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Author Topic: Woof woof woof  (Read 3292 times)

not Isaac

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Woof woof woof
« on: April 15, 2008, 09:56:17 PM »
Howdy y-all to the US Top Secret departments who may be watching this site like your average golden eagle watches a twitchy rabbit at the foot of Mount Rushmore. My first two posts must be highly amusing.

Meyer wasn?t the first one to do it. Not by any means. He is one of a number.

We now have New Physics and old physics.

If any of the punters out there get up to a certain point in specific areas, you obviously take the kit of ?em quickly and scare the living daylights out of ?em, which is easy to do I suppose. Yawn. When are you going to get rid of that Bush character anyway? It?s about time. Didn?t like Thatcher as pm either but she?s ok now though. A quaint old limy lady. 

I?ll have a go at the theory then. There?s loads of it and much as I would like to I don?t have time to get my hands dirty with Meyer?s stuff. I?d like 118 H2O mpg as he did though. In limey land we have 4.54 litres to the gallon and pay $10 a gallon for gas?. Ouch. (You knew that anyway.)

At the moment I?m waiting for a book to turn up with a first hand account of something. Can?t wait. You?re there already though?

You may well have already dispensed with F = ma in specific circumstances in New Physics. Which of course you will be able to??? It?s already been done, I know. Where there is no force there is no acceleration experienced. The equations do not add up at all. New Physics required.  This is why all the existing laws are out when you step in.

Not so long back one of my limy brethren stated that he?d managed to hack into a US department who?s job it was, was to airbrush out certain ?sights? from satellite photographs. Surely not! It?s certainly not possible in old physics. No one believed him of course, how could that possibly be? I?ll bet he?s tucked up nicely somewhere. Bread and cheese and water and don?t bend down in the showers if you drop the soap. 800 years for hacking in at least. Crazy limy.
Clunky old teabag-limy Faraday with multiples of (approx) 6,200,000,000,000,000,000 electrons a second (how crass) and Ace Stanley opened a door. What a door.

Isaac (Sir) Teabag- Limy Newton must be turning in his very smart coffin in Westminster Abbey. He was not bad with old physics! (Although it?s a bit boring by itself now.) He wrote the book that is still very valid as long as you don?t step into the world of New Physics! Bless him. Perhaps I should get myself a wig just like his and drop my laptop on my head from a great height (assuming there are no harmonic resonances at any level it will surely fall) and I?ll probably make more sense then.

Use 42,712.2Hz to harmonically resonate molecules of H2O and ignite that? Measure the energy from a gallon of that process. Energy in = Energy out? Very funny. In fact it?s laughable now. It will be considerably more efficient than causing harmonic resonance in a ?system? that does it. The deeper you go into harmonic resonance the more energy you will see. So far I have briefly looked at Meyer Electrolysis and cavitation pumps at system level and at molecular level with 42,712.2Hz with H2O. Sound. Harmonically resonate at atomic and sub atomic level and I?ll leave that to your considerable imaginations. Mine?s going like the clappers. (Imagination is more important than knowledge ? A. Einstein.) Never managed to link gravity, electricity and magnetism all together though.

In terms of confiscating their kit. Do you realize you?re leaving traces of what you are working on when you deliberately nick peoples kit and scare them off it? Get a grip. I can even see you doing it in Teabag-Limy Land. I?m part Google Powered you know. That has no boundaries. What kind of a government department are you?

This particular limy takes no sugars. I don?t like it sweet.

For those of you who aren?t working for Uncle Sam and have managed to replicate Meyer and are significantly OU and haven?t had your kit nicked why not increase the size of your fracture apparatus and use tubes 2inch in diameter 3 feet long? It?d be like a Cathedral of Remembrance for Stan Meyer! Wicked. Call it ?The Cathedral?? Take the gas and turn it back to electrical energy in some way (Boil water with it (you?ll have to dilute the Rhodes gas) and use a superheated (using the same diluted gas?) steam powered generator? Be careful) and then put volt and ammeters on the output of that as well. You will then be able to do a direct comparison in the same energy type. It wouldn?t surprise me if you have to come away from resonance to slow down the production of the Rhodes gas as the water won?t boil quickly enough. Bet ya, ya get a runaway scenario and you?ll end up having to store the Rhodes gas! Steady.

