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Author Topic: Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) Open Sourced (by HopeGirl)  (Read 2031407 times)


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Re: Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) Open Sourced (by HopeGirl)
« Reply #3300 on: December 02, 2014, 03:23:14 AM »

        I find it really interesting the sort of things that are going on in other peoples' minds.
 Everyone who contributes has their own style. I look upon the skeptics as those that believe
 in their silly devices and that they'll work. They're obviously skeptical of the well proven
 first principles.
If there was something in these QEG's or whatever out of the billions of motors
 and generators that have been built at least one should have took off on its own now.

minnie you are quite right in identifying these persons as "skeptics", but as with many English words, (and many words of other tongues),
the word "skeptic" has long had several meanings or uses in describing quite different people, see Quote below, "My bold text",
Going by the quote below I consider myself a skeptic of both class "2." and class "4.", I think those are both a "healthy" type of skeptic.

The QEG believers and many others on this forum are definitely obsessive skeptics of the class "3." type skeptic. Being A class "3." type
skeptic could very easily be a very unhealthy thing.

Confusion and painting good to bad is the work of the evil one. The way the word skeptic is used on here by the class "3"
skeptics is trying to paint good skeptics to be bad, however they be under the control of evil or just ignorant of the words
different meanings and uses. Either way, just like many things skepticism can be good or it can be bad, depending on how
and/or why it is done. I'm a skeptic type 2 and 4 and I think it's a good thing. If a type "2" skeptic could be considered "moderate",
I would say that describes me, I'm not hard lined, I think some things can be considered pretty much definite knowledge.


skeptical: used esp. in philosophy

Origin of skeptic
Classical Latin scepticus ; from Classical Greek skeptikos, thoughtful, inquiring ; from skeptesthai, to consider: altered by metathesis ; from Indo-European base an unverified form spe-, to peer from source spy


1.    a member of any of the ancient Greek philosophical schools that denied the possibility of any certain knowledge
2.    a person who believes in or practices philosophical skepticism
3.    a person who habitually doubts, questions, or suspends judgment upon matters generally accepted
4.    a person who doubts religious doctrines

Webster's New World College Dictionary Copyright © 2010 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio.
Used by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Source of Dictionary Quote--


P.S. Type "1" skeptics are all long dead and type "4" skeptics don't matter much here, so the two main types of skeptics here are
type "2" and type "3" skeptics. People without any type "2" skepticism at all I would call "odd" at best.



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Re: Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) Open Sourced (by HopeGirl)
« Reply #3301 on: December 02, 2014, 11:22:58 AM »
If all the hippies cut off all their hair, would you care?  Would you care?!

wut! I'm not a hippie nor like them to be honest. Who likes vans?

When you pretend that you can just redefine the meanings of words to advance your argument you fall flat on your face.  100% facts.  In your face bb.  Your posts are silly and nobody can take them seriously.  You need a j420 holiday just like Allegedly Dave.

Likewise, your posts don't have any value in them either? Show me proof that what you go against does not work?

Plus, if you are so smart as you say, why do you not see that humans only gather FREEE energy and cannot explain how FREEE energy turned to dollar bills?

Your mind is fogged. So you believe in the money where money = paper. You cannot see the outcome? As if you can be rich for infinity since it is part of the evolution? OR, it will hit a wall and everything will collapse to make room for the next smart people? You have to understand that money does not make the world go round, the “laws of the universe do”!

The bottom line:  The QEG never worked, does not work now, and never will work.  Prove me wrong and show a working QEG to the forum and then we can talk.

lol, yeach like I said you only want evidence yet you fail to ignore the MOTHER NATURE LAWS that speak the facts. You fail to see the money corruption! Hmmm...a few years ago one gallon of unleaded gas was 1 dollar now it is 3 dollars and climbing!!!

The facts are all over the places that I have to see you as a dumb person or just plain psychotic.

Years ago cars where giving 40MPG now they are called hybrids.

Cars could run on water and now the US will run their ships on water.

Add acetone to the gas tank and see how it improves mileage.....

moral of the story, it's all money corruption!

In a modern civilized present we need presidents to tell us how to spend our money?

We allow cancer to happen to all humans?


We can get rid of all poverty, cancers, money problems by telling the truth that energy is FREEE and we don;t have to be slaves like a donkey chasing a carrot!

