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Discussion board help and admin topics => Half Baked Ideas => Topic started by: brian334 on October 28, 2008, 09:39:50 PM

Title: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on October 28, 2008, 09:39:50 PM

A heart is probably the most efficient way on earth to turn one from of energy into another.
So why not take all the hearts from all the dead cows in America and use them to pump a liquid to power a generator?
I admit there is a certain yuk factor, but after you get past the yuk factor it might not be a bad idea.

Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: Spider on October 28, 2008, 10:01:13 PM
I think this is a better idea.  ;D

Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on October 28, 2008, 10:17:42 PM
Mr. Spider
The solution to our energy problem will come from lots of different things.
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: PYRODIN123321 on October 28, 2008, 10:22:24 PM
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on October 28, 2008, 10:37:37 PM
So we will make everything ABSOLUTELY STERILE.
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: wattsup on October 28, 2008, 10:42:32 PM
Men with cows hearts are already in power of the world.
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: Spider on October 28, 2008, 10:44:23 PM
I am training my hamster as we speak.

Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on October 28, 2008, 10:50:08 PM
Mr. Wattsup,
I disagree, you say men with cow hearts are in control of the world.
I say men with cow brains are in control of the world.
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on October 28, 2008, 10:57:40 PM
Dear Mr. Spider,
How much energy will your rodent use to move its own weight?
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: Spider on October 28, 2008, 11:06:31 PM
I really dont know Mr Brian. :) I will go and find my wattmeter.

But I think a cows heart is only an energy conversion device, not a source of energy.

Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on October 28, 2008, 11:20:54 PM
Mr. Spider,
As far as I know God is the only thing in the universe that creates anything.
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: lancaIV on October 28, 2008, 11:37:45 PM
Could it be that "Mad-Cow-/Scrapie/CJ-Syndrom"-brains power the world ?
Sterilizing the world:
here, in Portugal, the estate actuate actually a vacination program-
550.000 injections
for young females
they exspectate to release cancer risks

less -uncoordinated-cell-growth = less cancer
less                        cell-growth= less live
less live                                  = less cancer risk

                                         Sterile thinking? 
I "released" my civil service in Dachau/ Hospital and have also visited the KL("KZ") there ,
I thougth during the visit also about and Ausschwitz.
2007, before christmas, I visited the KL Oranienburg,called,citation:
Muster-Lager (for the intern. media, clean and organized ) 

                           classical foelikel/foetus-growth
 bio-physio-logical: female ovulum + male same,alliance + "positive" cell-growth + natural development

                           NEW AGE
                         In vitro cloning

 Not to understand my view-points wrong : I am not against virtuosity,art and technics !
 But "Mother and Father Nature" gives me more confidence, approved by million and more temptations and years than the "question of lust" of a medicus-bio-tec-chemicus ::) , paper certificated.

         Let us wait for the result of this vacination.
         They know what they do  or do they not know what they are doing ?

                                    Generation Next

Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on October 29, 2008, 12:07:39 AM
Mr. IancalV,
I am not talking about witchcraft.
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on October 29, 2008, 12:14:35 AM
Mr. IancalV,
Your post was painful to read.
Did you ever hear of Polio?
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: turbo on October 29, 2008, 12:23:45 AM
You know what is scary?

If the aliens think of the same thing.....
Which specie is dominant on earth?
We are!
So than they will design apparatus to use our.....
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: Bulbz on October 29, 2008, 12:34:01 AM
I suppose cow hearts could be the solution, it might get things "moo-ving"  ;D

Perhaps that's why aliens seem to have an interest in cows, maybe that's their energy source !  ::)
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: lancaIV on October 29, 2008, 01:33:26 AM
In the 70´ in Germany an "Anti-Polio"-vacination-slogan :
"Kinderlaehmung ist grausam,Schluckimpfung ist suess"

Body-disfunction can be very painful, for the individual and familiar members and friends.
Physical and psychological.
But it is better to make for this moment a "theme-stop", cause we are entering the
"ethic-commission"-section  of euthanasie/abortion and insurance-tests . 

Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: sernaman on October 29, 2008, 07:27:49 AM
 :o Cows will have to come up with a new slogan, remember the old one:  Us cows do our best for Jersey Maid.  Well how about:  "Us cows do our best for Watt"
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: PYRODIN123321 on October 29, 2008, 08:27:40 PM
Sorry for my post, I did not intend to shout.
I coulden't hear cause my Cowheart engine was running with out a muffler. JK

Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on October 29, 2008, 10:33:19 PM
A cow heart powered generator would not make any noise or pollution
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on October 29, 2008, 10:42:35 PM
No noise, no pollution, runs on hay, probably the most efficient way on earth to convert one form of energy to another - sounds good to me.
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on October 29, 2008, 10:45:04 PM
And it works all the time, unlike solar or wind power.
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: tak22 on October 30, 2008, 05:01:07 AM

 >:(  The senseless wonders run rampant again and again and again from topic to topic and back again.

