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Mechanical free energy devices => mechanic => Topic started by: hartiberlin on March 28, 2007, 02:42:16 AM

Title: New overunity pulse motor ?
Post by: hartiberlin on March 28, 2007, 02:42:16 AM
I got this message and have a look at this video:

Gheorghe thought you might be interested in this video on Yahoo! Video: (

Gheorghe added this message:

Mr. Stefan,
My measurements: the outputpower in Ac is 60 w per phase (the incandrscent lampes)and input power from an ac generator is 6...7 w per phase. I will replace the ac motor with a static cc/ac invertor
Title: Re: New overunity pulse motor ?
Post by: hartiberlin on March 28, 2007, 10:50:27 PM
Gheorghe did reply:

Hi mr.Stefan !
Thanks for your attention for my 'generator'.
A no-long 'explanation' is in the text :
Thanks for introducing me in
I will coming with details after repeting with more precise instrument and eventual with scope shots.

Here is the website contens:

   Electric Energy

In the article entitled ?Fieldsenergy? displayed on Internet on the 20th February 2000 I have asserted that  the alternative electric power may be obtained pulsing electro-magnetic fields without any consumption of  mechanical power, now I back up my assertion with sequences from a feature report performed by TELE  M TV, where there were presented my machines (my inventions) in working, machines which confirm the  physical reality supported and asserted by me.
   I also inform those having the technical possibility to check up experimentally the mentioned  electromagnetic processes, demonstrating my assertions. This electromagnetic process grounds my  machines working (my inventions).
  As for patenting my inventions, it was impossible in Romania because OSIM- Bucharest claimed in Court  at the Supreme Court of Justice they shouldn?t be part in the Expertise Board, request which violated the  Act of Investments. No.64/1991., The OSIM?s reason is founded  on the idea that it is impossible to get  electric power without consuming any mechanic power., claiming for the law of  Energy Conservation,  E=mc2 and the thermodynamic principles. I submitted my application even to the Supreme Court of  Justice but everything was in vain, it was a waste of time and money spending. The Law of Investments  No.64/1991 wasn?t observed. OSIM- Bucharest also affirmed in writing that the electromagnetic force  isn?t a fundamental force .I quote from the letter I have got: ?The electromagnetic force isn?t found in  atoms, as it is confirmed in the description, (n.n, in the description of the inventions) but it is a force which  depends on the electric and magnetic sizes, it depends on the state of the bodies and of the  electromagnetic field and is annihilated together with those sizes. Under the perspective of the present day  physics, this theory is wrong, as the electromagnetic force has been   considered a fundamental force  even since 1900.
   The verification of the respective electromagnetic process may be performed quite easily by anyone  who has the possibility to supply an ordinary electric transformer with pulsing electric power with the  frequency of 286 Hz.
The pulsing electric power may be obtained by mono redressing the alternative electric power (mono  redressing with only one diode), the pulsation being equal with half of the period. There are two  thresholds/ stages of the frequency of the pulsating electric power where the phenomenon of generating  electric power, the first one is at 286 Hz and the second one at 339 Hz. Even if the transformer is  constructed for the frequency of 50 Hz, performing electric measurements of the terminals of the  consumer, it will be noticed in the secondary electric coatings of the transformer, both at the tension  voltage and the intensity of the electric power amplification will occur, thus demonstrating the effect of  generating alternative electric power.
  I want to recall the fact that the electromagnetic force is the second fundamental force of substances  and belongs to the strong forces. As it is stated, it is made up of the electrostatic vector + Q and ? q and  the magnetic vector with the North and the South Pole. As the electromagnetic process demonstrates,  this theory it is incorrect. In fact, it is about only one vector which in certain conditions is placed in different  three-dimensional spaces and at an angle of 90 degrees of one space toward the other. The space at the  atomic level is a multi dimensional one.
    So, when we talk about an electromagnetic coil (a solenoid) with an ironed core which is fed in  continuous electric power, we can say that at the passing of the -q electric charge of the electric power  which penetrates through the electric coats of the coil, an electrostatic press ion which leads to the special  torsion of +Q and ? q charge carriers from the ironed core of the coil, so that these ones pass (per  mutate) in another tri dimensional space which is different from the first one and at an angle of 90  degrees from this one, where he acts as a magnetic  vector with North and South polarity. If this spatial  permutation of the charge carriers from the ironed core of the coil (that is their permutation from a tri  dimensional space to another tri dimensional space which is different from the first one) is intermittent  when we talk about a vector (that is by a force) the mechanical work at the atomic level is exercised by  respecting the classic law of energy, W=F*v*t. At a constant value of F (thus a pulsating magnetic force)  the energy raises with the v*t product (this product is the representative of the law of the space).
