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Author Topic: Cavitation. The key to overunity?  (Read 136961 times)


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Re: Cavitation. The key to overunity?
« Reply #375 on: December 29, 2008, 06:03:00 PM »
Diode array as a source would be one of the best since all matter has ambient thermal energy, plenty of it, and the Sun sustains such energy.  One cubic meter of most matter has over one billion joules of energy. Water has twice that.  :)

If you want to know what ambient thermal energy is -->

I'm glad J.L.Naudin purchased a Geiger counter and tested the MEG, which he claims according to the scope shots produces "free energy."  Anyone who believes their "free energy" machine is producing energy from nuclear cavitation should spend the $15 and buy a Geiger counter.



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Re: Cavitation. The key to overunity?
« Reply #376 on: December 29, 2008, 06:08:44 PM »
Some of your views on transmutation need to be updated.  Walter Russell transmuted flourine in a well-known and well-documented experiment - I don't recall this producing any radiation.
Please provide the details, such as how thick was the shielding?  As far as I'm aware any verified nuclear fusion device that produces usable amounts of power also produces gamma radiation. You need to shield such radiation.

How can you produce your own thermal noise by cavitation of some medium and then collect more energy?
Thermal noise is not produced by cavitation. It's well know that it is caused by ambient thermal energy; i.e. all particles on a microscopic scale vibrate. Get a 10X magnifying glass, and with some patience you'll see Brownian motion, which is caused by ambient thermal energy. Get a cheap $40 microscope and you'll easily see Brownian motion. Just sprinkle some light particles such as powdered cumin (cooking spice) on water. The cumin will randomly jitter all over the place. This random movement is caused by ambient thermal energy that exists is all matter all the time.



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Re: Cavitation. The key to overunity?
« Reply #377 on: December 29, 2008, 07:33:20 PM »
Please provide the details, such as how thick was the shielding?  As far as I'm aware any verified nuclear fusion device that produces usable amounts of power also produces gamma radiation. You need to shield such radiation.

Thermal noise is not produced by cavitation. It's well know that it is caused by ambient thermal energy; i.e. all particles on a microscopic scale vibrate. Get a 10X magnifying glass, and with some patience you'll see Brownian motion, which is caused by ambient thermal energy. Get a cheap $40 microscope and you'll easily see Brownian motion. Just sprinkle some light particles such as powdered cumin (cooking spice) on water. The cumin will randomly jitter all over the place. This random movement is caused by ambient thermal energy that exists is all matter all the time.


Russell used no shielding.  He used a quartz tube (container) and manipulated fields of energy in such a way to bring about the transmuation from water. 

In 1927 Russell transmuted distilled H2O into significant amounts of hydrogen, or helium, or nitrogen, or fluorine - at the Westinghouse Laboratories.

In 1958-1961 Russell worked with NORAD in pulling energy from the cosmos with his dually sexed coils methodology - reported success

Google "Walter Russell" flourine transmuted for more info.

"Ambient thermal energy"?  So, what causes it?

Is there no way to use cavitation to produce this "ambient thermal energy"?


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Re: Cavitation. The key to overunity?
« Reply #378 on: December 29, 2008, 07:37:49 PM »

BUZZ so these are some links of which you refer cavitation  to be the cause
Almost missed this

 what people have posted as examples of cavitation.

The list is far from complete but thus far the theory has stood.

Cavitation of a fluid

The Pistol Shrimp

Self running free energy machine

Ultrasonic Cavitation

Propeller Cavitation

Snapping Shrimp


Codename "Shkval-Torpedo": Super-cavitation is a loop-hole in physics

Producing nuclear fusion with the help of cavitation inside a glass of water

Overunity free energy water heater from WITS

John Worrell Keely-dale pond pt1

Cavitation and Fusion


Cavitation in Microgravity (Full Movie)

The Clem Engine

Methernitha  - Cavitation of a H2 plasma to produce H2 H1 transmute.


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Re: Cavitation. The key to overunity?
« Reply #379 on: December 29, 2008, 07:43:43 PM »
Russell used no shielding.  He used a quartz tube (container) and manipulated fields of energy in such a way to bring about the transmuation from water.

Google "Walter Russell" flourine transmuted for more info.
IMO Russel was a great man who worked on a lot of things, but what you're referring to has never been verified. WikiPedia has a more unbiased point of view -->
It says his books "continues to be rejected by mainstream academia."

