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Author Topic: HHO ON DEMAND BY PERENDEV  (Read 71816 times)


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« Reply #105 on: June 17, 2008, 01:02:00 AM »
I patented the sun. I also patented the phrase 'getting wood'. I'll send the paypal link if you want to pay royalties to me. I also patented drinking with your pinky out...I know it's kind of gay, but that royalty check is what keeps me going. I love money. I hate creativity. I hate competition too. But I do like lawyers. Did I mention I had a patent on them too?


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« Reply #106 on: June 17, 2008, 01:03:00 AM »
I agree I mean what there to even patent, the use of cups, I'll give him credit that this is a cool design but the only thing different from other cells is the cups its still just electrodes in a plastic container built with off the shelf parts its not like he specially fabricated the cups. So cool design but if I want to build a few of these and sell them on ebay then I don't see why I can't.


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« Reply #107 on: June 17, 2008, 01:15:48 AM »
what is a cup?  i mean come on!!  what is a plate?  what is a box?  these are are infinite in their variations.

let's all have a lawyer circle jerk



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« Reply #108 on: June 17, 2008, 04:41:38 AM »
I have to side with Dallas on this one.

He has been very open to everyone about his design.  He hasn't minded sharing his results and design and has been very open to helping people replicate his results.  But if everyone ripping people off from the getgo, where the developer is open and shares, you are going to force people into a state where they don't want to share anymore.  The information Dallas is sharing here is important to share in forums like this because it helps to eliminate the chance that these technologies will dissappear.  But they will also disappear if we scare the innovators into a code of silence and they take the info to their graves.  It's not like he is asking all of you to not make one yourself.  He is only asking you to not steal his design to make a quick buck off of it.  Just because the concept is easily replicatable doesn't mean you aren't ripping the guy off.  You know you are ripping off his design. 

I'm all for open source, but lets not force the innovators into hidding information either.



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« Reply #109 on: June 17, 2008, 05:46:13 AM »
Kinda makes me hesitant to share my newest plate/cell set-up...


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« Reply #110 on: June 17, 2008, 09:08:42 AM »
me too.... and my new design will shake the foundations of heaven.  or it won't work.


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« Reply #111 on: June 17, 2008, 09:12:46 PM »
looks like a bad point in time to ask for info. just joined the forum myself and have become very interested in hydrogen production for home use. (my home, my use)
I do find it very puzzling how we ask for the right to own a technology from a government that will not give you the right to prosper from it.... how long has this "free energy" concept been around? How many inventers can you name that prospered and became rich? how many can you name that went silent or just went away?
the only way this concept will spread around the world is through places like this, not e-bay. They can stop you from selling stuff but they can't stop the spread of information.  The world will know who did what, or who invented what gizmo. and for the one that builds a system that everyone can duplicate and shares that with all, well, that name will forever be spoken throughout history.
I believe that in our lifetime, no one will not see such profits ($) from this idea, well, not as long as oil exists.  the best thing that can happen is for every one to keep experimenting until in the end everyone is working on the same devise, same configuration, same results... perfection.  Everyone will know where it came from.


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« Reply #112 on: June 17, 2008, 09:46:14 PM »
I think that there is a nice balance that can happen if we are show some respect to developers. I don't know if anyone will get rich on any of these ideas.  But maybe a developer could make enough to leave his day job and devote more time to development.  But if other people take their developments and don't let those developers profit a little from their ideas, then they won't have the time and funds needed to continue developing and testing.

It's not so much about getting rich as much as it is about helping the developments to keep moving forward.  And it takes money to do that.



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« Reply #113 on: June 17, 2008, 09:55:13 PM »
Bull....!!!  Not everyone has a shop set-up to make these. People living in apts., those who are mechanically disinclined, and people not interested in spending their time making one will need to have a source to buy one or six. Nothing wrong with a guy getting his dues if he's got a nifty spin on it and keeps it honest.

I'm also concerned with people not delivering what they say and giving the whole "industry" a bad rep. Outrageous, unsupported  claims, poor communications and long delivery times will kill word-of-mouth business

I, and as I'm sure many of you, am really rather unimpressed with most of whats on Ebay. It's a good bit of the reason I'm trying to build something better. Something I'd like to buy for my car. Serious experimenting in this field can quickly cost you some big bucks. I don't begrudge anyone capitalising on the opportunity to cash in for their insight and hard work. But, I do hope, that someone is me!



