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Author Topic: Vaccinations; recent developments  (Read 498506 times)


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Re: Vaccinations; recent developments
« Reply #945 on: February 04, 2015, 06:25:51 AM »

No, it sounds a little too weird.

Maybe it's only half as scary if you try to research and find out the lower-caps truth. The secret import of 'illegal' children sounds pretty much like the usual scaremongering truther/birther bullshit the mentally slow are fed by the Koch brothers and their drones. Tea-Party material to fvck the poor and uneducated just a little bit more.

I am a member of the tea party and you are very misinformed if you believe what you just posted.  All the tea party is, is a group of like minded people that are Taxed Enough Already.  That's it.  There is no leader, no political party...just named after the Boston Tea party which was about being taxed too much.  The media makes up all kinds of stuff which evidently you buy into, the truth is much more simple.  Birther bullshit?  Really?  Obama surrendered his citizenship when he became a citizen of Indonesia so he could attend school there.  Non-citizens can not attend school and they do not allow dual citizenship.  Then he came to the US and went to college on foreign student scholarships which is why all of his records are sealed, along with his grades and his college papers.  His SSN belongs to a dead man.  Obama claimed they ran out of numbers and had to re-issue the one he has.  The SSA says they have never, ever, re-issued a SSN...ever.

So, nothing to see here, it is just all sealed for the heck of it...move along and ignore this.



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Re: Vaccinations; recent developments
« Reply #946 on: February 04, 2015, 06:33:57 AM »
Now, the repubs are the bad guys because they are questioning his power to
order parents to have their children vaccinated.  A lot of parents do not want
to do this due, mostly to the unsubstantiated rumors of a tie between
vaccinations and autism.  So, to me, the answer is to give the parents the
choice, and educate them on the risks and benefits using real math from real
studies. (Like the numbers you have been using)
They are also talking about mandatory vaccinations in Canada however I cannot see it working. The thing to remember is that if I get my children vaccinated and something happens then as their legal guardian I am responsible for them. If the government mandates it and something happens then they are liable and I sue there ass into oblivion. Liability is the difference between choosing to do something and being forced to do something by someone else. As well if I recal some legal aid groups wrote up documents which care givers were requested to sign prior to being vaccinated making them accept sole responsibility ie. liability should something happen. Of course nobody in their right mind would sign it as everyone seems to have an strong opinion just absolutely no conviction to ever be held accountable for their opinion. It is comical how so many extremists talk of mandatory vaccinations, I would say sure you just sign this little piece of paper saying you will accept sole responsibility for the result and put everything you own on the line and I will consider it, LOL.

Which is odd in itself that those who claim to know all the facts without any doubt would never ever accept any responsibility for there claim. As if to say I am a responsible adult and believe in democracy but you my friend must do what I believe and not blame me if something ever happens. Hypocrites one and all and I consider them as being on the same level as used car salesmen.


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Re: Vaccinations; recent developments
« Reply #947 on: February 04, 2015, 06:44:06 AM »

This is turning a blind eye and blaming immigrants for illness when they forget that Nikola Tesla was an immigrant! Albert Einstein was an immigrant! Most of the education that America has ever had was from immigrants...even barrack Obama, that guy is an immigrant.

Why do we have to blame others when the simple fact is to teach people how to AVOID viruses in the FIRST PLACE!

The kids are not to blame, the GOVERMENT IS since they are there to take care of the people.

This is just going to BURST in to blaming “immigrants” while like I said, we have AC due to an immigrant named Nikola Tesla, we have some crazy ideas that may have prevented a nuclear war from Albert Einstein. Those to are PREDOMINANT intelligence in the USA while being immigrants!

Did they even get vaccinated while young?

Was it worth for them to immigrate to America to teach knowledge?

Stop blaming people. MOST PEOPLE WILL DIE FROM A MOSQUITO BITE IN THE USA more than from another virus.

Most people will die from DEERS than from a virus.

Most people will die from diabetes than from a virus.

Most people will die from cancer than from a virus.

Lets not get people paranoid! Lets be real!

Most people die from mosquito bites, deers, cancer, stupidity (jack ass), drugs (addiction) obesity (many studies have been done where it is 100% sure half of your life will be taken if you are obese)...