I find it very hard to understand your mentality when you fight against the “QEG” but yet you are so comfortable being taken advantage by the government and the media.

Let me see you demand proof from the presidents decisions like you are here demanding them? Lol

Point being, EVERYTHING THAT OUTPUTS REQUIRES LESS INPUT!!! Just look at what “the big bang” created from a dot? Or do you ignore that fact too?

Do you even know what “the big bang is”? Probably don't!

Your responses don't even have no WOW factor. You are like a basketball wife! Lol

lol, yeah the universe is giving you all the facts in your face in paper and pencil... ::)


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Re: Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) Open Sourced (by HopeGirl)
« Reply #3302 on: December 02, 2014, 11:55:27 AM »
I have asked you questions after questions that I know the answer to and you don't answer back?

I can fix an HVAC, auto engine, fix an LCD monitor, computer, speaker, transformer, generator, etc....why? 'cause everything works on the same principal!!!!

 so as a fact in my experience, I have fixed all of these types of items and I keep on asking you how do you fix them or how they even work, and you never answer any of them... Why? 'cause you don't see the CENNECTION in all of them!

As an example, gasoline engines can burn little fuel if they are using VAPOR fuel only, really good grade spark plugs with forward engine timing.

Just the same reason, IDEALOGY, that your refrigerator, laptop, dishwasher, CFL light bulbs etc can go bad just by a .20 cents piece. If they really wanted to help you out, and makes things lasts for years (which things can last for decades) they would stop selling stuff to the public. Imagine a world where people sell things that  last 30 years, one person would buy is only once in 30 years. But imagine where the item being sold fails then in 30 yrs they can buy it once or twice and three times or more...= buy cheap over charge, that's how it works. everything you by from a company, they bought it for less than half.... Bla bla bla bla!

After you understand that the MOTHER NATURE LAWS work the same, i'm sure I can print my own money but ONLY the CORRUPT LAWS would prevent me from doing that while they are playing one million dollar poker minimum. Yeah, you understand equality!


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Re: Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) Open Sourced (by HopeGirl)
« Reply #3303 on: December 02, 2014, 05:23:13 PM »

Tons of ad hominem attacks and Bizarro nutcase logic and a series of silly rhetorical questions does not impress me or others.  Have you read all of the other people stating that your comments are junk?


Wrong, you have it BACKWARDS.   The output is always LESS THAN THE INPUT.




Take the example of the QEG:




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Re: Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) Open Sourced (by HopeGirl)
« Reply #3304 on: December 02, 2014, 06:54:38 PM »

  Have you read all of the other people stating that your comments are junk?

Hey joel...that certainly didn't stop him on.



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Re: Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) Open Sourced (by HopeGirl)
« Reply #3305 on: December 03, 2014, 03:46:16 AM »

Hey joel...that certainly didn't stop him on.


Sure, try to get poor Joel to do your dirty Troll work for you.  Actually, he does type much better than you so, maybe not such a bad idea after all.  Just don't hit on him, I believe he is straight.



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Re: Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) Open Sourced (by HopeGirl)
« Reply #3306 on: December 03, 2014, 04:34:48 AM »
Apparently the drunken sot forgets calling joel an he does with anyone he disagrees with who uses too many syllables for him to follow.

This gay sh!t must be looped in his head...there's for sure lots of space for cassette tape in there.

Its painfully obvious thats the only level he can communicate on.



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Re: Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) Open Sourced (by HopeGirl)
« Reply #3307 on: December 03, 2014, 04:58:53 AM »
Apparently the drunken sot forgets calling joel an he does with anyone he disagrees with who uses too many syllables for him to follow.

This gay sh!t must be looped in his head...there's for sure lots of space for cassette tape in there.

Its painfully obvious thats the only level he can communicate on.


Please do not pick on poor is obvious to everyone that he can't help it.  Now you are really getting out of line Captain Minus One.  Once again, you prove that you can't make a post without mentioning something about gays, and now, you have added defecation and alcohol abusers.  I can't wait to see what's next.



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Re: Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) Open Sourced (by HopeGirl)
« Reply #3308 on: December 03, 2014, 05:07:10 AM »
Cap has offered one good bit of advice and that is not to feed trolls.  By and large I think we should take him up on that piece of advice.


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Re: Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) Open Sourced (by HopeGirl)
« Reply #3309 on: December 03, 2014, 05:09:15 AM »
Cap has offered one good bit of advice and that is not to feed trolls.  By and large I think we should take him up on that piece of advice.