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« Reply #114 on: June 18, 2008, 01:25:17 AM »
I have to side with Dallas on this one.

He has been very open to everyone about his design.  He hasn't minded sharing his results and design and has been very open to helping people replicate his results.  But if everyone ripping people off from the getgo, where the developer is open and shares, you are going to force people into a state where they don't want to share anymore.  The information Dallas is sharing here is important to share in forums like this because it helps to eliminate the chance that these technologies will dissappear.  But they will also disappear if we scare the innovators into a code of silence and they take the info to their graves.  It's not like he is asking all of you to not make one yourself.  He is only asking you to not steal his design to make a quick buck off of it.  Just because the concept is easily replicatable doesn't mean you aren't ripping the guy off.  You know you are ripping off his design. 

I'm all for open source, but lets not force the innovators into hidding information either.


The government planned on closing the patent office in the early 1900's becuase everything that could have been invented...has been invented.
Information is great, action is better...Cash is king.

Let's think about patents for a second:

1. Two people come to the table with the same idea.
2. One person has more cash and lawyers
3. The probable inventor loses.

You might as well make your shit fast, make it cheap (within reason), and flood the shit out of the market. Consumerism is the past-time of the majority of Americans, and their consumerism is the definition of their acceptance. The person that sells the shit / widget / item...that is the person that is remembered...Most likely becuase he was able to dumb it down and aleviate fear and tame the mob. I don't give a shit who wins the race to a sustainable economy. I just want to be in it. If you think that inventors feel like they are being threatened...think of a random human on the street who talks to everyone he sees about this stuff trying to educate people, and of course sell them cells and get this movement moving...but someone is threatening that person with fraudelent claims of patent ripoff when one doesn't even exist...or wasn't provided in the complaint anyways.

What is the difference between the seller being harrassed and the inventor being copied? Neither of them knew the other person existed. Think about that. If a bear shits in the woods, does my mom smell it at home? Besides, it's not the point. The point is massive / broad acceptance of this technology, and proper safety and methods to apply it for consumer needs. The quicker that this technology permeates every corner till the point of even 'silent' acceptance that it works...then we aren't doing shit. So god bless the salesman, becuase though the inventor prints papers and fiddles in the lab...the salesperson is the one that gets called a 'warlock' and gets put the fire...becuase he is the face of the item.

And of course, Ideas are great, but they don't put food on your plate. ;D


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« Reply #115 on: June 18, 2008, 02:00:33 AM »
looks like a bad point in time to ask for info. just joined the forum myself and have become very interested in hydrogen production for home use. (my home, my use)
I do find it very puzzling how we ask for the right to own a technology from a government that will not give you the right to prosper from it.... how long has this "free energy" concept been around? How many inventers can you name that prospered and became rich? how many can you name that went silent or just went away?
the only way this concept will spread around the world is through places like this, not e-bay. They can stop you from selling stuff but they can't stop the spread of information.  The world will know who did what, or who invented what gizmo. and for the one that builds a system that everyone can duplicate and shares that with all, well, that name will forever be spoken throughout history.
I believe that in our lifetime, no one will not see such profits ($) from this idea, well, not as long as oil exists.  the best thing that can happen is for every one to keep experimenting until in the end everyone is working on the same devise, same configuration, same results... perfection.  Everyone will know where it came from.

