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Author Topic: The Aether versus General Relativity  (Read 7945 times)


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Re: The Aether versus General Relativity
« Reply #15 on: October 06, 2021, 08:59:28 PM »


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Re: The Aether versus General Relativity
« Reply #16 on: October 06, 2021, 09:17:09 PM »


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Re: The Aether versus General Relativity
« Reply #17 on: October 07, 2021, 11:18:10 AM »
I am not and never have been comfortable with Einsteinian gravity explanations. The very phrase
"space time" doesn't sit well with me at all, curved space,  other language as well.

What ever.

Ether, Aether are not complete or well developed theories either ?

Quantization and a couple of hundred "particles" later and we have considerable
predictability in some areas.  Einstein said "God doesn't play with dice", but probabilities
are the best we have come up with in most of this arena.

I don't know that it should all be called a mess.  Maybe a well organized mess ?


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Re: The Aether versus General Relativity
« Reply #18 on: October 07, 2021, 01:26:53 PM »
We are not served best by separating the two theories
But rather by combining them.

For it is in fact - the properties aether which defines the value of c

5th dimensional mathematics


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Re: The Aether versus General Relativity
« Reply #19 on: October 07, 2021, 08:29:12 PM »
We are not served best by separating the two theories
But rather by combining them.

I would agree, as both are an attempt to describe the same thing from a different perspective.

The problem revolves around the fact that dark energy/matter, GR and the Aether theories attempt to describe something invisible to us we cannot measure. We can measure the effects but we cannot measure the thing producing the effects as is often the case. To be more precise we can measure the effects of the Primary Fields (Electric, Magnetic, Gravic) and Inertia but we still do not know what they are.

Most problems also revolve around inner and outer space where what happens on very small or large scales continues to elude us. The simple answer is we still don't know and what we do know tends to contradict itself on many levels.

For it is in fact - the properties aether which defines the value of c

Therein lies the problem and it depends on our perspective. Does the Aether really define the speed of light or is it ...
1)A property of the particle(s).
2)A property of the fields of the particle(s).
3)An interaction between the particle(s) fields and external fields.
4)A complex interaction relating to the particle(s), it's fields and any external fields.
5)An even more complex interaction relating to few of the above and something we have yet to understand such as a new field.

This quote comes to mind...
“What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know. It's what we know for sure that just ain't so.” ― Mark Twain

In my opinion the supposed limitation on velocity we equate with the speed of light is simply a lack of understanding. It's very similar to the mistakes made when some theorized that man cannot fly through the air, break the sound barrier or fly through space to the moon.

For example, I see no limitation on any velocity and it has little to do with the speed of light. The only limitation on velocity relates to the energy required to increase the velocity of something and this energy is solely dependent on a property of mass we call inertia. As such the only real limitation is a lack of understanding relating to what inertia is on the most fundamental level. How do we know there is a limit when most don't even understand the thing called inertia which is supposedly causing the limit?.

In my opinion the breakdown in reasoning seems to revolve around the "properties" of something.
Property: a quality or trait belonging and especially peculiar to an individual or thing.

From my experience when someone calls something a "property" they actually mean they don't fully understand it. My reasoning for this is because if they actually understood it they would describe what it is and why it acts like it does versus simply labelling it and generalizing everything.

On a side note, it has been claimed that we cannot understand most advanced beings or intelligences because they do not generalize everything like we do. As we know, the less a person understands the more they generalize everything using bulk terminology. So we could presume an advanced intelligence would not generalize anything and describe it as it exists in reality. For example when they launched the Voyager deep space probe they used symbols on the golden record. They used symbols to depict the thing they were trying to describe because it's a universal language. Therefore we could conclude that the greater the intelligence the less generalization used and the more accurate and precise the description of things. Thus a truly advance race would probably use symbols and concepts to describe what they mean versus generalizations and often meaningless terms.



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Re: The Aether versus General Relativity
« Reply #20 on: October 08, 2021, 04:13:16 AM »
I’m sorry Jerry.
That is possibly the saddest story i have heard.

How possibly could the thought to take the box have escaped you?


