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News announcements and other topics => News => Topic started by: therealrasta on August 16, 2010, 11:09:32 AM

Title: Why do we still have high fuel cost when we have thermal depolymerization.
Post by: therealrasta on August 16, 2010, 11:09:32 AM
I can't believe that we are still having to pay huge fuel costs when we obviously have the technology to produce all the fuel we want at very low cost with thermal depolymerization..
Title: Re: Why do we still have high fuel cost when we have thermal depolymerization.
Post by: 11:11 on August 18, 2010, 04:24:20 AM

if people stopped believing in illusions,
and started believing in real things again,
than most of the economic limitations we suffer from,
would no longer be a factor.

we would have far more productivity,
if everyone only did what they loved to do,
or what they wanted to do,
than we have productivity right now,
with most people doing what they do not love to do,
and do not want to do.

it is very simple.
it is how our ancestors operated.

before the roman empire,
made a restrictive legalistic mess of the world,
which was more responsible for the dark ages that followed,
than anything else was.

when the members of past civilizations did what they loved to do,
the civilization had a golden age.

there was less stress,
there was more stability,
and there was more creativity.

when the government became overly regulative,
and everyone became forced into doing what they did not love to do,
there was more stress,
there was less stability,
and there was less creativity.

it is only a matter,
of getting enough people,
to disbelieve the illusions.

and a matter of the elites starving and shooting anyone,
who exists their carefully crafted control system.

Title: Re: Why do we still have high fuel cost when we have thermal depolymerization.
Post by: Red on August 27, 2010, 07:36:38 AM
Even pyrolysis is better than a garbage dump.

1 tonne of garbage (Industrial or domestic) = 3000 kw equivalent (converted from J/s) of energy. The rest is carbon black, oil and potash.

Bio digester's (great if you own some land) 1 tonne organic mass = 1200 kw of energy + you can use pyrolysis at the end to achieve a further 1800 kw.

All metals = recycled
All plastics = Oil
All organics = pure energy + Silica + oil + potash + trace minerals

There is no reasoning as to why we as a people are dumping garbage in a great big hole.

If each person in the us produces 70kg of waste each week then

1 x 70kg x 53 = 3710kg per year
3710 kg x (av) 230 million = 853,300,000,000kg or 853,000,000 tonnes
853 x10^-6 (million)t = 853x10^-6 x 1.2w/h = 1023.9 x 10^-6mw/h

Reducing mass to 98% of original (including air)

Resale = Metals, potash, oils, silicate oxides + carbon black.