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Author Topic: Ultimate proof of Magnetic Vortex, free book and videos  (Read 1623495 times)


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Re: Ultimate proof of Magnetic Vortex, free book and videos
« Reply #4725 on: December 09, 2015, 08:40:28 AM »
I NEVER talk about free energy ASSHOLE,    nor is a 2.5 to 3 degree shift  free energy to harvest.

Strawman fallacy boy

Find one spot where I associate anything with free energy son.    You cannot. Pathetic.

Nice try though son.  Idiot.    ;D ;D ;D

You're as useless as bull tits and the Popes balls.  ;)

What are you talking about in this thread then:

"Yes, genuine Free Energy"....  did you forget, or did you change your "NEVER talk about Free Energy ASSHOLE" policy after you made that first quote..... after you discovered "Genuine Free Energy" from your Bismuth Sphere?


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Re: Ultimate proof of Magnetic Vortex, free book and videos
« Reply #4726 on: December 09, 2015, 05:57:07 PM »
CycleGuy wow nice detail ....... But electrons don't orbit they quantum jump !

I'm unsure what you mean. Can you elaborate a bit? I know what a quantum jump is, but that refers to the electron changing orbits, it doesn't describe the orbit itself. Can you provide more detail about this?

And you wont get a meaningful debate with TA

He has no choice. He'll address the points put forth, he'll do so without invective, he'll do so using empirical examples and proper citation, he'll toe the line and stay on topic, and he will admit his lack of understanding when such is apparent, so others can bring him up to speed with reality. To do anything less stands as his tacit admission that his hobby theory has failed the acid test, which will be his admission that he's spent the last 20 years doing what amounts to standing on the street corner screaming incoherently.

he is just another nut job with his own made up laws and has never confirmed not one magnetic vortex!

I don't dispute that there's a magnetic vortex, but he's looking at it from the wrong frame of reference... you'll note that I'm sly enough to have provided the means by which he could suss out the truth, in this very sentence. We shall see in time if he's quick-witted enough to figure it out.

What's really pathetic about Mr. Wheeler's claims is that others did the same experiments and observed the same effects long before him...
MagnetFlipper did the "magnet against a TV" thing before Mr. Wheeler claimed that he was the first one to do it (remember "You'll never see anything like this anywhere else, folks. I am the first to demonstrate this").

Al (MagnetFlipper) had the decency to credit Howard Johnson, whereas Wheeler has attempted to further claim that he originated the discovery of the quadravortexual nature of magnets. If he were drawing correct conclusions from his observations, perhaps he'd get a pass for staking "discoverer" status, but on top of his stealing credit for things others have done before him, he gets it hilariously wrong.

Keeping it simple is the key here ! The man has written a book and that book is dangerous to the minds that seek truth and will always be out there pumping its bullshit for a few bucks ... Nothing you can do .

All this nonsense of a static charge on a magnet hahahahhahaha wow !

Not just a static charge... "inertial dielectricity", with "inertia" redefined by Mr. Wheeler to mean "the opposite of rest" per his book, and "dielectricity" redefined to mean "static electricity"... now, if static electricity is in motion, it's not static, it's electricity. So plug your coffee pot into your magnet and brew yourself a cup in celebration, Mr. Wheeler has given the world free energy!

But there is a reason why there is NORTH and SOUTH ON A MAGNET ... One pole is made by the negative the other by the positive and  its stuck in perfect balance so it is neutral . If it is neutral and also inert it would be impossible to have this so called active dielectric as there are no polarised charged particles.

Not exactly "neutral and inert".  It is balanced, from the viewpoint of energy flow from our frame of reference. But think about how magnets stress the QVZPE field density, and the resultant effect upon space and thus time (given that space and time are conjugate, inextricably intertwined, in the four-dimensional manifold). Think further on how a magnet is made, and how that sets up those conditions to begin with.

Perhaps Mr. Wheeler should go back to the basics:
Does that image on that page look familiar, Mr. Wheeler?

But the spin is kinetic and the magnetic field is not a vortex that drives it !

The vortexual spin isn't observable until it is counter-mediated, true. But then, one would be hard put to find a spot in the universe where it would not be.

I went looking for an example inside a vacuum and could not find anything ?

Neat trick, seeing that time-shifted vortexual spin in the aether... how do you do it? I have a theory of how it can be done, which I've hinted at in a prior post regarding the double-slit experiment, but I lack the equipment and resources to conduct such.