And then people worry about imaginary stuff! A break out is the least of your worries in the USA. You need to worry more about not clogging up your blood vessels. I'm talking to you fat people. :)


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Re: Vaccinations; recent developments
« Reply #948 on: February 04, 2015, 06:47:31 AM »


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Re: Vaccinations; recent developments
« Reply #949 on: February 04, 2015, 06:49:36 AM »
This is turning a blind eye and blaming immigrants for illness when they forget that Nikola Tesla was an immigrant! Albert Einstein was an immigrant! Most of the education that America has ever had was from immigrants...even barrack Obama, that guy is an immigrant.

Why do we have to blame others when the simple fact is to teach people how to AVOID viruses in the FIRST PLACE!

The kids are not to blame, the GOVERMENT IS since they are there to take care of the people.

This is just going to BURST in to blaming “immigrants” while like I said, we have AC due to an immigrant named Nikola Tesla, we have some crazy ideas that may have prevented a nuclear war from Albert Einstein. Those to are PREDOMINANT intelligence in the USA while being immigrants!

Did they even get vaccinated while young?

Was it worth for them to immigrate to America to teach knowledge?

Stop blaming people. MOST PEOPLE WILL DIE FROM A MOSQUITO BITE IN THE USA more than from another virus.

Most people will die from DEERS than from a virus.

Most people will die from diabetes than from a virus.

Most people will die from cancer than from a virus.

Lets not get people paranoid! Lets be real!

Most people die from mosquito bites, deers, cancer, stupidity (jack ass), drugs (addiction) obesity (many studies have been done where it is 100% sure half of your life will be taken if you are obese)...

And then people worry about imaginary stuff! A break out is the least of your worries in the USA. You need to worry more about not clogging up your blood vessels. I'm talking to you fat people. :)

You left out the word...illegal.  It is illegal immigrants that are not vaccinated and come here with out being checked out for illness.  All of those others you mentioned (except obama) came here legally and were held on Ellis Island to make sure they were not sick.  This was done to protect the citizens of our country, and it worked.  Now we have an illegal immigrant allowing millions of other illegal immigrants in with no checks at all.  And the experts wonder why previously eradicated illnesses are on the rise?



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Re: Vaccinations; recent developments
« Reply #950 on: February 04, 2015, 07:08:08 AM »
You left out the word...illegal.  It is illegal immigrants that are not vaccinated and come here with out being checked out for illness.  All of those others you mentioned (except obama) came here legally and were held on Ellis Island to make sure they were not sick.  This was done to protect the citizens of our country, and it worked.  Now we have an illegal immigrant allowing millions of other illegal immigrants in with no checks at all.  And the experts wonder why previously eradicated illnesses are on the rise?

All the facts I mentioned just went over your head sir. What does this mean?

You are struggling in life.

You struggle for money!

Your only option is to just blame everyone else!

What do you do for a living sir, with all due respect?

How are you helping the economy, with all due respect?

Do you believe that believing in ignorance is going to help your disabilities? I know they wont!

You sir have no mental power.

You are just not capable to be an engineer sir. That is not a bad thing, but your words are not that important as to someone who knows what they are really talking about.

Please answer since I'm doing some scientific studies for the greater good.


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Re: Vaccinations; recent developments
« Reply #951 on: February 04, 2015, 07:24:07 AM »
All the facts I mentioned just went over your head sir. What does this mean?

You are struggling in life.

You struggle for money!

Your only option is to just blame everyone else!

What do you do for a living sir, with all due respect?

How are you helping the economy, with all due respect?

Do you believe that believing in ignorance is going to help your disabilities? I know they wont!

You sir have no mental power.

You are just not capable to be an engineer sir. That is not a bad thing, but your words are not that important as to someone who knows what they are really talking about.

Please answer since I'm doing some scientific studies for the greater good.

So, is this your twisted way of saying that there is no difference between legal and illegal immigrants?  OK then.  Now I know where you stand.  (I am not surprised)

I am not capable of engineering?  Gee, I will have to alert all of my former customers like NASA, Boeing, Bell Labs, MIT, Princeton University, DARPA, General Dynamics, Naval Research, Lawrence Livermore Labs, ATT, ITT, Knolls Atomic Labs, Disney Imagineers and many others that the parts we made for them can't be any good because you said I am too stupid to design them.  I am sure they will all want a refund.