Excellent advice Mark.  I will just find the "Ignore" button and we can get back on topic.



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Re: Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) Open Sourced (by HopeGirl)
« Reply #3310 on: December 03, 2014, 05:55:40 AM »
Mark 66.6, '...and the shill shall lead the rudderless swill.'

The loss of 2 quality bum sniffers will be will feel drafty down behind there.

I never feed trolls, I generally flush it down the toilet and let them dive for it.


orbut 3000

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Re: Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) Open Sourced (by HopeGirl)
« Reply #3311 on: December 03, 2014, 06:09:25 AM »
The problem with trolls is that they are perfectly capable of feeding themselves.

I congratulate myself for this excellent post.


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Re: Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) Open Sourced (by HopeGirl)
« Reply #3312 on: December 03, 2014, 06:20:22 AM »
Forum statistics seems to indicate that lazy bum sniffing trolls tend to go for the low hanging dingleberries.



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Re: Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) Open Sourced (by HopeGirl)
« Reply #3313 on: December 03, 2014, 06:26:51 AM »
Wrong, you have it BACKWARDS.   The output is always LESS THAN THE INPUT.




Take the example of the QEG:


See the hoover damn....

water flow energy (input) = gathering electricity (output) + “wasted heat”

We know the hoover damn is a fact right?

Pretend you make a ladder of hoover dams down the stream. At the very top of the mountain, you make a hoover damn, then a couple of miles down you make another, then you make a smaller one, and so forth. Now we have a ladder of damns down the stream. In each ladder of the stream there is less energy since it's a river flowing down the step ladder. Then it hits the ocean and there are no more damns to gather the river the water evaporates and it gathers up in the mountains again to flow back down to turn those generators again. So we can gather that the water energy of just flowing down is powering Las Vegas. So that's a loop right there. Then we figure out what is causing the loop, water evaporating and going up then coming back we can conclude that energy always needs to be moving and even heat is food for there is no “WASTED HEAT” since if you break it down to the molecular level, even poop has HEAT and soo many micro molecular elements that there is no way for you to say that “wasted heat” is just waste.

From our current understanding, this is what we can gather in the atmosphere:

Nitrogen -- N2 -- 78.084%
Oxygen -- O2 -- 20.9476%
Argon -- Ar -- 0.934%
Carbon Dioxide -- CO2 -- 0.0314%
Neon -- Ne -- 0.001818%
Methane -- CH4 -- 0.0002%
Helium -- He -- 0.000524%
Krypton -- Kr -- 0.000114%
Hydrogen -- H2 -- 0.00005%
Xenon -- Xe -- 0.0000087%
Ozone -- O3 -- 0.000007%
Nitrogen Dioxide -- NO2 -- 0.000002%
Iodine -- I2 -- 0.000001%
Carbon Monoxide -- CO -- trace
Ammonia -- NH3 -- trace

and we DON”T KNOW what else is there with our “measuring instruments” since there can also be "DARK MATTER" or invisible things that we will never be able to measure with our current instruments. (our current instruments will be jurassic in 2000 more years if we live that long and human life does not "implode"lol)

The fact of the matter is that the evidence is all over the place that it is obvious that such self-looping machines do work....but the terminology is actually wrong because “self-loop” refers as no energy needed but all need energy. The correct term is LESS INPUT = GREATER OUTPUT.
Even in evolution....when your mom and dad made love, millions of “wasted” sperm was needed to get your mom's ovaries the “egg”. Millions, and this is a fact. It was not one sperm swimming up the canal, it was a lot of rapist sperms swimming up to fuk the ovary lol.

I'm sure the QEG is just focusing on one area only but with great minds and MONEY, the truth can come out since the evidence is all over the place.

Is in evolution, human reproduction, electricity, the weather, etc....things are self looping like rain, air, water...

The universe does not use OIL to fuel itself, stop being blind and use your intelligence to speak the truth!

Instead of focusing soo much “wasted energy” on trying to debunk, why don't you spend your “wasted energy” on the truth?

orbut 3000

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Re: Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) Open Sourced (by HopeGirl)
« Reply #3314 on: December 03, 2014, 06:31:25 AM »
So true. We don't know everything so even things we can observe are therefore unreliable and we have to give all obvious scammers and loons the benefit of doubt.