Any way it works well in water ! TA has made a complete new science on this dumb effect hahahahhahahahhaha  wow what a nutter hahahhahahaha he really thought he was answering a question of uncertainty and used it to form hes nut case new law of physics hahahahahhahahahah its a joke hahahahahahhahaha ..... Treat it like one ! Don't get to up set the world is full of madness freaks lies and disseat .  And the nutters never agree to see sense !

At last the end of the magnetic vortex hahahaha best stick to a black hole ! But the spinning magnet on the crystal lens is still to be fully understood ! Do you have a good model of why it does what it does ? 

Most people are stuck in the here and now. In order to fully suss the nature of magnetism, one must be able to think in terms of warped time (and thus, space, given space and time's conjugative nature). Unfortunately for Mr. Wheeler, the book he wrote denies warped space (calling it the product of a warped mind... strange, then, that he was just discussing that in a post above, eh?), so he fails to figure out the non-simplex (note the correct Euclidean geometric spatial usage, as opposed to Wheeler's redefinition to mean something akin to "simple for me to understand but not for you because you're too simple") nature of magnets despite the evidence continuing to smack him across the face time and again.


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Re: Ultimate proof of Magnetic Vortex, free book and videos
« Reply #4727 on: December 09, 2015, 08:00:46 PM »

 Cycle,great to see someone showing a bit of real interest in this.
Can one actually get a true representation of magnetic lines using
light and say ferrous nano particle in a medium? Like in quantum
where if you look a something it alters its energy or position.
Would a magnetic vortex or whatever it's supposed to be,be
demonstrable by using the Earth's magnetic field using a compass
or similar.


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Re: Ultimate proof of Magnetic Vortex, free book and videos
« Reply #4728 on: December 10, 2015, 06:20:47 AM »
Cycle,great to see someone showing a bit of real interest in this.
Can one actually get a true representation of magnetic lines using
light and say ferrous nano particle in a medium? Like in quantum
where if you look a something it alters its energy or position.
Would a magnetic vortex or whatever it's supposed to be,be
demonstrable by using the Earth's magnetic field using a compass
or similar.

Not really. The universe doesn't just drop her robe for all to see.

Because of the effect of the magnetic field stressing the QVZPE field density (and thus affecting space-time in a local frame of perspective), the vortexes are not in our "time frame".

On top of that, because a magnet is quadravortexual in nature (ie: it stresses the QVZPE field twice on each pole face, thus it slows time down at the centrifugal interface and speeds time up at the centripetal interface), the two effects balance on each pole face... that's the reason it's inordinately difficult for us to get magnets to do work.

This isn't conjecture, it's completely understandable under QM. In fact, it's been experimentally proven. For an example, there's a NASA report of an experiment performed by scientists from Instituto de Cibernetica, Matematica y Fisica in Havana, Cuba entitled "Pressures and Energies of Vacuum in a Magnetic Field. Differences and Analogy with Casimir Effect", comparing a magnet to a Casimir cavity, although they only tested using conventional quadravortexual magnets and didn't attempt to isolate each vortex using custom flux paths... had they done so, they would have seen some very weird effects, indeed.

They reported the QVZPE field density was "stretched" at the perimeter of the magnet, and "compressed" at the center, sort of like squashing a donut... this represents time being expanded at the magnet perimeter, and contracted at the center. In other words, they reported exactly what was to be expected... the centrifugal Repulsive interface increased QVZPE field density, whereas the centripetal Attractive interface decreased QVZPE field density.

Howard Johnson came closest by taking "snapshots" of the vortexes over time in mapping out the vortex, although he probably didn't understand when he was doing it that that was what he was doing... trying to view the vortexual nature of magnets as a whole from our frame of perspective would necessitate being able to peer through time, which we can't do. We can only take snapshots of our time frame.

The closer we get to the Planck frequency in the radiation we use to view the magnet, the smaller the "time slice". The ferrocell uses visible light, thus the "time slice" is rather large and thus the vortex seems static... it'd be akin to switching on a light in a dark room for a second per day over many days and trying to figure out that the dust particles in the room have shifted in the interim. A much smaller time slice would show the vortex rotating, although we'd have to figure out some way of down-converting that frequency into something we could see.