The day you do a real scientific study is the day monkeys fly out of my ass.



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Re: Vaccinations; recent developments
« Reply #952 on: February 04, 2015, 07:26:08 AM »
Liability is the difference between choosing to do something and being forced to do something by someone else.
No, liability is failure to meet your legal obligation to act.  So lets say your child dies of GBS from a government mandated vaccine.  They are not liable until you prove that they failed to meet a legal obligation.  For example adequate safety testing could be used.  If it could be shown that the government was negligent in this then that would constitute a failure to act.  However just because something bad happens does not necessitate a liability.

It is comical how so many extremists talk of mandatory vaccinations, I would say sure you just sign this little piece of paper saying you will accept sole responsibility for the result and put everything you own on the line and I will consider it,
One good reason I wouldn't sign such a thing is simply due to the vagaries of the legal system.  While I might have high-confidence in the safety and efficacy of vaccines.  I don't have anywhere near as much confidence in juries and judges.  I mean take you for example. :)  If juries were peopled by someone like yourself who has many strong beliefs based on weak evidence.  I'm not very confident that you would be able to make a correct judgement. :)


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Re: Vaccinations; recent developments
« Reply #953 on: February 04, 2015, 07:42:12 AM »
So, is this your twisted way of saying that there is no difference between legal and illegal immigrants?  OK then.  Now I know where you stand.  (I am not surprised)

I am not capable of engineering?  Gee, I will have to alert all of my former customers like NASA, Boeing, Bell Labs, MIT, Princeton University, DARPA, General Dynamics, Naval Research, Lawrence Livermore Labs, ATT, ITT, Knolls Atomic Labs, Disney Imagineers and many others that the parts we made for them can't be any good because you said I am too stupid to design them.  I am sure they will all want a refund.

The day you do a real scientific study is the day monkeys fly out of my ass.

If you are/where an engineer I'm surprised how you can't see the REALITY of virus dangers.
-the mosquito is the deadliest animal in the USA.
-the deer comes close to second or third.
-followed by obesity and cancers.
-at the bottom of death is sexually transmitted deceases.
-way at the bottom is DEATH from immigrants.

So I ask myself, why are you not able to see facts! As we we get rid of ALL immigrants, for some miracle way, the mosquito bites will become less deadlier. Now think about it. You are blaming someone else for deaths due to ignorance.
As a SMART engineer, how do you get rid of mosquitoes?
As an engineer, why are you so scared about immigrants when we have more than 50% people dying from obesity than the viruses that vaccines are trying to prevent?
I appreciate your knowledge you did, but I find it amazing you fail to be more scared about not being vaccinated than a mosquito bite.
Even if a person has had a all vaccinations, they are at higher risk to die from a deer getting in your way while you are driving in the USA.
Now you are here being ALL PARANOID bout immigrants to save your life. Lets get rid of all the immigrants! Lets close the boarders. You are still left with the HIGHETS killers which are mosquito's, deer, obesity, cancers, etc, WAYYY greater than worrying about a virus outbreak! An outbreak will never happen.
How hard is it for you to put one and two together engineer sir?


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Re: Vaccinations; recent developments
« Reply #954 on: February 04, 2015, 07:42:38 AM »
Thoughts on The Conspiracy of Science;  a Better World
is Possible.

A Better World is coming but first there will be more
ugliness and destruction and death as War Inc. goes
about its business of taking over what is left of our
present World.


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Re: Vaccinations; recent developments
« Reply #955 on: February 04, 2015, 07:58:21 AM »
Quote from: MarkE
Unvaccinated children should not be allowed to attend school: PERIOD.

In times past this would qualify as a very strange
outlook.  But back then Public Schools were actually
performing as they were intended.

Today the Public Schools are quite different and it is
for that reason that I agree with what you've said above.
In fact, I'd go a bit further as Dr Laura recommends:
Get your children out of the Public School system!

Home Schooling (the Original plan of raising responsible
and capable offspring) or other alternatives to Public Schools
are recommended by those who really know.

Public Schools have become Mass Indoctrination Centers for
the New Order of Things.  Their specialty is Mind Numbed Robots
who are incapable of Critical Thinking much less Thinking at all.