When will they stop? Nobody knows ???
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: ScaryTruth on November 19, 2008, 09:09:43 PM
At first, I thought this was a tongue-in-cheek sort of posting.
But then, amazingly, I realized that it wasn't.
Which logically brings me to two broad concepts.
1) Are you freaking kidding?
2) Where is the punchline?
Generators run the world, by and large, right now - and do an acceptable job. Especially in lieu of an alternative.
But they need something to power them.
And they get their power - where?
Fossil fuels, dams and nuclear.
Token solar, wind, and geothermal.
Cow hearts power the world? Again, are you freaking kidding?
So, bovine hearts in appliances, all around your house?
Or hooked up, en masse, to generators?
Cow hearts in cars, trucks, semis, ships and aircraft?
Running industry, commerce, communications and machines of all sorts?
Did I ask if you were freaking kidding?
And for the last time, where the hell is the punch line?
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on November 19, 2008, 10:01:07 PM

A heart is probably the most efficient way on earth to turn one from of energy into another.
So why not take all the hearts from all the dead cows in America and use them to pump a liquid to power a generator?
I admit there is a certain yuk factor, but after you get past the yuk factor it might not be a bad idea.

The solution to our energy problem will come from lots of different things.
How much energy will your rodent use to move its own weight?
A cow heart powered generator would not make any noise or pollution
No noise, no pollution, runs on hay, probably the most efficient way on earth to convert one form of energy to another - sounds good to me.

And it works all the time, unlike solar or wind power.

Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: 4Tesla on November 19, 2008, 10:44:11 PM
A heart is probably the most efficient way on earth to turn one from of energy into another.
So why not take all the hearts from all the dead cows in America and use them to pump a liquid to power a generator?
I admit there is a certain yuk factor, but after you get past the yuk factor it might not be a bad idea.

The solution to our energy problem will come from lots of different things.
How much energy will your rodent use to move its own weight?
A cow heart powered generator would not make any noise or pollution
No noise, no pollution, runs on hay, probably the most efficient way on earth to convert one form of energy to another - sounds good to me.

And it works all the time, unlike solar or wind power.

This thread is funny, yet sick!
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: ResinRat2 on November 19, 2008, 11:07:04 PM
I have to admit it was hard to hold back on this one. Just for a laugh I thought I would throw in my two cents on this creepy subject. Don't forget that you would need a stomach to process the hay into energy producing nutrients that the heart can use. Also, the heart would need a rich blood supply to keep it working, probably immersed in plasmatic liquid to keep it moist and protected. It must be remembered that it is designed to work within an organic body. (This is getting weirder by the word). In order to process the hay you would need several stomachs that the cow uses, also, you might want to have the hay chewed up somehow. Instead of a machine you might want teeth and siliva to help digest and process the hay. Maybe a cow jaw and mouth to do the job.

Let's get even creepier. The idea of rows of beating hearts pumping blood through a generator seems strange, single stomachs and jaws, disembodied lungs to provide the oxygen to the blood/plasma liquid. This is getting very, very, morbid. You would need a diaphram to keep the lungs working, this would need to be hooked up as well.

I don't know if I could go on much further, too SciFi scary.

Maybe you would just want to tap into a living cow and have an external generator/pump on the outside of its body.

Wow, I can't believe I wrote this. I guess it has been a long day here at work. Time for me to leave now.

...maybe turkey parts...NO! NO! I won't go there.  LOL!

I will never look at my steak the same way again...
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: PYRODIN123321 on November 19, 2008, 11:56:04 PM
 :D  LOL
this is gettin a Little matrixy but i gotta admit there might be something here.

Considering the current genetic capabilities you could make brain dead cows, just a cerebellum to keep the idle, after that its pretty much matrix style, hell why not use genetically engineered braindead people, at least then, when somebody needs some spare parts nobody (with a soul anyway) would have to die to save em and they produce energy- how cool is that!

then there is the whole "is this moral" thing
-no no it isn't moral at all, but that hasn't stopped us so far

hey, that kinda adds a scary edge to the matrix movie
- in reality all those people hooked up into the matrix would be engineered braindead

scary but, well just scary....
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: Bulbz on November 20, 2008, 12:36:52 AM
I can see it now... Somebody goes to a Mcdonalds Drive-Through and orders "A Big Mac meal, and a generator please !"  ;D.
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: Bulbz on November 20, 2008, 12:42:32 AM
this is gettin a Little matrixy but i gotta admit there might be something here.

