you save the world with it.

Please don't curse men because you don't know it all. But please consider blessing God for what you already know.

Giantkiller, up to now, I have never ended a post with "God Bless". It is Jason who does it, bless be his heart! But maybe I should from now on...

God Bless (you and your lineage)!





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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1497 on: October 22, 2006, 02:49:37 AM »
Hi Guys and Gals if there are any  interested of course what us men folk are doing.

I've been puzzled by the first prototype for awhile now, I've already mentioned some things about lc circuits and i think this is where we should be heading, this is quote from Steven marks:-  very cheaply put together, theres no mass circuitry its just knowledge of the coils and how they interact with each other.

Ok i've been adding things up here, ive seen a video of borderlands science, i think there called who made Tesla's wireless power transmitter, truly unbelievable, what if sm has made the same thing but in toroidal format, that is the coil wrappings arent all tightly wound together, one set of coils is and another isnt, which im assuming, sorry for my lack of coil knowledge, if you have coils not wound completely together and have a gap, this would make the coil act as a capacitor? right, again getting back to lc tank cct.

Look at sm's first video again, please correct me if im wrong, it looks like he has 2 segments of coils on each ring, but the coils don't seem to be wound close together, i know its hard to see, but i can tell that it isnt wound tightly,in part anyway I'm referring to the white insulated bailing wire.


Dom   ;D


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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1498 on: October 22, 2006, 02:56:13 AM »
Indeed, there is an IC in the control circuit, but it is not involved in rotating the field.

What IC is that?  On what is it involved?

Fine tuning the control frequencies.

Why don't you explore this avenue as we know for sure that this is how it works. Then, when you hit on the effect, you'll have plenty of time to figure it out.

What effect is that?

Harvesting much more current from the collector than what you would expect to be there.

Magnetic resonance.

How can it be attained?

By rotating a magnetic field radially within the space of the collector coils at a rotational frequency that depends on the collector diameter.

God Bless!



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Re: The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"
« Reply #1499 on: October 22, 2006, 04:01:24 AM »

Hello giantkiller,

You bring up an interesting point here. Are you suggesting that God's intends to use this technology to save the world. Or that he wants it made public to relieve human suffering on this planet?

If you have any information about what God will is, please share it. But I am not convinced that he wants it public. You know why? Because it's all there, in front of everyone.

SM had already said EVERYTHING about it. The rest is inspiration. And God will gladly give it to anyone who humbly asks. And now, you have even more information because I have also given you valuable insight. If you put it all together, you'll have a TPU up and running in no time flat. Then you save the world with it.

Please don't curse men because you don't know it all. But please consider blessing God for what you already know.

Giantkiller, up to now, I have never ended a post with "God Bless". It is Jason who does it, bless be his heart! But maybe I should from now on...

God Bless (you and your lineage)!




@Jacob, sorry about the name slippage.

Good men can do great things when great men allow good men to flourish.
There has been one intention made throughout this thread and that is 'We want this to happen'.
Some posters here have made it known that this can be a great and wonderful thing. But like anything, it can be used for evil. That is always obvious. I don't want to be great or famous. By impacting the current world infrustructure in a positive way, poverty and sickness can chipped away at. Our free will for good or evil. Doing nothing is of no gain.
To know the mind of God is use our free will for good purposes. Works without faith is dead.

On the development side:
These little gems enable the developer to measure the distance the magnetic field is from the source and the frequency.,873057
Hint: If you need parts and want them for free, then google them, find the company and submit a request for samples. I have gotten tons of parts this way. The companies are glad to help. Previously Marco had told a spare parts dealer what he needed a ig-coil for. The guy's eyes lit up and handed over the part for free. This works alot with a good presentation. People are always willing to help for a good cause.

--giantkiller, sometimes the giant is within...