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Any ACTUAL OU devices on this whole forum

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Sadly No
However there are some interesting experiments and discussions.
You may look in the archives of freeenergynews.com and study the history of hundreds of free  energy devices and claims.
Kind Regards


--- Quote from: memoryman on July 26, 2016, 01:58:38 AM ---@scratchrobot: Morin is the MORON of the century. He has no clue what he is talking about.
Not a single OU device on this or any other forum.

--- End quote ---

Yes i know but i find his video's are very entertaining!
I asked him if he could do another one with his friend Bob https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ydvic9aG5BE :)

Permanente's question is a very good one but also a very bump one :o

To be honest, the only reason i'm still on this forum is for it's entertainment value...

on this site ?     maybe , maybe not , I personally am not going to investigate every theory , no thanks

in the real world we are surrounded by free energy , Hoover dam , solar panels and wind farms are good exmples . the owners get free electricity and choose to sell it to everyone and cut off anyone who doesnt  pay .    the cost for generating the power is zero  . 


^ these guys have been in bussiness for centuries .

Re: Any ACTUAL OU devices on this whole forum
as for electrical generators , eventually people will stop trying to bleed more electrons from the voltage source but until then , NO



--- Quote from: massive on July 26, 2016, 11:34:53 PM ---
in the real world we are surrounded by free energy , Hoover dam , solar panels and wind farms are good exmples . the owners get free electricity and choose to sell it to everyone and cut off anyone who doesnt  pay .    the cost for generating the power is zero  . 

--- End quote ---

I agree with "massive" and want to add some thoughts:

Most people think that "energy" is a technical issue. But as "massive" has said, we have plenty of technologies which give us "energy" (wind, rivers, sun, hot inner earth, tides). And it needs some careful technical development to use these "energies".  But the technologies are available and work pretty well.

What does not work are the "politics of energy". These policies work only for a small number of people and make them rich and powerful. The rest of the world population has to pay dearly to get "energy".

And who's fault is this? Well I am pretty sure at least 50% of the readers in this forum believe in free market economy and capitalism in some way. And a few believe in a form of socialism or communism. And most do not care or do not understand that "energy" generation, use and availability depends on the political view which is dominant.

Whatever political view the majority or the truly powerful have determines the access to "energy"!

What I never will understand is, why "free market believers" want OU. If an OU device is ever invented, it will immediately be part of the "market" and access to this technology will be restricted by the "owners" who want to become rich. Nothing will change. It does not matter whether a solar panel is expensive or a OU-machine.

So, it is your fault, because you vote for or at least allow (by your political ignorance) the powerful to restrict access to energy.

In other words: "energy" like all things on earth depends on what you believe politically or on what you allow to happen (because of your political ignorance)!

Greetings, Conrad

Except solar or wind power need resources which are not available to ordinary people but only to corporations controlled by financial and political powers. They need sophisticated industrial plants to build them and so it is controllable...


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