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Author Topic: * Good video set.  (Read 64048 times)


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Re: * Good video set.
« Reply #60 on: August 01, 2015, 10:47:11 PM »

Arto Lauri 129. Vacuum test

Arto Lauri 128. Caldicott
 -------------------- harvest 07.2015
 Author Markku Meilo »30/7/2015 1:37


* Understand also that of thousands of mass murder in 1945 in Japan started NUCLEAR finally lost faith in the people themselves. So by killing this same age in Japan in 2011 once again tens of thousands.Nuclear power therefore represents the ultimate evil, which humanity is 2000 years warned of the beast kingdom period 66.6 years jakoso number "666"!

Markku Melo
 Kalkulate just for fun in the Bible the amount set out killed by a god, therefore they are mentioned in the numbers of cases, after having captured innumerable, as the deluge etc. Since its balance imaginary god of the Bible (which, however, is not one and the only one) would have quite a hypocrisy criticized the current nuclear power. I think that is suggested by a party pursuant to primarily graven image mockery of the Bible.

 Yes reflects the author's representative carved into the stone SUPO- the world, if VT: himota as compared to nuclear criticism mock God ..!. In what kind of world, such OFFICERS really lives decompose the human kingdom of radiation killing? Can such longer be regarded as falling within humanity?
 -------- satoa 07.2015
 Kirjoittaja Markku Meilo » 30.07.2015 01:37

 *Ymmärtää myös sen, että tuhansien massamurhalla 1945 Japanissa alkanut YDINVOIMA menetti lopullisesti ihmisissä uskonsa itseensä. Niin ikää tappamalla samaisessa Japanissa 2011 jälleen kymmeniä tuhansia.

Ydinvoima siis edustaa sitä äärimmäistä pahuutta, josta ihmiskuntaa on 2000 vuotta varoitettu pedon valta- ajan 66,6vuoden jakosolla numerolla "666"!

Markku Melo
 Laskehan ihan huviksesi Raamatusta jumalan tappamiksi esitettyjen määrä, siis ne lukumäärinä mainitut tapaukset, joiden jälkeen jää lukematon joukko, kuten vedenpaisumus jne. Sen saldon jälkeen Raamatun kuvitellulta jumalalta (joka tosin ei ole yksi ja ainoa) olisi melkoista tekopyhyyttä moittia nykyistä ydinvoimaa. Sellaisen esittämin on mielestäni lähinnä Raamatun jumalkuvan mukaisen tahon pilkkaamista.


 Kuvastaa kyllä kirjoittajan edustavan kiveen hakattua SUPO- maailmaa, jos VT:nä himoaa verrata ydinvoiman kritiikkiä Jumalan pilkkaan!.. . Millaisessa maailmassa tällaiset POLIISIT oikeasti elämäänsä lahottaa ihmiskuntaansa säteilyin tappaen? Voidaanko tällaista enää pitää ihmiskuntaan kuuluvina?


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Re: * Good video set.
« Reply #61 on: August 17, 2015, 10:00:51 AM »

Arto Lauri 131.von Braun

Arto Lauri 130. Uri Geller

Finnish Russian coup 08.2015

Now Finland did not comply with international USA imposed by the IAEA nuclear security. Also, Agency of 10% absolute acts. Displays laistavan EU's key provisions as well. By means of fines sanktiodut the EU's 39% / 2020 and also 80% / year in 2050 orders for new energy minima are ignored. Originally a strange change of Arrangement and all that? From this can be done up to two very contrary to our democracy worrying main conclusions directly. Big our government topple the bloody patterns on coming! At the rate of a blush. Clearly there has been any changes, which people have not heard the Board of Directors in Finland.

A / Finland intends to sell its energy supply entirely. Also, the last western TVO's reactors aspiring country for a Russian ydinimperiumille. Anyone who does not care about the only known all nuclear safety provision in the future.

B / Finland also clearly displays the planning already detaches itself from the EU. As clearly plans to exit from it completely from Russia under the JO in our country called the Holy River occupying power!

