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Author Topic: Zero Fruition  (Read 2706 times)


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Zero Fruition
« on: December 11, 2009, 07:11:31 AM »
Fruition ... the coming about of a thing.

Something that never comes to fruition, will never be a threat.  This is their newest motto.  Seems like they've moved from a kill it after it's come about to a kill it before it comes about.

It's hard to say how they'll game the system - but it will most likely start at age 17 - during the age of suffrage legal limbo.

Imagine a thinking cap that projects your thoughts, ..and they have it, and their drugs...  they just put it on, and take you for a spin, and when they're done - they leave you lying dead in a trash can somewhere in the 'bad' side of town.

But speak no evil - the evil speaks to you. God when will the suffering of us end?

Maybe this is one of the "failure tantrums" often seen and spoken of.

My body just aches with anger for such evils - I would like nothing more than to snap my fingers and know that they've burned forever in fire.


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Re: Zero Fruition
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2009, 08:52:59 AM »

for the past few centuries, the "illuminati" were unified.
unified in the sense that they all wanted power and control.

some of them were vicious satanist-like jerks.
who honestly enjoyed our suffering.

but most of them were merely rich people who wanted to stay rich.
and control freaks who merely wanted to stay in control.

but after the crap that has been going on for the last few decades, things are different.

most of the illuminati are tired of seeing the world disintegrate.
they don't want civilization to be snuffed out.
or all their riches to suddenly mean nothing.

so as they are apt to do, they have come up with a plan.
only unlike normal, this plan actually benefits someone other than themselves.

the "sane" majority of the illuminati, want to put the currency back on a gold standard.

they want to release most of the advanced technology.

they want to release the medical cures, that can cure most of the diseases (many of them are cheap and easy, and are talked about on new age websites).

but most importantly, they want to release us from the slave wage rat race.

because that outdated relic is no longer a valid or kind socio-economic model.
due to some of the technologies that they know about.

in fact, the whole "scarcity" thing was an artificial construct from the beginning.
that was designed to force people to work, just to live.

when there was never a reason to work this hard just to live, even in the primative days.

there are lots of details.
lots of it is stuff that YOU have to decide, if you believe it or not.

you should listen to benjamin fulfords video's on

my belief, is that we are heading to a bright future.
where the small group of insane blue blooded donkeyholes who are responsible for 80% of this planets problems, will be cornered and removed.


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Re: Zero Fruition
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2009, 11:08:11 PM »
I don't think there are such fools as these.

If anything, they're only united by their greed, and relatively nothing more.

I count on this breaking down - If they have discovered some reasonable technology, then it's also reasonable that they would see an 'out'.  There's no longer any reason for thier squandering.  In the presence of reasonability, the unreasonable breaks down.

Perhaps their addicted to being unreasonable and greedy.  Delusional.