Solid States Devices > solid state devices

A strange energy outburst experiment related to the "kick"

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Well, that may have been kick like.. Sudden rush of energy and all, but it's alot more like what Gray himself demonstrated. Your circuit was close, but not exact. He made coils jump several feet in the air. You had the right combination, but probably something a little off about the ciruit which cause some kind of radiant explosion.

Sounds awesome. Lucky you didn't get hurt.

Did you ever try to reproduce? Or did it scare you too bad?

with your High Voltage pulses,you killed probably directly your
charged capacitor, so when it had 100 Volts or more on it and
it was 1000 uF or 100.000 uF ? then you could already create
a pretty big bang by exploding the capacitor !?
Or didn?t it explode ?

a speck of dust or a speck of "something" in the gap maybe? :)

Explosion , shurly will not comes from electolydic condensors.
eveb if you charge al 100 Volt DC Type with 1000 Volts
It needs power (current) to charge in this way that the
fluid electrolyd will be comes hot (boiling) and can explode
(old types only) after they heated up (take somes time.)
But it will give no any light or fire , only the Aluminium can (body)
or the rubber socked outlet-wires will chasing over the room.

In theis description of this experiment other forces will be worked
on it.  If othing is "burned up" only the spark gap can have produced
a light or fire


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