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Re: Ultimate proof of Magnetic Vortex, free book and videos
« Reply #4729 on: December 10, 2015, 02:35:06 PM »
maybe your room full of amateur Physicists could figure out how to post a Doc here and not make the readers have to put their running shoes on to read the whole page ?

here are some other fellows you can "help".


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Re: Ultimate proof of Magnetic Vortex, free book and videos
« Reply #4730 on: December 10, 2015, 02:56:52 PM »
This is where I am ! I have 9 different free energy systems and all paid for by a small UK government loan ! My role is to deploy these generators to my clients !

1 , Zero point magnetic generator and no I don't spin magnets ! But it surly does some strange things as when it speeds up the current heads down to zero amps .

2 , Unified field oscillator , this one is a close replica of the NASA secret UFO ! And I do mean unified field oscillator as it has the ability to unifies all states of energy and can also bridge the dimensions by what I see as the cosmic octave . To understand it you need to know what the numerological constant of the 9 is and how it works with space time.

3 An infinity generator with no moving parts no high voltage and works in a pure DC current with electron propagation as its feed and main energy gain .

4 Magnetic vacuum high powered one way oscillator with no depletion and over a tone of pressure per inch in the rotation but not cheep to make .

5 A special high resistance coil wound on a 2.2 inch plastic pipe and confirms space time curvature at 2.2 degrees imperial and not metric ! And this can super phase with the spin of photons that are also confirmed by this equipment to have the same vector of angular spin as space time curvature.

6 Zero point water splitter using charged water .

7 Ambient radiant inducting coil with strange static sparks 2 inch from its contact terminals when connected to a small 500 watt universal motor .

8 A powerful negatively charged coil generating system .

9 A real monopole electro magnetic field generator and will produce monopole magnets .

Could you choose one and post a video of it generating power and provide some verifiable test results. Could you also shrink your diagrams and not leave 50 blank lines at the end of your posts.


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Re: Ultimate proof of Magnetic Vortex, free book and videos
« Reply #4731 on: December 10, 2015, 02:56:53 PM »
maybe your room full of amateur Physicists could figure out how to post a Doc here and not make the readers have to put their running shoes on to read the whole page ?

here are some other fellows you can "help".

It's because of those HUGE IMAGES that "93" posted.

ONCE AGAIN, people, posted images should be 1024 pixels wide OR LESS, otherwise what ramset is complaining about will happen, as you can see.

800 pixels wide is generally fine. If you need to show some great detail, crop it out and post the cropped version.

There are many image editing programs that you can use to resize images to the correct pixel dimensions.


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Re: Ultimate proof of Magnetic Vortex, free book and videos
« Reply #4732 on: December 10, 2015, 03:25:49 PM »
Yes the Quote [miss quote now that I read it again ] came from 93's dizzying post..
and I am well aware his Doc grew the page, and was attempting to make him aware.

 A tiny had full of amateur physicists have some how created a magnetic field for every thing hahahaha nuts ........

thanks for reposting the forum protocol for Doc sizing

ONCE AGAIN, people, posted images should be 1024 pixels wide OR LESS, otherwise what ramset is complaining about will happen, as you can see.

800 pixels wide is generally fine. If you need to show some great detail, crop it out and post the cropped version.

There are many image editing programs that you can use to resize images to the correct pixel dimensions.
end quote.

and thankfully we have turned the Page


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Re: Ultimate proof of Magnetic Vortex, free book and videos
« Reply #4733 on: December 10, 2015, 04:07:06 PM »

  Cycle,thanks for answering my question. Kelly refers to "idiot Einstein" and
 "Quantum bullshit". These are the couple of things that got me interested in
 this topic.
    I hadn't given any time to this subject 'til Kelly cropped up. I have now got a
 bit of an idea as to current thinking but haven't got the first clue as to the
 scenario that Kelly is painting.
  Anyways thanks again for your input and I'll keep on reading what everyone
 has to offer and hopefully one day I'll be able to draw a conclusion,


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Re: Ultimate proof of Magnetic Vortex, free book and videos
« Reply #4734 on: December 10, 2015, 05:13:47 PM »
That's a bit confusing the vortex is not in our time frame and the observations of fast and slow time are a bit off putting ! Thus far time dilation is produced by mass not a magnetic field

Stressing the QVZPE field affects time. Think about how generators work. Why does the spinning of the generator force electrons out over the wire? It's not mass. It's relativistic space-time compression mediated through magnetism (denoted as Larmor radiation mediated via virtual photons, a component of the QVZPE field), thus perceived charge compression, thus current.