I firmly agree with conventional physics on this one, that any nuclear fusion that produces usable amounts of power will produce gamma radiation.

"Ambient thermal energy"?  So, what causes it?  Is there no way to use cavitation to produce this "ambient thermal energy"?
Did you go to my website?  The Universe is nothing but energy. It's always exists. The big bang. Before the big bang. So how could I answer your question. It just exists. All matter is continually vibrating. If you doubt this then get a $40 microscope and you'll easily see Brownian motion.



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Re: Cavitation. The key to overunity?
« Reply #380 on: December 29, 2008, 07:48:40 PM »
Buzz I'm sorry but I am looking for your quote [towards the beginning]

Where you specifically state certain types of cavitation can be VERY dangerous and asked us to study things similar to what Thane was doing

looking through all the unassociated [to your cavitation theory]posts makes this very hard to do

When I find it Maybe Paul will stop running around the forum with  Geiger counter sales brochure's?



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Re: Cavitation. The key to overunity?
« Reply #381 on: December 29, 2008, 07:59:33 PM »
When I find it Maybe Paul will stop running around the forum with  Geiger counter sales brochure's?
I'm not selling anything.  I took the time to find you various Geiger counters for sale at ebay.


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Re: Cavitation. The key to overunity?
« Reply #382 on: December 29, 2008, 08:10:56 PM »
I know your not selling  [didn't know they were this cheap]
Its hard for me to tell if you are poking fun at the Buzz, or if you think his theory has merit, and could be dangerous !!


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Re: Cavitation. The key to overunity?
« Reply #383 on: December 29, 2008, 08:19:35 PM »
Yes, I was also amazed they're so cheat. If I wasn't broke I'd buy one just for the fun of it. Hey, if there's a nuke attack then you could be prepared.   :)

I completely disagree with TheBuzz about his theory because I think most "free energy" machines get the energy from ambient thermal energy.  I kindly offered thebuzz a way to test his theory. He rudely replied that my test is silly!   I'm not the only person here who's turned off him. Why would he try to avoid tests that could either end or support his theory?



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Re: Cavitation. The key to overunity?
« Reply #384 on: December 29, 2008, 08:20:57 PM »
    If we cause a vacuum bubble we have basically pumped down a vacuum tube.   The absence of mass will allow alot of stuff to go on that would otherwise not be possible in the field.  Water will boil into the cavity as well as nitrogen and oxygen.  The ambient field will be cooled as the mass emitting the vibrations is going vector.  The nitrogen with no partial pressure finds itself able to convert intrinsic vibrational modes to vectored inertial gain of the mass into the void from all directions towards the center of the sphere.  The collapse of the bubble adds velocity to this nitrogen flow and any number of mass to energy conversions could insue upon collision of the atoms accelerated towards a common collision point.   Perhaps this inward implosion results in a vortice of gas as the columb charges of the atoms would rather the atoms take on a vortex flow than fuse.  Either way it is a clever way to concentrate energy stored in the form of mass into a very condensed field.


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Re: Cavitation. The key to overunity?
« Reply #385 on: December 29, 2008, 08:49:34 PM »
A few facts regarding Paul's radiation challenge and his mis-quotes attempting to smear me or distort the information I have presented:

1. The average person is exposed to 85 millirem of ionizing radiation per year. That is 1/1000 of a rem.

2. That 45 year old survey meter was not designed to detect small amounts of radiation brand new as the scale goes from 1 - 5 rem. In fact, the old joke that goes with those old civil defense meters is "If you ever had to use one and the needle moves, you are dead."

3. To expect to measure a low energy particle coming from a core wrapped in copper which shields the core in order to collect any beta and gamma radiation would be silly and becomes laughable once you expect to measure it with a 45 year old survey meter that was not designed to measure low level radiation to begin with..

4. During a Fe56 to Fe54 transmute through ferro nuclear resonance it is my understanding that Fe55 is not produced and both Fe56 and Fe54 are stable isotopes.

Perhaps Naudin should have placed a phosphorus filter near the inductor and maybe Paul should stick to building hydrogen line crystal radios or whatever it is he is doing that he claims nobody is interested in. Preferably in his own thread.

If Paul can't do his own flawed experiments with the wrong test equipment then why would I?