I would always ask. Even when people have disagreements, it doesn't mean that they are trying to 'simply make a buck' might mean someone that is willing to devote himself and his own time to start to move these into people's hands. I will settle for a 5amp cell that I could change out for a fuel cell that has to be powered by multiple alternators. I do think it is cool when people pimp their cars, and they have to add like 4 alternators to power their stereos. Considering that there are 140amps per alt. on some of the good ones today. What if one day that these cells could be used to power steam engines. I mean, really. The only thing that this cell is good for is boiling the shit out of water with a quickness. Yes it boils that shit so fast that it defys the laws of physics and creates a gas that acts like a fucking star trek universal translator to burn temperatures. I figure that something with the power to melt tungsten at 6000 that if we don't find a physical use for this that I would have to consider civizilation retarded, and find a bunny ranch to hide out at. I have seen videos on the internet that talked about egyptians having electricity during their civilization, and then showed a working replica that made power the same way. If you think to yourself...why were the 7 great wonders of the world in existance before me? I think that alot...But I think that I am alive for the civilization created by the 8th great wonder of the world...transmutation...not like ninja turtles, like

Water>HHO>Steam>Heat/Pressure/Combustion/Water - Can't only the gods do this? We can seperate molecules with some shitty stainless steel plates that you can get at your local drugmart when you buy two spatulas and a bucket with some water and baking soda.

I gotta tell you. Being the god of your own world, and deciding where you go in this world is the best damn feeling. Today I can change something, and I should because it is the right thing to do. Please feel free to share. We all have talents to share. Inside this board and in the outside world.

I simply say this. When you see the look on someone's eyes that finally gets it, it makes you happy to be able to help someone in this selfish ass world. I would rather devote this extra time I have to this than video games, and the latest ninja gaiden looked like the shit. I had a shitty cheese job, and would rather sell fuel cells at a flea market. It is fun to be part of this, and I encourage you to contribute in any way possible. Anyone can put an idea together in their head. But you have to have a fuel cell blow up next to your face to really be there. That shit is fun. I didn't sell that cell when I pitched it. But, I did get the 'use it on a steam engine concept'...a modern steam engine. Which instead of a cell was the best information i could think of. It does make the most sense that the motor with the torque to carry a railroad should be a good enough design for a modern car...If you can pull the water into gas, then you should be able to capture the two on the opposing higher plates...maybe with 2 different Power frequencies...Yeah, that is it.

So here is my idea. Tell me what you think:

A fuel cell that simultaneously creates gas and electricity by converting the same gas to a power current. I very much understand now when stanley meyers talked about it when explaining to the military how they could power jets with 12kw + the hydrogen being produced. That kind of power can again be available. So the trick is to burn hho (but that shit is fun). It is how to convert the + and the - happy gilmore said 'go HOME'. So that is what we should be discussing. Not...Just cells. How about lets see what we can get powered.

I just wanted to let you know that I am a scam artist, and plan to steal your idea....that's all. It's what I do. What can I say? Do you know that advertisers snoop around in teen chat rooms and monitor conversations to make a profit. They are stealing your kids ideas...So get your shit going now, before your kid invents it. So, all I am trying to say is...let's sell this shit and get on with it. If it is not theoretical it is logical. Does anyone here feel like a Knight Templar, like he knew something that made them powerful. I think I know what it was. The knowledge to change.


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« Reply #116 on: June 18, 2008, 02:11:18 AM »
Bull....!!!  Not everyone has a shop set-up to make these. People living in apts., those who are mechanically disinclined, and people not interested in spending their time making one will need to have a source to buy one or six. Nothing wrong with a guy getting his dues if he's got a nifty spin on it and keeps it honest.

I'm also concerned with people not delivering what they say and giving the whole "industry" a bad rep. Outrageous, unsupported  claims, poor communications and long delivery times will kill word-of-mouth business

I, and as I'm sure many of you, am really rather unimpressed with most of whats on Ebay. It's a good bit of the reason I'm trying to build something better. Something I'd like to buy for my car. Serious experimenting in this field can quickly cost you some big bucks. I don't begrudge anyone capitalising on the opportunity to cash in for their insight and hard work. But, I do hope, that someone is me!


Here's to you winning! That will meant that someone would have gotten this shit over with. The quest for a 'perfect' cell is like the quest of the neverending constipation shit that you just can't shit out. It's all shit. Theses cells will be going through more upgrades than windows, which isn't a lot...considering all the shit that is still wrong with it. So we got some variations to work out. If you have a decent cell, let me put it on my site (same as the name). For every inventor...there is a promoter. I would like to be the Don King of fuel cells. Minus the lightning bolt afro. Mike Tyson bit a mans ear off. I wish I was that tough. Anyways I get some people at flea markets that swarm me when the see me lighting water bubbles on fire. If you want people to belive this technology. You have to shot it to them. Kind of like an on call doctor. The job is more of a service contract job that would involve monthly fees to upgrade the products and keep it up and running. The real person that will make the most money is the first purely mpg mechanic shop. I mean literally the title 'purely mpg' would stand out prety good. I took happyhydrogen, but there is a brand you might be able to use. It's got a clean tone to it. So,'s to making a quick buck!