Now think about why mass affects space-time. Might it have something to do with QVZPE field density? You bet it does.

Now think about why planets with different gravity will experience time passage at different rates, and why satellites experience a faster time than clocks on Earth, despite their relatively faster speed negating some of that gravitational time-shift.

Which is yet another method of destroying Mr. Wheeler's "instantaneous action at a distance" contention... if he were able to send information from Earth to Mars, via his "instantaneous action at a distance", and let's say it's sent in a time frame that equates to 3pm Earth-time... since the lower gravity (and hence the lower QVZPE field density) of Mars means that time will pass faster there than here, Mars will have already been past the same time frame as when he sent the information, so conceivably they'd receive it before he sent it... meaning causality was broken. Ergo, "instantaneous action at a distance" cannot exist.

.. Also fields and particles are the same so why say that particles don't exist and only fields do ?

I certainly never denied the existence of particles. That's Mr. Wheeler doing that.

We know the electron is a particle... it has rest mass and it rejects QVZPE field modes longer than the Compton radius (as all matter rejects QVZPE field modes longer than its radius):
"Proton and electron mass derived as the vacuum energy displaced by a Casimir cavity"
Two of the great mysteries of physics are the origin of mass and the mysterious mass ratio between the proton and electron of ~1836. In this paper it is shown that the mass-energy of the proton is equivalent to the vacuum energy excluded by a spherical Casimir cavity with an average radius equal to the charge radius of a proton. Likewise the electron mass is shown to be equivalent to the vacuum energy excluded by a spherical shell with an average diameter equal to the Compton wavelength of the electron. The ratio ~1836 is derived as a natural consequence of the vacuum energy exclusion.

We also know the electron has wave-like properties... because it is so small and light that the QVZPE field modes it excludes impinge upon it... so what we're seeing when we do the double-slit experiment with electrons isn't the electron being a wave, it's the electron being impinged upon by QVZPE field mode waves (the QVZPE field being comprised of electromagnetic waves of all frequencies from DC to the Planck frequency). It's sort of like that carnival game Plinko, you put a disc in at the top, it bounces off pegs as it goes down, you get a prize if it lands in a certain spot... now substitute the electron for the disc, and the QVZPE field modes impinging upon the electron for the pegs. We're seeing the anisotropy of the QVZPE field. Doing the double-slit experiment firing the electrons through a Casimir cavity designed to damp the most prevalent impinging QVZPE field modes should prove this out... in so doing, the researcher will find the electron's behavior much more particle-like (rather than wave-like) than it usually is when doing such an experiment. Of course, there's no way to block all QVZPE field modes (mainly because the metal of the cavity is transparent to higher-frequency modes), but damping some of them should give researchers the clue they need to resolve the wave-particle duality issue.

There is to much hyper junk physics on the attempts to change the current and excepted view that still stands in the cosmological principle !  Einstein is correct as re time and gravity with space craft now launched to observe gravity waves and also curvature in the fabric has already been confirmed.

Other things to consider ! Millions of people time travel in there dreams this is a result of gravity waves nothing to do with magnetics ! I strongly suggest the theoretical magnetic vortex should stand only as a theory until it is observed beyond that of a black hole and that has now been observed.

The idea of slow and fast time between two fields or at the inner or outer construct of a magnetic filed is impossible around a magnet but not impossible for a black hole ! The way I view all this is if I can not personally Isolate a magnetic vortex with out a magnetic than it does not exist ...  All this hyper theory can sound interesting but that is all it is !

I didn't say it was a large effect... but then the relativistic effects at work in a conventional generator aren't that large, either. For instance, if you ran a generator such that it had an outer perimeter velocity of its rotor of 1500 MPH for one hour, it would actually experience 0.99999999999749848054 hours. That 0.00000000900576 second time difference over the course of an hour is what is responsible for the generation of the electricity due to relativistic space-time compression and thus charge compression. And that's a lot of space-time compression as compared to the electrical grid generators.

A very basic video addressing the topic:

The constant attacks on relativity is only an attempt to beat the master at his own game without the master being able to reply ! And to confirm a better understanding its a good idea to speak to the mast Einstein himself and Max plank Maxwell ect ect but you may fill that is impossible but I will not agree ...

