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Author Topic: The Laws of Energy  (Read 1513 times)


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The Laws of Energy
« on: June 21, 2018, 05:47:39 PM »
The Laws of Energy

For the last two centuries the laws of energy and thermodynamics were defined by three distinguished men of science, Rudolf Clausius, Lord Kelvin and Max Planck. The first law of Thermodynamics is defined: “that energy can neither be created nor destroyed.” The second law of Thermodynamics can be summarized by “Simply no perpetual machines allowed” or “The work effect can’t be greater than the energy supplied.”

This paper explores a different approach to energy and thermodynamics based on the following statements:
1. All energy has two components: work energy and heat energy
2. Work and heat are byproducts of the transfer of energy.
3. Without the transfer of energy there is no transfer of work or heat. .
4. Work can create heat but heat can’t create work

One reason for using this approach is to eliminate the confusion of the term “heat” currently used in the discussions of thermodynamics and physics. In most thermodynamics books the term “heat” is used to describe the transfer of energy in two different ways. In half of the book “heat” can be converted to work and later in the book “heat” represents the energy wasted. To eliminate this confusion the terms “heat” and “work” will not be used to describe the transfer of energy but only act as the byproducts of the transfer of energy. One example of this approach is to change the simple statement from “the sun heated the water” to “the sun transferred energy to the water”.

The following is a step by step approach to this paradigm shift in energy and thermodynamics:

The complete article with images and calculations can be found at

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