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Re: Vaccinations; recent developments
« Reply #956 on: February 04, 2015, 08:43:27 AM »
No, liability is failure to meet your legal obligation to act.  So lets say your
child dies of GBS from a government mandated vaccine.  They are not liable until
you prove that they failed to meet a legal obligation.  For example adequate
safety testing could be used.  If it could be shown that the government was
negligent in this then that would constitute a failure to act.  However just
because something bad happens does not necessitate a liability.

By definition liability means -- "one of the most significant words in the field of law, liability means legal responsibility for one's acts or omissions. Failure of a person or entity to meet that responsibility leaves him/her/it open to a lawsuit for any resulting damages". Now if you forced me get a vaccination by law which is an action on your part and it did harm/damage then you are solely responsible for your action which did harm...very simple. As you may know ignorance is not an actual excuse or defense for's just ignorance.

One good reason I wouldn't sign such a thing is
simply due to the vagaries of the legal system.  While I might have
high-confidence in the safety and efficacy of vaccines.  I don't have anywhere
near as much confidence in juries and judges.  I mean take you for example. (
 If juries were peopled by someone like yourself who has many strong beliefs
based on weak evidence.  I'm not very confident that you would be able to make a
correct judgement.

 I think you know the odds of a very serious if not fatal side effect are about the same as winning the lottery however someone somewhere wins the lottery every week don't they?. What mandatory vaccination is saying is that we will have no choice and must play the lottery not unlike a completely screwed up version of the Hunger Games, at least she had a bow to shoot the stupid SOB that made her play while we do not.In any case I understand your view, your a smart guy but let's face the fact that nobody is willing to accept responsibility here and that is very disturbing. Everyone talks about facts and statistics and safety however nobody is willing to accept sole responsibility in any way, shape or form. As such I submit there is nothing truly responsible about them in my opinion as a responsible adult is just as it sounds --- Responsible - Adult. 
Forcing our will or beliefs on someone else and then accepting no responsiblity for our actions is not democracy moreso terrorism ie, acts intended to create fear.


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Re: Vaccinations; recent developments
« Reply #957 on: February 04, 2015, 08:55:17 AM »

That is a lot to digest for me but I can see the truth. I'm wondering right now who is the J P Morgan in the year 2015?

People are so focused in mere vaccinations! Where there is a wholeeee lot to be LEARNED!

There are black projects everywhere.

Vaccinations are not that IMPORTANT when it comes to the real meat of the bone.

I mean in the year 2015 we have ISIS terrorists! How do you vaccinate them?

And then we have GREED! Where rich people are trying to play god. It goes reallly deep. To the point that human beings are working for aliens. In exchange, the aliens give the humans KNOWLEDGE power = ELITES get power and money and aliens harvest humans as food.

A lot of people don't understand these things so we mostly just talk about things that are not underground stuff.

While I do like learning SCIENCE, I don't get blinded by the whole purpose of life since all ANIMALS have this encoding in our brains because that means = survival.

Genetic war, mental war, is the same = SURVIVAL!

What is the lagging of human survival you ask? Well it is money, duh! lol

On a side note, the average vaccine pro person does not even understand these type of stuff. While raging about vaccinations lol

Do they even understand "chemtrails" that are done over your head with out your permission. They feel the RIGHT to use people as lab rats as long as the rats don't complain.


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Re: Vaccinations; recent developments
« Reply #958 on: February 04, 2015, 09:15:14 AM »
If juries were peopled by someone like yourself who has many strong beliefs
based on weak evidence.  I'm not very confident that you would be able to
make a correct judgement.
I understand I may come off as a bit of a hard ass not unlike yourself, lol, however I think we have the same concerns. In fact I'm always the guy caught inbetween the two disputing parties and everyone keeps asking me to be the executor of their will and resolve business disputes for them.
As well recently my daughter needed to get the MMR shot for her work experience at the hospital and I was worried as any good parent should be however not so much that I didn't allow her to get the vaccination. I also quizzed the health nurse who was basically incompetent as I knew magnitudes more than she did about the shot she was giving which was also disturbing. In any case we may disagree at times however we are not the real problem because we have actually taken the time to debate the real issues and try to make informed decisions as best we can. Obviously if my daughter was vaccinated then I do not consider my views extreme nor my beliefs strong it's just that most of the people I meet are incompetent and I don't trust them. Take this anyway you like but from your posts I would trust you moreso than 80% of the people I meet because you seem like an rational and intelligent person who actually thinks things through.


