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Author Topic: Take action in your town. The revolution begins at home.  (Read 3185 times)

CHANGE Australia

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Take action in your town. The revolution begins at home.
« on: November 21, 2007, 12:19:37 AM »
Hi all. Hope you are well and in good cheer.

I want to urge everyone to take action in their local area. Think globally, act locally, as they say.

Most of you will likely be able to contact your local council and be appointed to speak at the next council meeting.

Many councils will be facing pressure from their constituents, state and federal govts to meet 'green' targets.
Due to lack of common knowledge, awareness and education, their plans are very unlikely to be incorporating the potential of water hydrogen-on-demand systems.
If you can help to educate them, then when they are pressured they will be able to respond with the fact that they are not being supported to utilise the zero harmful emission, pure water producing, ideal fuel.
Councillors and staff will also have many educational, economical and political channels available to them which they can utilise to spread and gain awareness about the viability of water hydrogen systems.

I spoke at my local council last night (being the only resident speaker) and was given a positive reaction. I was a terrible public speaker and faulted in my pronounciation of simple words (hehe). But the essential message was conveyed and backed up with info packages.
I was asked to make a submission to a work-in-progress 'Green Action Plan'. This is great because Council might put out the call for people to develop hydrogen systems that help Council to meet their targets.

I gave them a relatively comprehensive information package containing printed articles (mostly from and a CD of video files, articles and patents and such.
After they have reviewed that information they will hardly be able to deny that hydrogen-oxegyn gas fuel and the like are the solutions to many pressing problems.

Here is the speech script I had prepared. Hopefully this will give you something to draw from and simplify your own efforts.
I will also happily provide PDFs of articles to print out, and other such things I used in my information packages.

Knowledge is power. Exercise it righteously.
God bless.

----speech script to council below----

Thank you Honourable Mayor (name), Honourable Councillors, ladies and gentlemen in attendance at this meeting today. I hope you and your families are well.

Although there are many pressing issues I feel are not being given their due attention ... due to time restrictions I would like to bring up the importance of understanding the emerging hydrogen economy.

I think most of us here would agree, we want to improve our outlook for ourselves, our family and our neighbours, and to help with the many problems and crises affecting us and our nation. Therefore I am confident that this information will not fall on deaf ears.

There are many bonuses for our community of becoming aware of this future prospect,taking early initiative and thus gaining a headstart.

Through actively pursuing development of a local industry with the generation of interest and investments, or by simply using the many political, economical and educational channels available, we can further esteem our community and perhaps be considered pioneering with some groundbreaking efforts.

Why I feel it?s vitally important to raise awareness about it, is because hydrogen-oxegyn gas is the most viable, renewable and available combustible fuel energy source.

Many have long been aware of the power of hydrogen as a fuel, but have been led away from it for a variety of reasons.

Some decades ago, methods of extracting hydrogen from water were developed, but were very expensive, inefficient and involved costly and toxic chemical additives to the water.

Major manufacturers and corporations are becoming more open about the potential of hydrogen, as they are actively pursuing research and development.
However, they are setting unreasonable and dishonest time scales and costs.

Hydrogen is a combustible fuel, able to be used in engine applications.
It can be used as the only fuel, or combined with petrol, natural gas or methane to significantly increase mileage and lower pollution emmissions.

When hydrogen-oxegyn gas is gained by ?dissociation? of water, it is the ideal fuel, because upon combustion it recombines and exhausts back as pure water. It has zero harmful emmissions.

What most of us have not been presented with, including myself until recently, is that discoveries and rediscoveries have been made in the field of hydrogen-on-demand systems.
Many of these are remarkably efficient and viable.

Cost effectiveness is demonstrated by enthusiasts being able to construct and further develop systems at home on meagre budgets.
Efficiency of such systems is demonstrated by these individuals, as well as groups, producing viable amounts of hydrogen gas using simply water, stainless steel plates, basic electronic components and a car battery for input

Spent water is not hazardous. Some of the electrolyte additives to improve efficiency are common household items such as baking powder, epsom salt, or food acid such as lemon juice.

If waste water were used, it may also have the added bonus of purification as the gas would recombine into pure water.

Regular saltwater may also be used, but in some methods chlorine gas is liberated, which is very toxic and deadly. On a small scale it is insignificant but on a large industrial scale it might be very hazardous. The gases from electrolyte substances must also be treated with caution, but an ideal choice would certainly be found by researchers.

A few months ago a discovery was released by an American inventor John Kanzius. He was experimenting with his radio frequency generator device and saltwater. Hoping to find a new way of desalination, he accidentally found that upon a certain frequency the saltwater was able to be ignited.

Earlier this month researchers at Penn State University released their findings that bacteria consuming acetic acid release electrons and protons creating up to 0.3 volts. When 0.2 volts or more were added from an outside source, hydrogen gas was released from the liquid.

Another method involves adding water to an alloy of aluminium and gallium. When water is added to the alloy, the aluminium splits water by attracting oxygen, liberating hydrogen in the process.
And those are just a few of the many more methods that are available.

We must ask ourselves why this technology has been suppressed for so long and we have been left chasing our tails whilst our health and environment suffers.

There are many articles reporting the findings of universities and research groups available at websites such as

For a simple to access resource to learn more, there is an internet forum where this is discussed and information is freely shared at
To explore some of the video evidence for yourself, and perhaps get in contact with the documenters of these devices, I highly recommend that forum.

Or visit and enter in a simple search phrase of words that might come to mind such as ?water hydrogen? or ?saltwater fuel?

I hope this brief explanation has helped you to understand why I think we should be taking initiative for our local area to gain a headstart, being more aware, active and gaining the benefits thereof.

Although I am no expert, simply a concerned individual hoping to inspire others, I will happily and freely provide support and conduct further research to address the concerns of Council and interested persons. In that interest I have compiled information packages documenting some of the many available options for water-hydrogen systems.

And with a great sense of urgency, though I be weak and faulting in my communication, yet I know it to be a truth that cannot be denied, is that we must ask the Lord Jesus Christ to bless us, to humble us, to lead us to repentance and to deliver us. For there truly is a hell, and only He has the power to spare us. Hell is real, but in Him, and Him alone, there is hope. Seek Him, that we may know righteousness and our children may have a sure guide, delighting to go after proper conduct, upright courage, gentle speech and charitable endeavour. May God have mercy and blessings upon our nation, and may the light of His being brighten your gloomiest day, filling you with all assurance, overcoming the darkness of this world.
I urge you with all sincerity to read the gospels, and to hear the testimonies of true and faithful witnesses, such as who are featured on and to receive the Word of God gladly.

Thank you kindly for your audience and your love for our country and it?s people.