I'm not trying to beat the masters at their own game, I'm attempting to understand what they understood. Perhaps by understanding what they understood in light of modern technology, we might be able to conceive of something new that could not have existed in their time.

This whole Idea of a magnetic form of gravity is completely bonkers ! The fact that NASA have studied some tiny effect on the fabric of space time with powerful magnetic fields is one thing but they require the impossible anti matter generator that is also bonkers and just hype physics .... I have had the good experience of being within 500 ft of 6 UFOS and not magnetic fields were being used !

Gravity Probe B confirmed gravitoelectromagnetism.

I suggest you study the subject of stress-energy tensor.
The stress–energy tensor (sometimes stress–energy–momentum tensor or energy–momentum tensor) is a tensor quantity in physics that describes the density and flux of energy and momentum in spacetime, generalizing the stress tensor of Newtonian physics. It is an attribute of matter, radiation, and non-gravitational force fields. The stress–energy tensor is the source of the gravitational field in the Einstein field equations of general relativity, just as mass density is the source of such a field in Newtonian gravity.

The stress-energy tensor concept is what leads to the conclusion that energy converted from mass in stars is entropying, becoming part of the QVZPE field, and thus increasing QVZPE field radiation pressure. The universe has only two options... either expand or concretize mass... to relieve that field radiation pressure. Right now, it expands because that's the most energetically conservative thing to do. Earlier in the universe's existence, it was obviously more energetically conservative to concretize mass, accounting for the 1 billionth of all that energy expulsed from the Big Bang being converted to the mass we have today.

So that accounts for universal expansion... it also happens to account for universal expansion at faster than the speed of light. The QVZPE field being a magnetohydrodynamic fluid, a plasma, electromagnetic waves (of which the QVPZE field is comprised) can travel faster than c if the frequency is higher than the plasma frequency, as I outlined in another post.

So the "dark energy" all the physicists were looking for was right in front of their faces the whole time they were denying that the QVZPE field (ie: the "aether") existed.

Atoms and there particles are real ! So what if there fields mass has to be something but there fields are focused to there core nuclei where the quarks require them to keep there position in the proton ! So the fields are already taken up and if it was any different than all material would be strongly magnetic .. Gravity is different as its curvature sets up the force of attraction but that increase in speed is quantised suggesting that waves are included ! These waves are not magnetic or have any EMF construct so the fabric is a condition and construct of the plank constant or as we like to call it the zero point field..

Max plank was more than just a master of physics he had a lot of faith in the supernatural and came to the conclusion that the universe or at least a galaxy is a conscious being and very much like a matrix or as many now call it a brain ! This is very important as we have 200 billion neurons and our galaxy has 200 billion stars ! We consider that the galaxy can not build anything more complex than its self !

This may be strange to you ? But we see that every particle atom field is in a perfected position in the space time continuum and to that we also conclude that numerological constant of the 9 as the major influence by which all is constructed .. As re magnetic fields say that of a magnetic there must be a polarised form of charge that keeps them as a stable construct and either end is also a set field formed by there dynamic harmonic response when first charged . Meaning they resonate at the charge frequency but in two harmonics say NORTH as C and SOUTH as F ...  C#  D   D#  E   F  And is a fifth note in the scale between N and S in other word they are harmonics composed from there point of charge ....

We have to include dimensions if we want to isolate the polarised charge as we can not directly measure them in our dimension ! There is no magnetic vortex beyond the surface of a star or around the event horizon of a black hole ! What you will see is a vacuum and some entropy for say NEO magnets ! The spirals that are found in geometry are in fact a construct of there harmonics in the chromatic scale and only particles like ions will flow to these patterns and not MF ........

The difficult part for you to one day except is that the galaxy it in it self a being of intelligence and has total control of all its parts and that does not require for the parts to all be fields ! A ghost was once given a present as a simple toy in a box and when the researcher returned the toy had been removed from the box but the box still had not been opened .... Beings have been seen to walk out and into mirrors , wooden tables levitating and people to all with no magnetic fields or vortexes !

Christ feed 5000 people with 5 bread roles and 2 fish and walked on water also turned water to wine and brought a dead man back to life all with out magnets or vortexes and Christ was not the only one who could do these things ! A magnetic vortex  would create a worm hole and there are no worm holes !

So particles are reality ! We call them particles you call them fields same thing ! And all this with out entanglement or propagation what they are looking for does not exist beyond that of a simple vacuum ......

