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Author Topic: 12 times more output than input, dual mechanical oscillation system !  (Read 2245142 times)


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Re: 12 times more output than input, dual mechanical oscillation system !
« Reply #4500 on: September 22, 2023, 05:20:32 PM »

Again, just so you fully understand not to go on my You Tube and post insults or what you think.

You clearly are all talk and nothing to show. I would think you fully understand this by now when I have deleted your comments in the past.

You seem like a child who can't realized you are not wanted on your foolish opinions with no credibility of building anything, yet your own ego is useless in the real world.



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Re: 12 times more output than input, dual mechanical oscillation system !
« Reply #4501 on: September 22, 2023, 05:33:25 PM »

Veljko Milković China company

Just more translations of the same garbage.
These systems are not OU


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Re: 12 times more output than input, dual mechanical oscillation system !
« Reply #4502 on: September 22, 2023, 05:51:49 PM »
By calculating the force at bottom dead center, we find that 1/36 of the total centrifugal force of oscillation is imparted twice per cycle.

The work performed by this force is given as a function of freedom of vertical translation
Over [2* (1/16)/2]T or simplified to1/8T/2 or 1/16T

T being the period of oscillation

The summation of fractions of T at one degree angular intervals
across a 20 degree span, this is 10 degrees before and after bottom dead center.
Gives the total force over distance as the bob rises and falls with respect to its’ arc

Everyone following? If not, please take a moment to review the above.

This fractionally derived work function is applied to the pumping mechanism,
given its’ efficiency, some of this work is converted to pumping power
Some is lost, and a small fraction is recycled back into momentum as the vertical
displacement of the pendulum shaft changes locations in free space.

To put that last part in terms one can comprehend, positive vertical displacement subtracts from
strain on the shaft which translates momentum along the vector of travel
(this being the instantaneous arc as the height changes)
Momentum is conserved, therefore any remaining momentum not consumed by the pump
is converted to an increase in periodicity, however, this increase is less than
the decrease in periodicity caused by the downward translation during the first half of the cycle,
by an amount precisely equal to the momentum taken in by the pump.

The work function available to the pumping system,
As well as all system losses, can be easily calculated for any given pendulum.
As a function of vertical translational freedom.

In terms of energy in and out,

The pendulum mass contains more potential energy before release
than the final quantity of water pumped by its swings.


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Re: 12 times more output than input, dual mechanical oscillation system !
« Reply #4503 on: September 22, 2023, 11:27:50 PM »

Again, just so you fully understand not to go on my You Tube and post insults or what you think.

You clearly are all talk and nothing to show. I would think you fully understand this by now when I have deleted your comments in the past.

You seem like a child who can't realized you are not wanted on your foolish opinions with no credibility of building anything, yet your own ego is useless in the real world.

That's the downside for you, I now realize...
You banned me from your subforum, so now you have to come after me to settle some imaginative score. Hilarious, actually. Getting rid of your cherry picked enemy wasn't good enough. Need to stey IINNN the pool of stenching negativity. It can be addictive to some people, they just don't feel safe within themselves without sometime to actively loathe and antegonize. Perhaps I am getting that wrong, but it's starting to look that way now.

If that's winning to you, just deleting what you don't like, I suppose congratulations are in order.

One day you will realize that I've not even began to insult you. It's like I'm sitting on a topped off armory just throwing balls of cleenex at you. And there you are, doubling down, tripling down, insulting as much as you think you can get away with before Stefan does to you what you like to do to people you disagree with...

Are you actively trying to make me show my cards? Do I seem like someone who can't do devatating damage, with my words and creative powers alone? Use your imagination if you have any, and realize that you're perhaps slightly in over your head here. When your dancing around the ring and your opponent is just brushing his beard while you're transitioning from punshes to kicks're in the wrong ring, with the wrong opponent.

You appear to be so full of negativity towards your fellow man, that you are like the dog biting the hand trying to pull it from the ice water. As long as you bathe yourself in that negativity, it will all seem to make sense and be oh so justified. So so justified. That'll teach them.

There is still a chance for you to exercise introspection and if you feel so inclined, come back on your words. Big men do that sometimes.
Are you capable of apologies? Are you even capable or facing your errors? Don't do it to try and evade my ultimate wrath, do it for your own inner development. No need to even tell me about it. But you will need to stop being unfair to me, and to anyone else for that matter. The next time you engage someone like you are engaging me, I just might take that more personally than you seeking me out here.

Psst, I'm actually a fan and want to see you succeed. You seem to want to succeed for your own greater glory and don't actually want to be helped, afraid it'll take the shine from your trophies. You think you're having it bad with me? Imagine what Stefan's dealing with being the face and admin of this movement. Your energy might be better used to fight his detractors than inventing and fighting some of your own.

I've written this more for the benefit of others than for Tommey's, and I've rarely seen him exhibit having actually taken in what I've offered. I'm happy to be corrected and refuted, it gets me further in life and I can serve other better.