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Re: Vaccinations; recent developments
« Reply #959 on: February 04, 2015, 06:58:53 PM »
"one of the most significant words in the field of law"
You left out: "This requires evidence of the duty to act, the failure to fulfill that duty and the connection (proximate cause) of that failure to some injury or harm to the plaintiff. "
Now if you forced me get a vaccination by law which is an action on your part and it did harm/damage then you are solely responsible for your action which did harm
There are three parts there.  The duty to act, the failure to fulfill and the resultant injury.  In your example you only show the last.  Not all deaths are the result of a lack of duty to act.  For example just invert your scenario.  If the government had not yet approved a vaccine for some disease and your child died from it.  Can you sue them?  The government is effectively forcing you to not take the vaccine.
I think you know the odds of a very serious if not fatal side effect are about the same as winning the lottery however someone somewhere wins the lottery every week don't they?
The well-known serious side effect of common vaccines are few and far between.  i.e. GBS in influenza and outside of the Swine Flu epidemic of 1976.  You have considerably better odds of winning the lottery. 
What mandatory vaccination is saying is that we will have no choice and must play the lottery not unlike a completely screwed up version of the Hunger Games
Utter. Crap.  The hunger games had odds of 23 in 24 of death.  This is not comparable in the least.
Everyone talks about facts and statistics and safety however nobody is willing to accept sole responsibility in any way, shape or form.
Because sole responsibility for a particular death can not, in any way shape or form be assigned.  Think about it, I could tell you that if you were to vaccinate 5 million people the flu vaccine that you would expect X to die or seriously harmed due GBS because of the flu vaccine.  I could also tell you that another Y people will die of GBS from some other infection.  I could also tell you than Y is almost always at least 10x greater than X.  Ok now someone dies and it's because of GBS. Who has "sole responsibility"?  As everyone has been vaccinated at best the government could only claim X/Y+X responsibility per death.   But wait there's more!  That is only the AVERAGE amount of correlation! In other words you expect those values to converge on that ratio over time but there's nothing saying that in a given year that would be the actual ratio.  In fact somewhat paradoxically you expect them to vary.   So some years there all the GBS deaths will be due to some other infection.   Your ideas about "sole responsibility" are fine on the playground when causality is considerably more clear but in any sufficiently complicated system the math says "fuck off".
I understand I may come off as a bit of a hard ass
No offense, the word I would use is "idiot".  You have strong opinions without strong evidence.
As well recently my daughter needed to get the MMR shot for her work experience at the hospital and I was worried as any good parent should be however not so much that I didn't allow her to get the vaccination.
Unless your child is doing hospital work at the age of 4 then you've denied her MMR until then.  Why?  What credible source of information shows a problem with MMR?  The answer is pretty much zero.  Making a decision to not immunize against a deadly (4x more deaths than influenza) exceptionally contagious (10-15x more than influenza) perfectly controllable (~100% effectiveness with 2-doses) disease.  Is a strong belief and you did it based on exceptionally weak evidence.
I also quizzed the health nurse who was basically incompetent as I knew magnitudes more than she did about the shot she was giving which was also disturbing.
All that makes you is a bully.
we are not the real problem because we have actually taken the time to debate the real issues and try to make informed decisions as best we can.
I simply don't truck with the "all we need to do is debate" crowd.  The real problem, the one that might prompt mandatory vaccination - although I doubt it - is measles and people who make the decision to allow their children the opportunity to get the measles are definitely part of that problem.
Obviously if my daughter was vaccinated then I do not consider my views extreme nor my beliefs strong
Uh again is your daughter an infant?  I'm sure a lot of extremists think their views are "mainstream".
it's just that most of the people I meet are incompetent and I don't trust them.
See you are a good illustration with what is wrong with the way people teach critical thinking.  It's not about trying to find problems with other peoples ideas.  It's about finding problems with your own.  If you are not spending considerably more time trying to falsify your own beliefs then all you are doing is preserving your own prejudices.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2015, 10:04:58 PM by sarkeizen »