   So, raising the frequency of the pulsating electric power which determines the spatial permutation of the  charge carriers from the ironed core of the electromagnetic coil (in this case the ironed core is made up of  the electro technical toles) at the atomic level the mechanical work is exercised which through electro  magnetic induction may be turned into alternative electric power. The electro magnetic induction is in fact  a spatial permutation of the free electrons from the electric conductor. This new permutation is created by  the magnetic pressure exercised by a North and South magnetic vector.
  As for the inductive reactant (XL) that raises together with the frequency of the pulsing electric power  may be out of date through the more or less known methods.
   Referring to the main motivations of OSIM Bucharest which were mentioned before, the electromagnetic  process in discussion demonstrated that they aren?t real. The law E=MC2 does not express the physical  reality at least in the case of the electro magnetic fields,  but  even in the gravitational  field, this law  doesn?t express the reality. Firstly, the speed of   light can?t be the speed of the light in universe. The  speed of the gravitational waves is huge even compared with the speed of light. For example, as it is said,  the distance from the Sun up to borders of the Solar System is gone over by the light in 2 hours; on the  contrary, the speed of the gravitational waves which go from the Sun to Pluto for instance, is  instantaneous, because if it were otherwise, the existence of the planetary solar system wouldn?t be  possible. The gravitational waves are on other geodesics which are different from that of the light, that?s  why they weren?t detected up to now; they are situated in a tri dimensional space, different from that of  the electro magnetic waves.
  As for the thermodynamics and its principles, this one is analyzed by the phenomenon of isotropy leading  to the conclusion that the problems of the collations at the atomic level is misunderstood, no matter their  chemical, nuclear and thermo dynamic nature. As long as the  four fundamental  forces of the material:   strongly nuclear, electromagnetic ,weekly nuclear and gravitational - act as vectors towards  the  nuclear  center of the mass, the thermo dynamic isotropy is strange as it implies an unknown  and a non  material   fundamental force which in the moment of collisions at the atomic level (when the fundamental forces are  partially or totally annihilated) act as isotropic, contrary  than the action of the fundamental  forces of the  material. More than that, this phenomenon of isotropy also acts at the universal level, the galaxies getting  farther and farther from one another with speeds which overpass sometimes the speed of light as it is  said.
   According to a simple logic, this non material force which acts isotropic ally over the material couldn?t  anything else but the vide interaction over the material. Vide is found both at the atomic level and at the  cosmic level. In this case, we can say that the material is in dynamic equilibrium between the vide  interaction and its fundamental forces.
   The conclusion we draw is that both the Celestial mechanics and the Quantico mechanics are performed  mainly due to this interaction and due to the fundamental forces of the material.
   In the case of the Celestial mechanics, it should be drawn out the fact that the action of   his non  material forces, of the vide is   directly proportional with the volume of the mass (the planetary mass and  is indirectly proportional with the square of the volume of the mass and the central gravitational force (the  solar mass)?. The rest of the article can be found on the internet at the address

Radu Gheorghe,
Title: Re: New overunity pulse motor ?
Post by: Trump on April 14, 2007, 04:36:18 AM

Just wanted to check in and see if there was any updates to the new Pulse Motor. It really sounds interesting for sure. I went to the other link which was attached to the  listing, but that did me no good as it was not in English, I think that is why you posted that message, I just thought it may have contained more information. Kind of wondered why the specific frequency are needed in this experiment? Just wanted to check in and see if anything was going on, I will check in again later and hopefully have some updated news.


Title: Re: New overunity pulse motor ?
Post by: Trump on April 29, 2007, 02:22:38 AM

Seems this link is dead? did this person ever get with you so you could check out his pulse motor? Seems the Overunity site goes down every so often, is it getting overcrowded ?

