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Author Topic: New invention of motion less generation of electric power  (Read 351750 times)


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Re: New invention of motion less generation of electric power
« Reply #165 on: September 11, 2009, 03:29:23 PM »
Forest - That's exactly what I envision with an electricity siphon.  Unlike Ali, I can't claim I've had any success actually building one.  I figure we live in a world full of electrons and conductive material - if a positive charge can be maintained at low or no power then electrons will be pulled in from the ground.  Of course they will simply rebalance the charge and stop the process, unless of course you can divert them (using switching technology?) to the load right before they reach ground 0 (the positive charge). 

It would seem that capacitors and switches would be the primary tools for such a 'siphon'.  I've had no success in real experimentation, but I also don't have background or tools associated with the sophisticated switching technology Ali claims to have. 

My own 'mental experiment' would indicate that it is possible to achieve OU, COP>1, using such a technique.  But 'mental experiments' are fairly meaningless in the real world unless you're a Jedi Knight.  If it's so simple in my head, why hasn't anyone succeeded?  Someone on this board commented that we tend to get stuck on ideas because of their inherent beauty regardless of whether the beautiful idea is actually true.  The logical part of me thinks this is just a fantasy.  The dreamer in me watches each new 'breakthrough' in OU truly wanting to believe it's real.  Especially when someone uses my magic buzzword of 'electricity siphon'. 

Ali - I'm anxiously awaiting further news/verification with regard to your motionless power generator ('The Ali Siphon').  I would love to test a unit personally.  If it's real, I am in a position to help you get millions of these units produced and distributed globally.


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Re: New invention of motion less generation of electric power
« Reply #166 on: September 11, 2009, 03:32:50 PM »
Forest - That's exactly what I envision with an electricity siphon.  Unlike Ali, I can't claim I've had any success actually building one.  I figure we live in a world full of electrons and conductive material - if a positive charge can be maintained at low or no power then electrons will be pulled in from the ground.  Of course they will simply rebalance the charge and stop the process, unless of course you can divert them (using switching technology?) to the load right before they reach ground 0 (the positive charge). 

It would seem that capacitors and switches would be the primary tools for such a 'siphon'.  I've had no success in real experimentation, but I also don't have background or tools associated with the sophisticated switching technology Ali claims to have. 

My own 'mental experiment' would indicate that it is possible to achieve OU, COP>1, using such a technique.  But 'mental experiments' are fairly meaningless in the real world unless you're a Jedi Knight.  If it's so simple in my head, why hasn't anyone succeeded?  Someone on this board commented that we tend to get stuck on ideas because of their inherent beauty regardless of whether the beautiful idea is actually true.  The logical part of me thinks this is just a fantasy.  The dreamer in me watches each new 'breakthrough' in OU truly wanting to believe it's real.  Especially when someone uses my magic buzzword of 'electricity siphon'. 

Ali - I'm anxiously awaiting further news/verification with regard to your motionless power generator ('The Ali Siphon').  I would love to test a unit personally.  If it's real, I am in a position to help you get millions of these units produced and distributed globally.

Nikola tesla and many others failed at this point i'm afraid.

At least this guy is open about it..from what i have studied voltage is alot faster then current and if you switch quickly it draws power from zpe/ambient.

I think it is best if ali went for the overunity prize for some money this sort of stuff has to be open source i'm afraid.

What i would do is get a 30 volt battery and measure the amps and then run a motor that requires more wattage and then measure the horsepower.


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Re: New invention of motion less generation of electric power
« Reply #167 on: September 11, 2009, 03:37:27 PM »
Aware of that.  Call it insanity, but I can't seem to let go of the concept. 

You would think we now have one hell of an advantage over Tela as he was limited to 19th and 20th century tools.....


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Re: New invention of motion less generation of electric power
« Reply #168 on: September 11, 2009, 03:45:34 PM »
I've got to tell you that if I actually had an OU device, I'm not sure I would even attempt for the prize money as the $10k is nothing compared to the commercial potential.  I'm also not sure winning the OU prize from is going to give Ali any real street credibility with venture capitalists, angel investors, or existing corps that would purchase the technology outright.  I know Ali has indicated that financial gain is not his goal, and that's admirable - however at some point substantial capital must be put into this if millions/billions of units are to be produced (assuming we actually have an OU device).

I would proceed with validation amongst this community, then proceed to raise substantial capital (you've got to have the contacts).


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Re: New invention of motion less generation of electric power
« Reply #169 on: September 11, 2009, 03:46:49 PM »
Ali does this circuit go below room temperature because that is a blatant sign it is tapping zero point energy?


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Re: New invention of motion less generation of electric power
« Reply #170 on: September 11, 2009, 04:25:43 PM »

you are right, all the sciences are same if some thing happening in physical world say we through a ball on the wall it will back fall.
this is also happening in molecular /atomic world but we can't see it ,mankind blessed with wisdom and vision developed sensor to see those activities
like wise siphon is possible , like my device
mechanical advantage (chain pulley system) like i created extended back time UPS using hysteresis curve as an advantage and switch the system only at right times

Tesla is my mentor a genuine thinker
we need to think out off box , if you can explain electricity mechanically you can treat it like that , just think

one thing more i have developed many more things, coz you are a genuine thinker i can give you a a clue i have developed a machine that works with 2 dimensional forces X and Y and your result is Z
the Y force is gravity going towards earth
the X force is earth magnetic force around the earth
use it together and you will be able to wonders

i am not saying i am perfect but trying to do things, if any forum member is looking to develop something i can do that for him as a project


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Re: New invention of motion less generation of electric power
« Reply #171 on: September 11, 2009, 05:11:31 PM »

i am not saying i am perfect but trying to do things, if any forum member is looking to develop something i can do that for him as a project
I don't want to be rude, but aren't we trying to participate in your Genie project already?
It seems that you keep the doors shut on that one.
You are perfectly entitled to do that, but why are you now challenging forum member to do projects with you?