Suomen Venäjän vallankaappaus 08.2015

Nyt Suomi ei näytä noudattavan USA määräämiä kansainvälisiä IAEA ydinturvaa. Myös IAEA:n 10% ehdottomia säädöksiä. Näyttää laistavan EU:n keskeiset määräykset myös. Sakoin sanktiodut EU:n 39%/ 2020 ja myös 80%/ vuoden 2050 uudisenergian minimin määräykset jätetään huomiotta. Perin kummallinen asetelman muutos kaikkineen? Tästä voidaan tehdä kaksikin hyvin demokratiamme vastaista huolestuttavaa keskeistä päätelmää suoraan. Isoja hallintomme kaatavia verisiä kuvioita tulossa! Nopeudella joka hirvittää. Selvästi Suomessa on tapahtunut sellaisia muutoksia, joista kansa ei ole kuullut hallituksessa.

A/ Suomi aikoo myydä myös energian huoltonsa kokonaan. Myös viimeiset länsimaiset TVO:n reaktorit maahan pyrkivälle Venäläiselle ydinimperiumille. Joka ei tunnetusti välitä ainoastakaan ydinalan turvamääräyksestä jatkossakaan.

B/ Suomi myös näyttää selkeästi suunnittelevan jo irtaantumista myös EU:sta. Koska selvästi suunnittelee irtautuvansa siitä kokonaan Venäjältä JO maahamme Pyhäjoelle kutsutun miehitysvallan alaisuuteen!


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Re: * Good video set.
« Reply #62 on: September 05, 2015, 10:59:17 PM »
A1 Translaters

Arto Lauri 135.15c kWh

Arto Lauri 133. Parviainen, Lahtinen 2

Arto Lauri 132. Kristian Parviainen, Jussi Lahtinen, Imai Hideyuki.

Arto Lauri 134. Blue-green algae

Arto Lauri 131.von Braun

World running out of nuclear forces
end end end

I heard otherwise 2015.08.27 FB. the prophecy of Israel. Decrease in the Book of Daniel, that when Israel received in the summer of 1967.  After the Six Day War Temple Square in 1900-year break again access. It is calculated forward 49 years.
  So, in the summer of 2016 this interpretation of apocalyptic prophecy initially be launched

Maailma loppumassa ydinvoimin
loppu loppu loppu

Kuulin muuten 2015.08.27  FB. ennustuksen Israelista. Laskevat Danielin kirjasta, että kun Israel sai kesällä 1967.
 Kuuden päivän sodassa Temppeliaukion  1900 vuoden tauon jälkeen taas käyttöönsä. Siitä lasketaan eteenpäin 49 vuotta. Eli 2016 kesällä tämän tulkinnan Maailmanlopun alun ennustus käynnistyisi.


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Re: * Good video set.
« Reply #63 on: September 23, 2015, 10:06:25 AM »
WHY refugees right now?
Nuclear desertification

Very rarely have told them the background. Why right now 2015 Arab countries will be the order of a million refugees to Europe? The thing is very strange. Because everything else around the subject certainly under discussion. Journal of the Society opened the first of these closed doors. Magazine tells the summer issue of:

"The main reason why the flood of refugees will test the resilience of the recipient. Due to the fact that the Arab-inhabited areas koittelee the biggest drought in 100 years! Keeping the farm areas has had to be impossible. Because the ground water for irrigation are exhausted. Rural areas people forced to move because the provinces. And at the same time EATING and drinking water start at the end of the great cities. "

Journal says directly that at issue in the majority of humanity to the constant migration wave of the future in September. A constant lack of water! While a single 1000MW nuclear power plant condensate water evaporates blithely torneissaan as many as a million people living waters without a break in the sky! It will be what nuclear forces are ordered. . .

- NUCLEAR what it REALLY is?

- Rarely you can get answers to this sensitive issue.