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Re: The Aether versus General Relativity
« Reply #21 on: October 08, 2021, 09:06:08 AM »
                                                StOrY tImE

I wont give all the details (location) because I don't want to open a door that might bring
undesirable stuff.

Approximately  5 years ago, while standing on my front porch, a couple of hours after sunset.

A long way off, maybe 40 miles distant. Through a minor mountain pass and beyond
the next larger, though still of a moderate size, mountain range.  A mother craft. Large, it had
to have been, to be visible at that kind of distance. Some where between cigar and blimp shape,
stationary and pulsating from dimly luminous to a moderately brighter luminosity.  Slow even,
rhythmic pulses, not flashes, fading to dimmer then to brighter. Perhaps between 1 and 2 seconds
per cycle.  It seemed almost organic.

I watched for maybe two or three minutes before the next thing began to happen.  Not far from
the tip, the north end of the craft, a second much smaller craft appeared, pulsating in sync with
the larger craft.  The smaller craft almost disappeared from sight when it dimmed and as it
moved slowly north of the mother ship. 

When next, the ships or crafts, pulsed more brightly, a second light or craft had emerged from the
mother ship.  So on it went until 5 of the small craft had emerged from the larger ship. Perfectly
spaced, all pulsing in sink. One craft emerging at a time, each during the dim phase of the pulsing.
It was like ballet.

To give some scale as to the size of the smaller craft in relationship to the mother ship, The smaller
ships were very much smaller than the large one.  The evenly spaced string of small craft were
all together only perhaps one twentieth the length of the mother ship.  The mother ship
must have been I think, quite large.  Like, way bigger than a modern, ship of the sea, aircraft

The five smaller craft continued to move in a northward direction until they were about
three time the length of the mother ship north.  Then they stopped, pulsed several times
more, until they were fired upon from the ground's surface. The surface being, below
the line of my sight / behind the mountain ridge.

Some kind of lasers or maybe particle beam / lasers ?  It was visible from my side view of it.
White in color, non diverging beams, and from two distinct points of origin below.  They fired
only upon the 5 smaller crafts. 

The smaller ships dodged the beams !  The shots fired were in rapid succession. There
were perhaps a dozen shots fired.  Then all of the ships just vanished. Done, all over.

Yes it was over a military base.  Was it just a light show, all just holographs, the military
practicing  psych techniques ?   I don't know, but I know, I saw it.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2021, 03:35:25 PM by Floor »


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Re: The Aether versus General Relativity
« Reply #22 on: October 08, 2021, 07:01:38 PM »
Yes it was over a military base.  Was it just a light show, all just holographs, the military
practicing  psych techniques ?   I don't know, but I know, I saw it.

The majority of rural people I know have all seen these craft and they tend to be more active in less populated areas.

Your story is pretty common, more so the denial thinking it could be holographs or psych techniques. You, I and most all my rural friends know what we saw, there is no denying it and yet the peer pressure from others remains. It's kind of strange isn't it, we all want proof to justify our reality then when we finally get it we try to deny it.

To be honest I don't think much of this advanced technology anymore and consider it normal. Is it so hard to believe there are people or beings much more intelligent and advanced than we are?. Most people try to deny advanced intelligence and don't even like to talk about it because it makes them feel afraid. However I tend to embrace it because it inspires me to do more and do better. It begs the question, do we want to live in fear or evolve and move forward?.

Our governments will never disclose the truth about UFO's because they cannot in my opinion. Imagine an ancient advanced race of beings telling mankind the majority of all our beliefs are not true. How do you think most of mankind would respond given what we see in the daily news?. It's a joke because we know most of mankind would rather declare war on said beings before they ever admitted they could be wrong about anything. It's a losing proposition any way we look at it...

However as I implied, just because the rest of the world chooses to remain in the dark ages does not mean we have to. Most of the successful free energy inventors I know sold there technology which is slowly being integrated into our society. They chose this path rather than disclosing it and being threatened or killed by angry mobs of psychotic people. We know this is true and there are mobs of psychotic people harassing and killing others simply because they chose to wear a mask in the middle of a pandemic. Now imagine what they would do to us if we threatened there beliefs...