Back down Tommey, this is a fume you might not want to light up, indoors nor outdoors. You've bravely jumped into a dark swamp to wrestly the little little gator you think you spotted. But he has a Zippo lighter and he knows how to stir the bottom of the swamp to make the methane really go nuts.
Let intuition take over and make you realize that you've done more than enough to express what you had to share. Is there even a tiny part of you that remembers being wrong about something, and this statistically, it just might be one of those times? What if you're really royally effing up to needlessly antagonizing this one over and over? A little ice cube in the water could actually be attached to a giant iceberg that's just about to tip over.
Be smart, not brave Tommey. You don't know whether it's legit brave or right down stupid. Take some time to let it all sink in, doesn't seem you're in the mood to make any wise decisions today...


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Re: 12 times more output than input, dual mechanical oscillation system !
« Reply #4504 on: September 22, 2023, 11:31:03 PM »
By calculating the force at bottom dead center, we find that 1/36 of the total centrifugal force of oscillation is imparted twice per cycle.

The work performed by this force is given as a function of freedom of vertical translation
Over [2* (1/16)/2]T or simplified to1/8T/2 or 1/16T

T being the period of oscillation

The summation of fractions of T at one degree angular intervals
across a 20 degree span, this is 10 degrees before and after bottom dead center.
Gives the total force over distance as the bob rises and falls with respect to its’ arc

Everyone following? If not, please take a moment to review the above.

This fractionally derived work function is applied to the pumping mechanism,
given its’ efficiency, some of this work is converted to pumping power
Some is lost, and a small fraction is recycled back into momentum as the vertical
displacement of the pendulum shaft changes locations in free space.

To put that last part in terms one can comprehend, positive vertical displacement subtracts from
strain on the shaft which translates momentum along the vector of travel
(this being the instantaneous arc as the height changes)
Momentum is conserved, therefore any remaining momentum not consumed by the pump
is converted to an increase in periodicity, however, this increase is less than
the decrease in periodicity caused by the downward translation during the first half of the cycle,
by an amount precisely equal to the momentum taken in by the pump.

The work function available to the pumping system,
As well as all system losses, can be easily calculated for any given pendulum.
As a function of vertical translational freedom.

In terms of energy in and out,

The pendulum mass contains more potential energy before release
than the final quantity of water pumped by its swings.
That was amazing!!

Thank you, I'll reference it later if I come across this theory elsewhere, and credit you.


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Re: 12 times more output than input, dual mechanical oscillation system !
« Reply #4505 on: September 26, 2023, 09:17:21 AM »
And you had a Tinselkoala on the forum, where did he go?


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Re: 12 times more output than input, dual mechanical oscillation system !
« Reply #4506 on: September 26, 2023, 03:06:42 PM »


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Re: 12 times more output than input, dual mechanical oscillation system !
« Reply #4507 on: September 26, 2023, 07:30:27 PM »
That was amazing!!

Thank you, I'll reference it later if I come across this theory elsewhere, and credit you.

The credit does not belong to me, i can confirm the mathematical areas of their work,
 BUt credit goes to the users of this forum that tried to stop this nonsense at the beginning of this,
Now the longest thread on the forum…..


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Re: 12 times more output than input, dual mechanical oscillation system !
« Reply #4508 on: September 26, 2023, 07:32:09 PM »
and also that noone has a machine that lives up to the title,
after 300 pages of discussion.


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Re: 12 times more output than input, dual mechanical oscillation system !
« Reply #4509 on: September 27, 2023, 01:18:36 PM »
A new official video by Veljko Milkovic:

Advantage of Oscillations over Rotations is Proven

The End of Anti-Thesis Cash Award after 7 Years

"I want to declare that oscillations are far more efficient than various types of rotations. A little more than seven years ago, a prize of 100,000 RSD was announced for an experimental anti-thesis. If anyone brought any rotary device and proved the anti-thesis, he would receive the cash award of 100,000 RSD. In the last year I have increased that award to all my property. And now I want to finish the competition since no one, absolutely no one, has brought any rotary device so far to confirm or question this. Thus, no more prizes. Seven years was quite enough."


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Re: 12 times more output than input, dual mechanical oscillation system !
« Reply #4510 on: September 27, 2023, 07:42:30 PM »


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Re: 12 times more output than input, dual mechanical oscillation system !
« Reply #4511 on: September 28, 2023, 11:18:29 AM »

A new beginning-Veljko Milković


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Re: 12 times more output than input, dual mechanical oscillation system !
« Reply #4513 on: October 03, 2023, 03:14:08 PM »


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Re: 12 times more output than input, dual mechanical oscillation system !
« Reply #4514 on: October 06, 2023, 10:47:32 AM »

In 2016, Veljko Milković announced in his book Energy turning point or apocalypse that he will reward with 100,000 dinars the person who succeeds in proving that rotations are more efficient than oscillations. In 2022, he raised the value of the reward to his total assets if someone manages to prove the above, but no one came forward.
With this address, Veljko Milković announces that the competition for the award is over, since no one has managed to prove the antithesis of what he claims: that oscillations are far more efficient than rotations.