Money makes the world go round > Capital and funding

Self-fueling/self-running air engine concept ready to be built


Note:  This same posting will be posted in a few different categories, because I wasn?t sure, which one would be the best suited to put it in.  Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Special note:  I would also like to say a special thank you to Stefan Hartman and people like him, for creating websites and forums like this, where we can all come together, from different parts of the world, and share and collaborate our ideas for the good of human kind.

Greetings Fellow Researchers, Alternative Energy Enthusiasts, and my Fellow Human Beings,

For the past two to three years, I have been working with a close friend of mine, named Kim Zorzi, whom resides in the USA.  He is an inventor and has an extensive engineering background.  He has been working on a very simple, low cost, free energy technology that can be widely adapted.  The technology is a simple engine that runs on air.  We simply call it the air engine.  In theory it is self-fueling and self-running.  It can be used to generate vast amounts of electricity. 

Kim has mathematical calculations, figures, detailed drawings, and notes, to back up his work.  3-D computer animated graphic drawings made in an engineering program of the air engine are available also.  He has also corresponded with other engineers and technical professionals that have approved of his idea.  Kim has spent a long time and put many hours of research into this air engine.  There are stories of inventors in the past that have created similar engines that ran continuously on air. 

My friend estimates a prototype could potentially be built for around $10,000 ? $30,000 (USA dollars).  He is at the point now to where he is ready to build a prototype, so the concept can be proven.  Kim and I are very serious about building a prototype and would like to do so as soon as possible. 

I am posting here to see if there is any serious, accredited, humanitarian minded investors, or individuals, that may be willing to help.  If anyone, anywhere in the world is reading this message and interested, please contact me as soon as possible.  I will put you in touch directly with Kim himself.  This technology does not and will not belong to any one company, organization, governmental body, or one person.  It belongs to all human beings everywhere.  We are not looking to profit from this technology.  We are doing this strictly for humanitarian efforts.  If a prototype is successfully built, information how to build it will be shared freely with the world.  We believe in helping others and this is very important.

Kim is an open, honest, good-hearted man, and will share all necessary information. 

Thank you for your time, and God Bless,

Jesse Small of the USA

P.S.  All interested, serious, and qualified parties please contact me and I will privately respond to you as soon as possible. 

Why must a prototype be built before more imformation is released?

This seems like the correct category.


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