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« Reply #117 on: June 18, 2008, 03:57:32 AM »
all i gotta say is ill drink to both sides.......cheers 8)


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« Reply #118 on: June 18, 2008, 04:41:51 AM »
I think I'll start a shop offering "mpg service" only. I think I'll call it HappyHydrogen...Of course, I won't be able to stay in business very long 'cause I won't have researched, and learned enough to offer good solutions to the customers- I'll only be a monkey copying someone else's idea and hard work without even a nod to them.


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« Reply #119 on: June 18, 2008, 03:38:10 PM »
I think I'll start a shop offering "mpg service" only. I think I'll call it HappyHydrogen...Of course, I won't be able to stay in business very long 'cause I won't have researched, and learned enough to offer good solutions to the customers- I'll only be a monkey copying someone else's idea and hard work without even a nod to them.

You stating your perception of the depth of my research without even a question to me in regards to my knowledge is unfair, and your 'monkey' copying comment is inappropriate. To create is copy is human. If you can't grasp the simple fundamentals of human behavior, and that angers you...just remember that you are not alone in that regard. I question the human behavior of hoarding information, and the human behavior of ownership. It's a strange bitter comment coming from someone using a name used in Buddist Chants (which I think promote balance). I could be wrong though. So, let's bypass the constant bickering and get to business. If you people have the ideas, and you are intelligent enough to define something solid....let's start moving this stuff. You provide proper instructions, and lets build some trust in the movement of this technology into the outer world...outside of internet videos and chat rooms. Or is it that people making comments with this tone on this board lack the perception to:

1. Take an idea
2. Create an item
3. Get it to people

Don't fault be for being a snake oil salesman. I'm just pitching snake oil that works. The people here are not the only people that can create and perfect a cell. And of course, what better enviornment then in the actual place it a engine or in use with an engine vs. pictures and diagrams. Someone earlier said that they didn't want the information to die out, and that ebay was not a suitable means (becuase they could stop people from selling it). What would be the difference if they removed topics with hho from boards? Then where is the information or the product. This is a 3 part deal:

1. Information gathering
2. Cell building / testing
3. Installation / Customer Service

If you think that it is not...then you have a surreal perception that defys the laws of business. Business is the manner in which this technology permeates the masses. Your idea without an actual physical item propogating to the masses is meaningless. I know that even the term 'sales' has a high scum level glued to it...but why does it have to. If I spend hours with a client doing tests with them, drive them around in my car with the spec sheet on it defining original miles...and then they see the real milage...calculated out in front of them...then what exactly is the premise for being a monkey who does not grasp this concept? I am not an electrical engineer, I am a tech support guy and a presenter and a tier 1 tech support person. Those are my skillsets. I simply use what I have to succeed. I assume you do no less, and hope the best for your research.

I grasp this: Proper amperage to the cell and the proper amount of electrolyte in the water create a sustainable (anywhere from 3-10 hrs) of hho production before overheating. Some people want more juice, so they might need a cooler. Wow! This technology is so ungodly complex that I can't believe anyone here got it. I mean this is real einstein shit, right? So my spatula cell isn't cool enough? I'm going to patent that. The spatula cell...yeah. Then I won't let other people sell that, and that will make this movement go even faster. I sell cells. I get them installed. If that is a job of a greesebal salesman / be it. I will continue to be the most decent greeseball salesperson that I can, who is compasionate to people trying to grasp the fundamentals of this technology, and recieve the benefits of it. All the research in the world is shit if it is not used. Let's simply use it, and use it properly. Do you think I don't know how to measure amperage, or install a pwm circuit on a cell to keep the boil down. Try to ask someone a question to assess their knowledge...rather than purport that you are the definer of people's intelligence. That would be more in line with knowledge gathering.