One other thing Paul might do is stop misquoting me.
If we look at that meter, it's not difficult for the human eye to see 0.01 units change. In 0.1 mode, that comes to 1e-3 rem per hour, which equals 8.8 rem per year. The blackground dose of natural radiation received by a US citizen is 0.3 rem per year-- reference -->

So correct me if I'm wrong, this equipment is capable of detecting background radiation that's just 29 (8.8 / 0.3) times greater. The normal background radiation level is extremely small. So if a device cannot create 29 times over background, then how's it going to produce anything useful?

It seems this equipment is fully capable of measuring the gamma radiation. With the aid of a 10X magnifying glass you could probably see the background radiation fluctuation with this equipment, no?



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Re: Cavitation. The key to overunity?
« Reply #386 on: December 30, 2008, 03:12:12 AM »
How convernient for you to  ignore the very salient point #3. Your argument appears to be as sloppy as your science.

Sorry Paul... nice try though. Why don't you save up your pennies so that someday you can afford a 45 year old survey meter in unknown condition costing $15.00 and a magnifieing glass in order to do your own flawed experiment.

Maybe if you employed a bit more integrity in your science you could afford a $15.00 surplus meter.
There was no reason to address point #3 because it *should* go without saying that the gamma rays will easily penetrate the iron core with copper windings. Even natural occurring Uranium ore would easily set off these Gieger counters.

Simple logic. In order for the Gieger counter to detect the gamma rays, the radiation would have to travel through the rock.  :)



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Re: Cavitation. The key to overunity?
« Reply #387 on: December 30, 2008, 03:27:13 AM »
You do not need a Geiger counter or anything like that.

All you need is a piece of speaker wire or "zip cord" - about 8 to 10 feet long - leave one end unconnected, and connect the other end to a battery and an electrometer (with very high impedence).

Now you may say that this can't work and if you do, then I suggest you tell that to Patrick Flanagan - I'm sure you are all familiar with him.   You can earn more about scalar fields and dielectrics in one of his emails than in any book by Bearden or Bedini.  When he was about 14 he developed a circuit that could detect missile launches - seems that any large mass in motion produce a continuous emission of waves that can be detected.  Yeah, stealth ain't all they make it out to be...  Flanagan's neurophone works by scalar waves as does our nervous system.

When you start "cavitating" and electric field, which is compressing it over and over very suddenly such as by a capacitor discharge or very large inductive field collapse, you will begin to detect what will appear to be an increased charge at the battery.  This will appear to you as charged particles, but it isn't, yet it induces a charge on the battery.   

How does this happen?  What is the mechanism for gain?

Haven't any of you been paying attention?  Compression is several orders of magnitude large than refraction - go figure - nature is preprogrammed for gain!


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Re: Cavitation. The key to overunity?
« Reply #388 on: December 30, 2008, 03:39:16 AM »
I firmly agree with conventional physics on this one, that any nuclear fusion that produces usable amounts of power will produce gamma radiation.

Did you go to my website?  The Universe is nothing but energy. It's always exists. The big bang. Before the big bang. So how could I answer your question. It just exists. All matter is continually vibrating. If you doubt this then get a $40 microscope and you'll easily see Brownian motion.


Conventional nuclear fusion is brute force.  The method of transmutation that we are discussing is finesse.

I know all matter is vibrating, but this is not a very usable form of energy, as you well know.  People are not interested in vibrating particles, diodes, or other anomalous circuits that produce minute amounts of excess energy.  It takes 20kW+ to run you car electrically, and 5kW+ for you home.  You need to look for 1000:1 gain.


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Re: Cavitation. The key to overunity?
« Reply #389 on: December 30, 2008, 03:49:19 AM »
About your wire gamma ray detector. That's not a good idea, even if it was sensitive enough, because you wouldn't know if it's picking up gamma rays, radio frequency waves, or even electrostatic fields that could be caused by just about anything.

Conventional nuclear fusion is brute force.  The method of transmutation that we are discussing is finesse.
If you can provide mathematics then scientists are willing to listen, including myself.

I know all matter is vibrating, but this is not a very usable form of energy, as you well know.  People are not interested in vibrating particles, diodes, or other anomalous circuits that produce minute amounts of excess energy.  It takes 20kW+ to run you car electrically, and 5kW+ for you home.  You need to look for 1000:1 gain.
You did not read my website. You'll see where it goes over the mathematics showing how a diode array chip is predicted to produce kilowatts.  :)