Please consider the numerological constant and the cosmic octave as the back bone for the grand unified field as with out it nothing would exist ! A tiny had full of amateur physicists have some how created a magnetic field for every thing hahahaha nuts ........ Time is independent and requires no magnetic field ! What's wrong with nothing why does nothing have to be a magnetic field ? Entanglement requires nothing no time or space or some stupid string or magnetic field ! Its consciousness beyond the mechanical ! Than we enter the supernatural and ghosts are not magnets yet magnets can open up dimensional holes not worm holes ...

In the fifth dimension there is no time or space ! So what does that tel you about a magnetic vortex ? .... A hole can open and close without a vortex just in the same way as a window or a door can !   

I see spirals particles atoms and geometry time and space in our 4 dimensional galaxy but no magnetic vortex is required there for they don't exist beyond the surface of the sun or a black hole !!! Or please provide a man made version !!!   

I don't know about all that spirituality stuff. I'm attempting to understand it from a more mechanical point of view.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2015, 07:54:04 PM by CycleGuy »


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Re: Ultimate proof of Magnetic Vortex, free book and videos
« Reply #4735 on: December 11, 2015, 12:30:30 AM »
Vortices arise as static solutions to gauge field equations in two-space dimensions. Unlike monopoles, magnetic vortices not only arise as theoretical constructs but also play important roles in areas such as superconductivity [1, 30, 37], electroweak theory [3, 4, 5, 6], and cosmology [81]. The mathematical existence and properties of such vortices have been well studied [7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 27, 37, 43, 44, 48, 50, 54, 55, 57, 65, 68, 69, 75, 86]. Naturally, it will be interesting and important to establish the existence of dyon-like vortices, simply called electrically charged vortices, carrying both electric and magnetic charges. Such dually charged vortices have applications in a wide range of areas including high-temperature superconductivity [40, 47], optics [11], the Bose–Einstein condensates [33, 39], the quantum Hall effect [66], and superfluids.

This paper tried to apply the temporally-infinite-base 4-D manifold of Minkowski space-time to their equations, as outlined on page 3, but a "nontrivial temporal component of the gauge field" frustrated their efforts, so they only considered the vortexes in our "snapshot" of time, in other words, static without considering temporal effects.

In Theorem 9.4, they postulate a multiplet of n − 1 Higgs fields each lying in the Cartan subalgebra of su(n) (ie: they extended their equations out over a finite-dimensional field to approximate the infinite temporal base field, to try to arrive at at least some form of temporally-inclusive solution), leading them to conclude that "such a magnetically and electrically charged solution realizes an SU(n) vortex configuration asymptotically and topologically represented by the mth integral class in the classification space of the vortex vacuum manifold", closing with "To conclude, in this paper, we have developed an existence theory for the electrically and magnetically charged vortex solutions arising in the classical Abelian and non-Abelian Chern–Simons–Higgs models using a constrained variational approach.".

Note the vortex seems "static" because magnetism stresses the QVZPE field density, and thus affects time... so the vortex appears to be static taken from the "snapshot" of our time frame... when in reality it is spiraling through time... the centrifugal interface is spiraling out behind our time frame, whereas the centripetal is spiraling out ahead of our time frame.

Now, taken with what I've said above about how generators work, I'm sure the brighter minds here can think of many ways of exploiting this phenomenon.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2015, 04:04:47 AM by CycleGuy »


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Re: Ultimate proof of Magnetic Vortex, free book and videos
« Reply #4736 on: December 11, 2015, 01:42:18 AM »

 Cycle,really interesting stuff,I'm afraid it's way beyond my level but I think
 I can sort of see the relevance of my frame of reference and time and thus
 a glimpse of a "static" vortex. A couple of years ago I had the impression
 that physics had gone most of the way,now I realise that there's a huge amount
 of really exciting things to be resolved.


