New theories about free energy systems > Theory of overunity and free energy

Did Meyer not know what already existed, or was it non-overunity

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Zero point energy is real. And when comes energy from zero point? Also likely all the time. Like when an objects falls to the ground, where does the energy come from? Not from numbers of potential energy written in textbooks, one may also notice that the numbers in textbooks remain the same, no matter how many objects fall to the ground.

There is a thing called law of rhythm. If one has never heard about it. The conservation of energy likely comes from that, everything preserves its integrity. But this law just says that everything goes in cycles, like if we even get an energy from overunity, then we just have a longer cycle where it again goes back to its source. It cannot be prevented, but it may be redirected. It likely doesn't come from the first law of thermodynamics, as many of these processes are even not about thermodynamics. Thus i don't exclude something for superficial reasons, how the nature really works, i must admit i don't know it all, and don't pretend to know.

I don't exclude that there is no overunity either. Which i though consider less likely, like by theoretically knowing that a magnetic field is not symmetric, it has two poles, and every asymmetric field can do continuous work. And that the electrons don't fall to the nucleus even when doing work, these orbiting electrons are also the reason why the magnetic field is asymmetric. And the experiments that i did with permanent magnets, indeed showing more output of energy than input, due to again the asymmetry of the magnetic field. Though this overunity, if present, couldn't overcome friction, and i did the experiments by hand, which everyone can try by oneself, but it adds a subjective factor, they should be done by mechanic tools and all forces should be measured. But i cannot do that, because constant distraction takes all my energy and motivation.


--- Quote from: ayeaye on November 26, 2018, 03:02:04 PM ---I'm sorry but, time and time again you show that you lack analytical thinking. ...

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This primary reaction is perfectly normal, you have discovered that you belong to the first category just like Meyer. And it's not pleasant.


--- Quote from: F6FLT on November 27, 2018, 12:06:39 PM ---This primary reaction is perfectly normal, you have discovered that you belong to the first category just like Meyer.

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Thank you for comparing me to Meyer, though i don't think i deserve the honor. You belong to the same category with Einstein, and that's not pleasant either :D I would like to be like Faraday, who wants to find out how nature works. Something i don't think you can ever be. Faraday didn't write a single equation, btw. His equations were written by Maxwell, who was a true genius, different from Einstein.

Pretending overunity devices do actually work, which they don't,  maybe F6FLT mentioned a source of their energy,  quote - "nuclear or electronic spin resonance phenomena" ,  although that may source its energy from  aether-particles  anyway .

Quote and link from F6FLT  post-

--- Quote from: F6FLT on September 26, 2018, 04:29:55 PM ---If anomalous results are observed, which remains to be confirmed, then we may have a theory behind it with nuclear or electronic spin resonance phenomena. 

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I have no idea what "nuclear or electronic spin resonance phenomena" may be,  or if it's related to the wikipedia page below .

I have no idea how gerard-morin's device works, what it's based on, resonance, maybe interlacing the waves so instead of a wave it turns into a smooth signal with no waves ?, is it like a version of  'cogging-torque-neutralization' ,  but functioning very differently,  maybe utilizing "idlle"  moments during the rotors spin to generate more current .

My two theories on where the energy for overunity devices may come from -
Energy From Aether
  As far as I understand,  electrons are constantly changing into higher and lower orbits, when they absorb a photon ( and or quarks-? psions-? ) they have collided with, or because they have emitted a photon,  I don't know if protons and neutrons also constantly absorb and emit photons after absorbing photons ( and or quarks-? psions-?  ), so maybe overunity devices tap into that cycle .

Or Energy From The Material That Overunity-Devices Are Made Of -
-I have often read that there is enough energy in a single atom-? or a very small mass to vaporize the earth, if 100-% of the small mass could be turned into pure energy .
  Is it possible that if a  'Self-Powered-Motor-Turning-A-Generator-Device' kept going for 10000-years that you could notice some deterioration in the metal that the device is made of, since it would have been the fuel for the machine

I think it will be caused by electron spin, in the atoms in the core, near the resonant frequency, but i don't know either what the electron spin resonance means.


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