You may already be able to do this on a smaller scale with the fracture apparatus you already have. Start small and scale up?

More interesting than doing the decorating. Then stick that on You Tube. Maybe not, uncle Sam?ll probably nick it again. Do it on a large scale and you?ll end up with 110v 50Hz AC, three phase in kiloWatts and will be able to run your entire street off 12v and 0.5A! What are you waiting for? Ya neighbours will slip ya $100 a year each to supply their electricity?..

Energy in = Energy out? How terribly old fashioned. That?s old physics. Yawn.

There must be something wrong with the logic in those first two posts of mine? Surely?

For example, energy is being created by harmonic resonance, can it be destroyed? Mmmmm?

You no speaky coz I is a ordinary teabag limy?

not Isaac   => just another ordinary teabag limy.

You most excellent lot (that don?t work for uncle Sam) can call me teabag.     


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Re: Woof woof woof
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2008, 12:41:58 PM »
What's wrong with working for Uncle Sam?  I think the conspiracy theorists out there are barking up the wrong tree.  There is no "big brother" watching this forum.  I happen to draw my paycheck from the U.S. government, but I'm just an HHO nerd like the rest of you.  There is nobody watching, we have more important things to watch during our duty day than this forum.  Government employees drive cars too you know, and tanks, and aircraft, and if we could extend their range using hho that would make us very happy.  The thing that keeps nagging at me when doing all of this research is that nobody has really done any high volume tests to "prove" these gas mileage claims.  Yes, people are getting 15% better mileage using hho, o2 sensors modifications, and engine tuning and there are rare claims of even more, but no "proof".  I still believe.  What I don't understand is why someone hasn't done a large scale brute force cell using multiple battery configurations to get 15-20 LPM, meter it through a venturi before the butterfly, tune the engine correctly, and do some actual scientific, documented tests to get PROOF.  Then work on efficiency with all the grant money you receive.  Why hasn't anyone done a standalone cell with solar charger for the battery yet?  You know, like a completely separate circuit?  /endrant

not Isaac

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Re: Woof woof woof
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2008, 03:38:14 PM »
Hi Tacho G,

Sorry if I wound you up. Didn?t mean to do that old chap.

Uncle Sam are doing an ace job doing just what they do at all levels. It?s all very very obvious and they?re looking after all of us! And they?d be perfectly happy to look after me too!

In fact it?s a wicked job. 

Blimey it?s bright today and I need shades to go with my self imposed muzzle. Very fortunately I?m not altruistic enough to carry on with my public postings as I?m not quite as stupid as I look and I doo look stupid! F=ma you know. A dusty old mind, altruism and shouting loudly is not a good mix. I?d just look more stupid. 

I need to go on a journey to get over my journey and hopefully get some sleep! Wicked.

Best of luck with your kit Tacho. I?m sure you?ll see some improvements in mpg. Large scale use of it has to be the way forward.

May the force be with you, as it is with me. (I did fancy Miss Portman.)

You know Uncle Sam, I?ll take sugar with this issue. No problems at all. I can sip my tea through my muzzle. It?s easy?? Very easy indeed.

Wicked. Wicked. Wicked. Yawn.

Over and out from this crazy old limy!



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Re: Woof woof woof
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2008, 06:23:53 PM »
Oh don't be such a nervous nelly.  It's not the government employees that post here that should concern you anyway.  Please don't let my employer scare anyone off, that's not why I'm here.  I just want better gas mileage.  Along the way I'm learning vast amounts of information and every iteration of my cell gets a little better.  I'm still tinkering with brute force, but I'm having problems with the cell overheating despite using many different types of electrolyte.  I need to step into the realm of PWM, but I just haven't seen any results worth the extra cost to me yet.  If the rumors are to be believed, Paul Zigouras has reached overunity with his device.  I'm going to try to contact him and see what he's up to.  There seems to be no new posts from him in the last year or so on the net, it makes me curious.  It seems he has a nice system.