Considering the current genetic capabilities you could make brain dead cows, just a cerebellum to keep the idle, after that its pretty much matrix style, hell why not use genetically engineered braindead people, at least then, when somebody needs some spare parts nobody (with a soul anyway) would have to die to save em and they produce energy- how cool is that!

then there is the whole "is this moral" thing
-no no it isn't moral at all, but that hasn't stopped us so far

hey, that kinda adds a scary edge to the matrix movie
- in reality all those people hooked up into the matrix would be engineered braindead

scary but, well just scary....

Or you could put zombies in a giant Hamster wheel, and do the "dangle a carrot in front of a Donkey method", but replace the carrot with "BRAAAAINS"  ;D
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on November 24, 2008, 01:59:56 AM
Mr. Rat2,
Could sewage be used as a fuel for a cow heart powered generator?
I think it could. I don't think the heart would care what it was feed.
I wonder how many horsepower a cow heart would make?
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on November 24, 2008, 02:36:13 AM
Its all about turning a useless form of energy into a useful form of energy.
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: ResinRat2 on November 24, 2008, 03:41:55 AM
Mr. Rat2,
Could sewage be used as a fuel for a cow heart powered generator?
I think it could. I don't think the heart would care what it was feed.
I wonder how many horsepower a cow heart would make?

Its all about turning a useless form of energy into a useful form of energy.

I'm not a Biologist, but I never heard of running a living body part on sewage. Maybe somebody could do it, I just don't know. I was just throwing out some observations. I am sure there have been many experiments on animal parts that were kept alive for study, so there probably exists research data on the subject. I didn't say that it couldn't be done either, it just seemed like a really ghoulish way to produce electricity; but that's just my personal opinion.

I have to admit, it was very creative and out-of-the-box type of thinking. Just not my cup of tea. LOL!
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: Bulbz on November 24, 2008, 03:40:19 PM
Mr. Rat2,
Could sewage be used as a fuel for a cow heart powered generator?
I think it could. I don't think the heart would care what it was feed.
I wonder how many horsepower a cow heart would make?

It may be easier to just burn the shit to produce power.
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on November 24, 2008, 08:31:23 PM
Burn it to do what?
Boil water to run a turbine.
Not very efficient.
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: Bulbz on November 25, 2008, 01:24:59 AM
Burn it to do what?
Boil water to run a turbine.
Not very efficient.

Could it be possible to put it in a gassifier, and heat it to get Methane from it ?. That's supposed to be more efficient than just burning it.
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: DreamThinkBuild on November 25, 2008, 01:31:16 AM

Instead of using live hearts that will require more energy to keep alive I came up with another idea. Why not create an artificial heart made of one way tubes. A electromagnet pulses a rubber bladder which forces the water to a turbine. When the electromagnet is turned off the bladder is re-expanded by the pull of the springs causing a suction which forces the fluid through the turbine again. Once it reaches expansion the electromagnet slams on again forcing the water to push through the system again. Over and over.
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on November 25, 2008, 01:39:06 PM
Nice drawing, what makes the electricity to make the electromagnet work?
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on November 25, 2008, 03:42:32 PM
Dream Think
At my website there is a serious invention designed to convert gravity to mechanical energy.
When you get to my website click on the tab at the top of the page marked
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: DreamThinkBuild on November 25, 2008, 04:24:17 PM
The idea was to use a 12volt battery to get the initial pulses started. Using a strong magnet toward the bottom of plate would reduce the amount of current needed on the electromagnet coil to pull it down. In a normal heart a very strong pulse(relative) is sent around 70-80 beats per minute which is around 1 to 1.5 hz. The voltage is in the 1mv to -0.25mv range on the QRS pulse, in the nano-amps for current. Trying to get that efficiency from a machine is pretty difficult, unless your working with nano materials. To eliminate some of the mechanical features the bladder could be wrapped with a muscle wire to perform the contraction but there would be a slow relaxation phase which may defeat the whole purpose. The springs could be eliminated by just using a square wave on the electromagnet on the positive pulse it will slam down on a negative it will slam up repelled by the magnet on the base. It's still just an idea that need more thinking.
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on November 25, 2008, 05:54:32 PM
You did a nice job on your drawing, I read your last post and I still don’t understand  where the electricity comes from to power the electromagnet.

Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: Neolystic on November 25, 2008, 06:08:51 PM
You did a nice job on your drawing, I read your last post and I still don’t understand  where the electricity comes from to power the electromagnet.

That may be where we'd need to use a real cow heart instead of an artificial one.  All we'd have to do is parade a good-looking bull heart in front of a cow heart, which would increase the beats/minute of the cow heart, resulting in OU.  Forget energy from the aether....this would be energy from the hormones lol
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: DreamThinkBuild on November 25, 2008, 07:01:08 PM
The initial startup is through a 12v battery a square wave pulse (Oscillator) is fed into the electromagnet. If your looking for a circuit diagram I haven't built one yet, it would be a PIC micro-controller with a sense to the alternator an output to the pulse driver and a in/out line for the switching over from either battery or alternator. The electromagnet pushes the bladder down(contraction) with the help of a strong base magnet which forces the water to flow through the one way hose to the turbine blades. The turbine blades start to turn from the inrush and on the negative side of the pulse the bladder is pulled up causing suction which pulls the water through the turbine again. Once an optimal beat is established and generator starts to produce a usable charge, it is switched over to the generator. A low RPM alternator could be used to feed the charge back into the system to maintain it.

This is just one design, if you can keep a constant beat then you could create a water vortex. Have the incoming water hit near the top side of the turbines and the suctioned water pulled from the bottom instead of the side.

So short answer is you start it with a 12v battery(running a square wave oscillator +/-) to get it initially going(that is the initial cost), then if there is enough left over to feed into a charge controller which you hook to a inverter. It would be cheaper than a cow, you have to feed($$$/time truck gas/silage/hay), water pump($$$ electric bill), vet bills($$$ just for having them stick there hand up the animals butt). I do farming and there is a lot of work/energy to keep animals maintained.
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on November 25, 2008, 07:46:31 PM
I will say it again, you did a good job on your drawing.
We need people like you to invent things.
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on December 06, 2008, 08:12:30 PM
As a added bonus we get to eat the cow.
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on December 07, 2008, 04:53:59 PM
We need to name this thing. When plants are grown in water and supplied artificial nutrients its called hydroponics.
The cow heart powered generator is similar, the hearts would need 4 things.
1. A working fluid inside the heart to pump thru the generator.
2. A fluid to submerse the heart in to support it.
3. Oxygen in the fluid.
4. Artificial nutrients in the fluid.
If you have a suggestion on what to name the cow heart powered generator please post it.

Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: 4Tesla on December 08, 2008, 09:41:58 AM
You all watch the MATRIX?  Where they use humans for power?

The original movie is great, but 2 and 3 aren't worth watching.
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on December 09, 2008, 02:59:02 PM
During peak electrical demand give the cow hearts coffee and they will beat faster.
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on December 10, 2008, 02:38:46 PM
Crickets are obnoxious creatures, the best way to shut - up a cricket is to grind it up into mush and use it to feed a cow heart  powered  generator.
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on December 12, 2008, 01:22:54 AM
I am trying to name the cow heart powered generator.
Heart Power, or HP
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: PYRODIN123321 on December 12, 2008, 02:26:09 AM
electrocardio gen.
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on December 12, 2008, 02:29:11 PM
Not bad, I am thinking of calling it a  Organic Pump. A cow heart is organic and it is a pump. I know one thing for sure any mention of the word heart will not fly.
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on December 15, 2008, 01:10:40 AM
With genetic engineering and cloning we could make 50 lb cow hearts.
How many horse power would a 50 lb cow heart make?

The old h.p. is horse power, the new h.p. is heart power.
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on December 18, 2008, 12:30:56 AM
A Elephant heart weights about 60 lbs.
I am not saying we should kill all the elephants on the planet, and use there hearts to make electricity, but what if we could clone a 60 lb Elephant heart and use them to make electricity?
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on December 18, 2008, 07:20:25 PM
A Blue Whales heart weights 1000 lbs, that’s a big heart.
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on December 19, 2008, 01:05:21 AM
It could be any cow muscle, we could use the leg muscles, not just the heart.
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on January 04, 2009, 08:06:58 PM
A Biopump fueled by biomass.
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: jams002 on January 06, 2009, 06:07:26 AM
maybe but i really i don't know? ???

Great thing to know about busby seo test (
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on March 08, 2009, 12:39:05 AM
A Biopump fueled by biomass.
I like this idea better everyday.
Title: Re: Could cow hearts power the world?
Post by: brian334 on March 08, 2009, 02:10:00 AM
I wonder how many horse power a 1000 lb whale heart could make?