- Now you get both answers, and also figuratively here:

MIKSI pakolaisia juuri nyt?
ydin aavikoitumista

Todella harvoin on kerrottu niitä taustoja. Minkä takia juuri nyt 2015-  Arabimaista tulee Eurooppaan miljoonaluokkaa pakolaisia? Asia on erittäin outoa. Koska kaikkea muuta aiheen ympärillä kyllä keskustellaankin. Seura lehti avasi ensimmäisenä näitä suljettuja ovia. Lehti kertoo kesän numerossa aiheesta:

" Keskeinen syy siihen, miksi pakolaisten tulva koettelee sietokykyä Euroopan vastaanottavissa. Johtuu siitä, että Arabien asuttamia alueita koittelee suurin kuivuus 100 vuoteen! Maatilojen pitäminen alueilla on käynnyt mahdottomaksi. koska pohjavedet kasteluun ovat loppuneet. Maaseudulta väki pakkomuuttaa siksi maakuntiin. Ja samalla ruokava ja juomavesi alkavat loppua myös suurista kaupungeista."

Lehti kertoo suoraan kyseessä olevan ihmiskunnan suurin myös tulevaan jatkuva muuttoaallon syy. Veden jatkuva puute! Samalla kun yksittäinen 1000MW ydinvoimala haihduttaa surutta lauhde vesi torneissaan peräti miljoonan ihmisen elinvedet tauotta taivaalle! Sitä tulee mitä ydinvoimin tilataan. . .

- YDINVOIMA , mitä se OIKEASTI   on?

- Harvoin saat vastauksia tähän arkaan kysymykseen.

-  Nyt saat sekä vastaukset, että myös kuvallisesti täältä:

Arto Lauri 141.Grass Empire

Arto Lauri 140. 2014.01

Arto Lauri 139. ONE

Arto Lauri 138. Nuclear power losses

Arto Lauri 137. Kristian C

Arto Lauri 136. Daniel

Arto Lauri 135.15c kWh

Arto Lauri 133. Parviainen, Lahtinen 2

Arto Lauri 132. Kristian Parviainen, Jussi Lahtinen, Imai Hideyuki.

Arto Lauri 134. Blue-green algae


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Re: * Good video set.
« Reply #64 on: October 15, 2015, 08:11:51 PM »
Ihmehitsari 10.2015

Well Arto, Surely it is already close to what part of for almost himself. NANO cellulose coated with aluminum, of course, also needed a little silver and a few harsh chemicals, 100 square meters produce paper weighs 120 grams while the thickness of the 10y is a millionth part of the m .. It is these chemicals (barium) make it a bluish tint to the paper.

But how aluminum can be made uniform coating even on paper thickness of 7 micrometres, that's it, then the problem is. Small tip could say that you need a lot of heat and little air.

Top stuff we are made, our own field Messerschmitts, but let's not bigger cash is no noise kept. Why should one not, because we are a customer-oriented actor, and not practiced in retail sales.

See where China is our Group's factories. Just would unlock a whole new production line there. Our products developed by far are doing.
Ihme hitsari 10.2015

No niin Arto, tässähän ollaan jo lähellä sitä, mitä osaan jo liki itsekin. NANO selluloosaa pinnoitetaan alumiinilla, toki tarvitaan myös hieman hopeaa ja muutamia vahvoja kemikaaleja, 100 neliötä tuota paperia painaa 120 grammaa kun paksuutta on 10y miljoonas osa metriä.. Juuri nuo kemikaalit, (barium)  tekevät sen sinisen sävyn siihen paperiin.

Mutta miten alumiini saadaan tasaiseksi pinnoitteeksi vaikkapa 7 tuhannesosamillin paksuiseen paperiin, siinäpä se sitten ongelma onkin. Vihjeeksi voisi sanoa että tarvitaan paljon lämpöä ja vähän ilmaa.

Huippu juttuja me tehdään, oman toimialamme Mersuja, mutta eipä isommin ole melua pidetty. Miksi pitääkään, koska olemme asiakaslähtöinen toimija, eikä harjoiteta vähittäismyyntiä.

Katso kun Kiinassa on meidän konsernin tehtaita. Juuri taisivat aukaista ihan uuden tuotantolinjan sinne. Meidän kehittelemiä tuotteita osin tekevät.