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Re: The Aether versus General Relativity
« Reply #23 on: October 08, 2021, 09:36:54 PM »
We could go a little further on this point and break it down...
Our governments will never disclose the truth about UFO's because they cannot in my opinion. Imagine an ancient advanced race of beings telling mankind the majority of all our beliefs are not true. How do you think most of mankind would respond given what we see in the daily news?. It's a joke because we know most of mankind would rather declare war on said beings before they ever admitted they could be wrong about anything. It's a losing proposition any way we look at it...

Now imagine a large craft the size of a small town appears over one of our larger cities in broad daylight. The following scenarios could happen...

1)Like most primitive cultures we tend to shoot first and ask questions later when confronted with the unknown. In fact many countries are psychotic about guns and shooting stuff. However if this were to happen the result is debatable and it would be a mistake to assume they would become hostile in kind. Remember these are advanced beings and not primitive like us ergo the rational response would be to leave. I mean if we confront a bear and it threatens us we don't kill all the bears. We understand the bear is primitive, basically child like so we give it some room and leave the area. I suspect the same scenario would happen with us and this notion of our primitive behavior invoking a primitive response is kind of absurd.

2)We attempt to communicate and share knowledge. This is also problematic because we are primitive and tend to weaponize technology. Were infatuated with weapons and guns because were afraid. We also believe in all kinds of imaginary or magical things which have no basis in reality. So what happens when primitive people are told what they believe is not true?... point 1. We know what happens and it's starts with disagreement, then hostility and often ends in violence.

3)The most likely response is panic and mayhem. When confronted with a stressful situation and unknows 90% of people panic and start screaming or go into shock. Oh we all think we have it under control, then something happens and everyone loses there shit. We have all seen it and it's pointless to even try to deny it. Personally, I have seen more large grown men turn white, panic and even start crying than I care to admit. So this notion that were all responsible adults and act as such is simply an urban myth. If were going to have a rational conversation on what would actually happen in reality then we need to start being honest with ourselves.

Personally I see no good outcome if the contact scenario were to happen for all the reasons above. I understand we all think very highly of ourselves and our beliefs but it's not reflected in reality by our actions. Try throwing a firecracker into a crowd and see what happens. Rather than question what the sound actually was, where it came from or the correct response it always turns into a cattle stampede. Unfortunately that is the reality we live in and we can see it play out in the news every day. I think we have all the proof we need as to what would happen in reality...



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Re: The Aether versus General Relativity
« Reply #24 on: October 09, 2021, 01:47:12 AM »
Little off topic, but i also saw one. In the mid 90’s,
small backwoods town in Ga.
Classic ‘flying saucer’ type, about 300-ft in diameter.
We were underneath it, as it hovered 160-180ft in the air.
(just above the trees which were ~130ft tall)

Larger than the cul de sac it hovered over.
Silent, slow drifting, as it crept away out of sight


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Re: The Aether versus General Relativity
« Reply #25 on: October 09, 2021, 01:53:42 AM »
Your story is pretty common, more so the denial thinking it could be holographs or psych techniques. You, I and most all my rural friends know what we saw, there is no denying it and yet the peer pressure from others remains. It's kind of strange isn't it, we all want proof to justify our reality then when we finally get it we try to deny it.

Uh, I'm not denying anything.


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Re: The Aether versus General Relativity
« Reply #26 on: October 09, 2021, 02:39:58 AM »
Little off topic, but i also saw one. In the mid 90’s,
small backwoods town in Ga.
Classic ‘flying saucer’ type, about 300-ft in diameter.
We were underneath it, as it hovered 160-180ft in the air.
(just above the trees which were ~130ft tall)

Larger than the cul de sac it hovered over.
Silent, slow drifting, as it crept away out of sight

It doesn't surprise me and the more we start talking with other people the more people usually come forward. I suspect that 80% of the people I know from where I grew up have seen a UFO. They just don't feel like talking about it unless it comes up in a conversation they feel comfortable in.
