OverUnity Prize > Devices applied for the OU prize

Water powered pump and dump AA charger.


Recharging a regular AA battery with a water battery. Simple circuit pumps up a capacitor with charge from a water battery then dumps that charge into a rechargeable AA battery to recharge it. https://youtu.be/lQXkfMlhQi4

I really like this. Always follow


--- Quote from: stevensrd1 on July 19, 2018, 06:42:40 PM ---Recharging a regular AA battery with a water battery. Simple circuit pumps up a capacitor with charge from a water battery then dumps that charge into a rechargeable AA battery to recharge it. https://youtu.be/lQXkfMlhQi4

--- End quote ---
Why charging a battery with another battery ? 


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