Rto Lauri 146. Catalyst

Arto Lauri 147. Duct tape

Arto Lauri 145. Laser

Arto Lauri 144. Vacuum tube


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Re: * Good video set.
« Reply #65 on: October 25, 2015, 11:53:06 AM »
Arto Lauri towards on the journey Hollywood publicity 2015!

Arto Lauri matkalla kohti Hollywood julkisuutta 2015!

Arto Lauri 148. Hollywood


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Re: * Good video set.
« Reply #66 on: October 26, 2015, 10:10:19 AM »

Arto Lauri towards on the journey Hollywood publicity 2015!

Arto Lauri matkalla kohti Hollywood julkisuutta 2015!

Arto Lauri 148. Hollywood

Cold fusion devices to the markets 2016
Nuclear energy-trade completely in the panic cheap energy from the newcomer

Kylmäfuusiolaitteet markkinoille 2016
ydinvoima-ala täysin paniikissa halvasta energian tulokkaasta

5 Months recap includes: Independent confirmation of 1 MW E-Cat Plant, commercialization expected March 2016, focusing on manufacturing preparation; customers lining up, $3 billion in pre-orders; X Reactor; replications; new investors, 2.5 years due diligence; US patent awarded, international filed, trademark awarded; many academic publications.

Kylmäfuusiogeneraattorit markkinoille ENSI VUONNA.

5 Menneen kuukauden tapahtumien kertaus sisältää. Riippumattomat tahot vahvistaneet 1 MW E-Cat Plant, voimalan. Kaupallistaminen odotettavissa maaliskuusta 2016! Keskittyen kaupallisen valmistamisen aloittamiseen. Asettaen. Tilaajien asiakkaat riviin,. Jo 3 $ miljardilla tehty ennakkotilauksia X Reaktorista. Kooten yhä uusia sijoittajia 2,5 vuotta pitkään jonotuslistaan. US-patentista tehty kansainvälinen anomus. Tavaramerkki myönnettynä. Hyväksyttyä tekniikkana jo monissa akateemisissa julkaisuissa myös.


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Re: * Good video set.
« Reply #67 on: November 15, 2015, 02:02:15 PM »

2015.11 FB T.Vehkala:
Fukushima UVic Woods Hole Has The Nuclear proctologist Arrested

The University of Victoria, B.C. CANADA and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution had me silenced and arrested. Please support me in this unrepresented attack ...

Have you heard of this man yet

It was taken in by the police holding cell in the week 46.2015, while this core administration criticized all the time.
* CRAZY! The guy has been widely present her videos! Obama NUCLEAR-mafia roller !. . Shocking, after all! World losing out nuclear power, therefore, entirely ..

Arto Lauri 152. Forest explode

Arto Lauri 151. Organic ion A1 translation

Arto Lauri 150. Militia(A1 Translaters.)

Arto Lauri 149. Copper

2015.11 FB  T.Vehkala:
Fukushima UVic Woods Hole Has The Nuclear Proctologist Arrested

The University of Victoria B.C. CANADA and Woods Hole oceanographic Institution had me silenced and arrested . Please support me in this unrepresented attack...

Ootko tästä ukosta kuullut vielä

Se vietiin jo poliisin toimesta selliin viikolla 46.2015, kun tämä kritisoi ydinhallintoa koko ajan.
* H U L L U A !  Kaverihan on ollut videoissaan esillä laajasti! Obaman YDIN-mafia jyrää!. . Järkyttävää sentään! Maailma sekoamassa ydinvoimasta siis  tyystin..


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Re: * Good video set.
« Reply #68 on: November 16, 2015, 03:17:34 PM »
(1920 Luvun ennustuksen pohjalta)

He Prophecy from 1920's - to TVO (Energy consortium managing Olkiluoto NPP's)


Olkiluoto is an small island, at western coast of Finland. This whole coastline is NOT sinking, but raising from the sea: last 500 years has seen coastline moving 100km (60miles) out, landowners must pay heavy levies to Finnish Land-Ministry - of this rising seafloor adding to the coastal farms. About 700 hectares of new land is rising from the sea every year ... Papal Global warmup tax-hoax revealed by facts on the ground: Seek 'kvarken land uplift'.