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Re: Ultimate proof of Magnetic Vortex, free book and videos
« Reply #4737 on: December 11, 2015, 05:44:09 AM »
Another paper:
In their now classic 1975 paper [10], Julia and Zee studied the Abelian Higgs gauge field theory model. Using a radially symmetric field configuration ansatz and assuming a sufficiently fast decay rate at spatial infinity, they were able to conclude that a finite-energy static solution of the equations of motion over the (2 + 1)-dimensional Minkowski spacetime must satisfy the temporal gauge condition (1.6), and thus, is necessarily electrically neutral. This result, referred here as the Julia–Zee theorem, leads to many interesting consequences. For example, it makes it transparent that the static Abelian Higgs model is exactly the Ginzburg–Landau theory [6] which is purely magnetic [9, 12]. Since the work of Julia and Zee [10], it has been accepted [4, 7, 8, 11, 13, 20] that, in order to obtain both electrically and magnetically charged static vortices, one needs to introduce into the Lagrangian action density the Chern–Simons topological terms [2, 3], which is an essential construct in anyon physics [22, 23]. See also [5].

On the other hand, it is well known that electrically and magnetically charged static solitons, called dyons by Schwinger [17] (see also the related work of Zwanziger [24, 25]), exist as solutions to the Yang–Millis–Higgs equations over (3 + 1)-dimensional spacetime [10, 14, 16]. Therefore, the Julia–Zee theorem is valid only in (2 + 1) dimensions.

In other words, the vortices are only static in (2 + 1) dimensions under the Julia-Zee theorem when one considers a trivial temporal component A0=0. When considered in a 4-D Minkowski manifold, the vortices rotate... through that non-trivial temporal component... through time.

And some information on quantum vacuum angle:
In quantum gauge theories, in the Hamiltonian formulation, the wave function is a functional of the gauge connection A and matter fields phi. Being a quantum gauge theory, we have to impose first class constraints in the form of functional differential equations—basically, the Gauss constraint.

In flat spacetime, space is noncompact R3. Since the Gauss constraints are local, it suffices to consider gauge transformations U which approach 1 at spatial infinity.

At any rate, we can see that there are gauge transformations U homotopic to the trivial gauge transformation. These gauge transformations are called small gauge transformations. All the other gauge transformations are called big gauge transformations, which are classified by the homotopy group π3(G) where G is the gauge group.

The Gauss constraints mean that the value of the wave function functional is constant along the orbits of small gauge transformation for all small gauge transformations U. But this is not true in general for large gauge transformations.

It turns out that if G is some simple Lie group, then π3(G) is Z. Let U be any representative of a gauge transformation with winding number 1.

The Hilbert space decomposes into superselection sectors labeled by a theta angle θ.

Or, put in its simplest terms, time "twists" space... conversely, space is "twisting" through time. Thereby, given that magnetism stresses the QVZPE field and thus affects space-time, it induces a "twist" to it that we see as a vortex.


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Re: Ultimate proof of Magnetic Vortex, free book and videos
« Reply #4738 on: December 11, 2015, 09:28:04 AM »
Quote Cycleguy:"I don't know about all that spirituality stuff. I'm attempting to understand it from a more mechanical point of view."

What are you saying here sir.are you denying the existence of physical freak-out phenomena external to the mind or just wanting rational explano for it?


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Re: Ultimate proof of Magnetic Vortex, free book and videos
« Reply #4739 on: December 11, 2015, 01:20:45 PM »
ll Here is Dale Pond on dogmatic science and “not understanding”  the “other Science that “CAN-NOT”  have physical properties” and science “WILL NOT”   allow debate on this topic….”  Here is an explanation of “why”.. short clips here from least citizens here can smoke dope and get high, and have “other views of reality” GET IT !!
I will say “thanks” that there is such a great debate going on with out “you guys trying to  each other”  as education has deeply imbeded most people to such a degree that no amount of “proof” will change the other position till death… and it takes a lot  to sit and listen and  to eat “humble pie” … I  too have quit posting here as I got scars from “milehigh” and tinselkoala” and forum mambers who are always attacking, NOT accepting that I see things differently from them.. and am just sick of getting attacked by having a different point of view from “dogmatic, accepted status quo, etc..” and go to hell,  fuck you stupid shit.. die.. Now this is why Wesley has stopped also ..posting too.
Al… aka… Acca…and aka “Magnetflipper” and  aka “Magnetvortex”….
P.s. magnets have a “magnet vortex” and yes it was discovered by Howard Johnson in Virginia Tech in 1980’s and science has not accepted that and so 35 years later debate still goes on and on .. “dogma is a bitch”… how ever science did discover that using a electron microscope, yes it is real but we will keep it quiet.. link ..
Here is one of mine (below)….”Magnetvortex”..
My clip and video, if you don’t like it don’t wach it !!! make your own !!
And  clip from Ken the “nutter”..
Challenging the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics -