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New theories about free energy systems => Theory of overunity and free energy => Topic started by: poelzi on April 06, 2016, 06:00:19 PM

Title: Basic Structures of Matter - Supergravitation Unified Theory (BSM-SG)
Post by: poelzi on April 06, 2016, 06:00:19 PM
I have not found this theory on this board, so I will give a short introduction here.

If you really want to understand the theory, the  main book from Dr. Stoyan Sarg is of most importance.

I started diving into this theory ~ november 2014 and it changed my perspective totally. I can not guarantee that I get everything right, as I'm only a mere student myself, but for the conversations I had with Stoyan, he thinks I understand it.

Our current physical standard model is very hard to understand and lacks inner constancy. Many laws are just postulated have no inner connection, yet, reasons why all the natural constants are in such perfect harmony to build up this stable universe are absolutely unknown. Even facts like the neutrino mass, missing neutrino oscillations, CPT violation and all the observational astronomical facts that contradict the Big Bang Theory are mostly ignored ( and this are just some of them. Whatever it is, the standard model it is not.

Instead of trying to unify general relativity and quantum mechanics, it would be wiser to go through all the assumptions we made in the past and check those against newer results and get rid of the wrong ones first. Make the most simple assumptions possible and try to describe a logical process that results in a galaxy like ours.
Don't get me wrong, general relativity and all the quantum mechanical effects we have observed so far exist, even many more - just thru a very different reason.

What basic assumption are required:
- 3 dimensional euclidean space without physical properties. This means: no electric and magnetic fields, no virtual particles, no gravity, no background radiation.
- 2 fundamental particles in huge quantities - really tiny indestructible balls. To give you a size relation to what we experience: A positive neutrino is made of 6 prisms (very high level structure). The prism itself is very complex but contains somewhere around 20*(455*20)^6 fundamental particles. The exact number is hard to estimate and you will understand why, once you understand the process of galaxy crystallization. They have a size relation of 2:3 and a intrinsic vibration. Basically, they are non mixable substances. Which makes sense: we live in a complex world. To build up complexity, you need border conditions and for those, you need some sort of separation. 2 substances are the minimal set required to build up a complex world.
- 1 one law of attraction. The supergravitation: F_sg = G_0 * (m1*m2)/r^3
  G_0 does not behave equally between the 2 types of fp. Because of their size difference and therefore resonance difference, particles of different kind attract each other until a frequency bitting effect takes place and they repulse each other, cause a separation space between structures of different kind. We can measure this force a Casimir force between to polished plates.

With this basic assumption a process can be described in which those simple particles crystallize into high level stable structures like protons/neutrons/electrons/positrons that ultimately build up the periodic table and later molecules. The universe in the BSM model is energetically closed, which means, energy can not be destroyed or generated, the universe does not lose any energy. The universe is also stable and extremely old. Galaxies, either matter or antimatter are a logical outcome, with dominance of the matter type of neighboring galaxies.

The concept of the vacuum in BSM is very different of the standard model as it is well structured and very complex. Most of the old aether theories relied on some magical substance of superfluid properties.
In the BSM model classical empty space does exist, but is quite rare. Some small places between galaxies and a small portion surrounding the super massive black hole in the center of our galaxy are empty space, but nothing we experience here. From the BSM perspective, empty space is extremely dangerous for us.

Our vacuum is build like a 3 dimensional honey web, made from so called CL nodes - 4 prisms of one type. They are a decay product of positive and negative neutrinos. This grid possesses very complex behavior that really takes some time to wrap your head around, even tho, it is based on very simple principles.
It basically builds it's own axis, 4 * 109.5° but the force vectors between the nodes are complex because the prism has a complex internal structure that cause 2 different kinds of forces, called CP (cylindrical part) and TP (twisted part). The CP part is responsible for gravity and inertia while the TP part if for electrical fields, charge, ...
Once this grid is understood, all virtual particles like photons and beta particles become very much understandable. Why does the photon not lose any energy when it travels even tho it is a electric wave ?
The photon is a double wave, a electrical central wave and a helical magnetic wave that builds a a border condition enclosing the electrical wave. This gives the electrical wave only one direction of propagation with the resonance of the CL nodes as energy transfer: aka speed of light. It becomes more complex because there are 2 frequencies involved but I hope you get the picture.

This grid like structure contains enormous amounts of energy in two energy pools. The static pressure ZPE-S which causes effects like general relativity, the mass change of chemical bindings,... . Whenever you change the atomic configuration by adding or removing protons, the change in mass is a result of the changed microcurvature in the vacuum. The atoms are much more complex in the BSM model, it has a own periodic table that uses simple geometrical buildup rules to derive the periodic table. Fusion becomes a very different process for you once you understand the table - most hot fusion reactors become quite nonsense designs to be honest.

There is a second very interesting pool called ZPE-D - dynamic zero point. It is based on two resonance frequencies that automatically exist from the attractive forces of the 4 prisms in the CL node. They simply have no stable point, but 2 energy valleys they oscillate around. Its energy is around 2.0257865 * 10^3 N/m²Hz and is responsible for the stabilization of the speed of light and many other effects.

I never thought about free energy when I studied physics, mostly because free energy does not make sense in their adopted model of the vacuum. Yet, their explanation of vacuum fluctuations don't make much sense either, something out of nothing always sounded like magic to me.

From the BSM perspective, a  perpetuum mobile can not exist, because we are around 4 billion years old - in around 8 billion years the ZPE will start to reach a level too low to repulse heavy objects from the galactic nucleus and something very heavy will fall on it, damaging the outer shell. Then our galaxy will fall very rapidly into our black hole in the center and for our neighbors, we will look like a GRB (Gamma Ray Burst) without photons and then: just gone (invisible but still there). The galaxy will make it's next cycle of recrystalization, explosion, active live (where we are now) and the collapse. But till then, we have a lot of energy we can extract ^^

Most of the free energy devices use either the static pressure due atom changes - the whole field of LENR. Or the dynamic pressure, like joule thief circuits. To use the dynamic pressure is much more complicated as many parameters need to align very well, to get into a region of overunity.
It should also be noted, that wrong parameters can cause electron/possitron recombinations that buildup a very bad form of the electron (1 electron shell + 2 positrons instead of 1 electron shell + 1 positron). This particle is in the far field, electrically neutral and can poison the material to a point where no excess energy can be harvested anymore.

I do not expect to make to much sense here now, because this theory is not explained in 2 sentences. It is very important to understand the geometrical configuration and this takes some time.
If you are interested, you can start with the papers from Stoyan on his researchgate account: (

But the main book liked on top is the only comprehensive source of this theory so far and I just hope you take your time to read it, best physics book I have ever read.

kind regards