This island was harnessed on plutonium altar in 70's: as plutonium soup process creates insane waste heat, this toxic radioactive military aspect has been sugarcoated as clean environment friendly steam power station. This is why all dangerous over 450 and shaky NPP's are sitting on shorelines (callously waiting for a tsunami) - pumping this enormous excess heat along tritium radioactivity into the sea. The sea at Olkiluoto is known to be most Tritium polluted, over 100x compared to the Atlantic.

To be free in hideously radioactively destroying this environment and sea, the TVO power consortium bought local folks off from their farms - except Arto Lauri and his precious family who are still living (and continously harassed by TVO) on their beautiful seaside plot.

100 years ago

A true old sage lived on this island over hundred years ago, prophesying correctly about the misery waiting to happen. In the beginning of this NPP saga at TVO, they used to keep this prophesy visible - but for some reason only its first part...

The second part was tightly censored at Eurajoki - the Nuke-lubed Eurajoki County Council drinking from Olkiluoto international bottomless NPP-moneypit.


Pt. I, exploited by the official NPP 'truth'

"On the seaside edge of Olkiluoto island, there will be built high on a mast... I can see it like a manmade sun. There it will produce radiance and energy for all Finnish folks. And oh how this vision blinded my eyes! So huge will be this effect of the artificial sun be on millions folks under it."

Pt. II, 'Hatecrime text' of our millenium 2000

"Oh what did I see in my sinister vision, it spilled over from my soul with anxiety. Common folks were taught and forced to worship and adore the shining sun-like shine without limits. So colossal was the power from this Ba'al and evil glitter, that with its illusory shine it deceived millions to worship it as their god. Humans became ready to offer all they had onto the altar of this Golden Calf. There was no limit in what they offered to this Molok - even their offspring. The Creator of this Universum will not tolerate this, but He will ram these idolaters into great misery and age of angst. This coming time of weeping and gnashing of teeth will fill our country with agony up on the brims. Plenty of  wickedness will be moving above and under the folks.

Olkiluoto from 1950's

As God gives a Prophecy, He always prepares His own.

A young couple moved on this island community buying a small farm. In time they would have kids and live normal happy quiet life in mother Suomi-Finland. The old man's prophecy rested dormant, waiting for those things to be happen: the youngest son, Arto grew in the community ... was educated and started his career - in the newly built Plutonium factory - hideously called Nuclear Power Station.

Whistleblower inside TVO: Arto's skis were crossed with this criminal enterprise mgmt goons from the very beginning: he started to wonder about the massive waste energy heating this shallow sea. He went measuring and calculating the input/output - and came to see that something was dangerously amiss. He was caught in his measurement acts and warned - however, his mind was set in the Truth. Time and time again he bumped into filthy plutonium industry secrets - causing him to become persona non grata: there has been numerous instances to silence him forever.

Arto's deeds and writings did not go unnoticed: Finnish broadcasting company YLE made an interview in 2009 and the Tritium radioactive waste scandal burst into public view. And of course, the manager of YLE was later dismissed for letting folks to see it ... actually all nations are thick as thieves supporting their Molok's loot.

Olkiluoto mgmt bosses caught in the tritium -murder act were dismissed - while this tritium crime continues as of today. And of course our whistleblower, Arto Lauri was dismissed: no trial of the OL crimes or whatever NPP glopapal crimes will never happen, prophecy of this Molok's power proven.


So here we Finns are, gnashing our teeth, suffering from anxiety of cancer - as prophesied. Sick people waiting for the prophecy to reach its total fulfillment ... Criminals are still at large, busy celebrating their loot of the incredible massive Global bottomless death-business moneypit.

Mind you dear inhabitant of this globe: you are now inhaling the same toxic air as we Finns are. Here on pour globe there are over 450 plutonium factories pumping their toxic radio-active soot into the atmosphere 24/7/365. Not to speak of the designed disaster of Fukushima.