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Re: New invention of motion less generation of electric power
« Reply #172 on: September 11, 2009, 05:13:17 PM »
Hi Ali,
can you please let us know, how many capacitors you are using
in your switching circuit ?

Are you only using these visible 3 big caps or do you also have smaller
caps that you use to switch back and forth for the principle to work ?

Are there really no coils at all also no chokes inside your circuit ?

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.


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Re: New invention of motion less generation of electric power
« Reply #173 on: September 11, 2009, 06:58:00 PM »
  Going to take a logical leap from your clue:
Since gravity (X) is moving in one direction, and the earth's magnetic field is moving in another direction (Y), the sum X+Y is Z.

If I use a purely mechanical analogy, a ball thrown in a vaccum is moving horizontally at 5 m/s (electrical energy) and accelerating towards the ground at 9.8 m/s^2 (gravity).  Utilizing only the electical potential energy  (horizontal movement) would limit us to collecting the energy of decelerating the ball by 5 m/s * mass of the ball.  The real total potential energy of the moving ball is both the horizontal deceleration potential, and the ball's height from earth * 9.8.

Are you implying that in typical circuits, we only collect the kinetic energy of moving electrons (horizontal movement) without collecting the potential energy of the electrons gravitational pull towards the earth?

If that's the case, it can't be very much energy we're missing out on.  I can't recite the math accurately, but in high school physics we did some calculations showing the relative weightings of electrostatic vs gravitational forces inside an atom, and with various electrostatic reactions.  Gravity was always a negligible force in comparison with electrostatic forces.  That's why it's often referred to as the weakest of the three forces, and not really taken into account.

Even if you harnessed the entire gravitational potential of the electrons passing through your genie - I would not expect to get measurable OU as you have demonstrated.

Can you please elaborate?


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Re: New invention of motion less generation of electric power
« Reply #174 on: September 11, 2009, 10:28:18 PM »
Hi All,
just had a Skype call with Ali and the Genie circuit is really
much more complicated than I thought.

He is using a DSP for the processing and makes several
computations between taking samples from the input dimmer output.
So it is all pretty complicated and he will soon make a new
video and explain more and I will let him explain it.
I also had a bad WLAN connection, cause I am not at home right now and only
understood each 2nd word only.

So I hope Ali will soon share more knowledge of his device.
He also has 2 more interesting devices and I will let give him
the honour to introduce them.

Many thanks again to Ali and I am looking forward to see his
groundbraking devices.

Regards, Stefan.


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Re: New invention of motion less generation of electric power
« Reply #175 on: September 13, 2009, 03:34:51 PM »
Regarding your DC implementation:
You indicated that a normal DC to AC converter can't be used because a neutral from a grid is needed.
When I look into normal DC to AC conterters they indeed use a output transformer.
But can't you just connect one of the secondair connections to the primary connection that usually is connected to a neutral grid line?
See attached example circuit indicating my suggestion by the red connection at the transformer.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2009, 08:35:28 PM by teslaalset »


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Re: New invention of motion less generation of electric power
« Reply #176 on: September 15, 2009, 05:00:26 AM »
@ teslaalset
You can make the connection as you show with your circuit, but it may not work with all inverter units (circuits), as some may have extra feedback circuitry that already violates the transformer isolation, as your addition would do. Most modern inverters would use MOSFETs and PWM circuitry to better approximate a true sine wave output, and feedback helps maintain a proper sine shape under varying load conditions.  While most of the better inverters would retain true isolation, even with feedback, you can't assume they all do.  Your idea is good, but you should know or check your specific inverter circuit before proceding.


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Re: New invention of motion less generation of electric power
« Reply #177 on: September 15, 2009, 09:09:59 AM »
@ teslaalset
You can make the connection as you show with your circuit, but it may not work with all inverter units (circuits), as some may have extra feedback circuitry that already violates the transformer isolation, as your addition would do. Most modern inverters would use MOSFETs and PWM circuitry to better approximate a true sine wave output, and feedback helps maintain a proper sine shape under varying load conditions.  While most of the better inverters would retain true isolation, even with feedback, you can't assume they all do.  Your idea is good, but you should know or check your specific inverter circuit before proceding.

Absolutely correct.
I think Ali is knowledgeable enough to understand all this.
Thanks for pointing out though.


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Re: New invention of motion less generation of electric power
« Reply #178 on: September 16, 2009, 09:13:00 PM »
Seems like Elvis has left the building.
Anyone had any contacts with Ali last few days?


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Re: New invention of motion less generation of electric power
« Reply #179 on: September 16, 2009, 09:36:47 PM »
Ali responded to a PM this weekend so he's still around.