Mechanical free energy devices > mechanic

Friedrich Luling Magnet Motor

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--- Quote from: ramset on February 14, 2023, 05:05:35 PM ---Nix
Here we have have open source builders asking you to help with your claims?
Many would beg for such help....

--- End quote ---

We've been through this. Firstly cut the silly act, for years and years you've been repeating

"world desperately needs just one !" and "just one will do !" and "do you have any now ?"

Yes world needs it, but it does not need it desperately, humanity is at a certain level of moral / intellectual / spiritual development, if time was ripe it would've happened long ago, technology is not the issue, there are thousands of devices, i think you know that. OU will become widely replicated and mainstream when humanity is ready for it, not a second earlier. Until then it will be reality for those who make it themselves or get one on the black market (and i hear it's big).

I know well we have builders and i am one of them. No one is asking or begging for help, forum is for sharing ideas, knowledge, builds, including videos of others' success, so those who resonate with it can either replicate or get inspired to do something along similar lines or maybe something totally different. That's the beauty of an open forum.

But most 'builders' do not operate on high enough energy level, knowledge and understanding is lacking, as well as clear vision.

I gave some concrete solutions over the years but people rarely see others' vision and even when they do at least partially they would rather wait for the other to do it than invest their own time and energy. Just the last solution i shared is far bigger deal than you realize, the FACT that strong magnetic field can be shielded with minimal energy using a screen of repelling magnets covered with iron of proper thickness. But how many will try it, i'll tell you, not one is going to try it cause they don't see it clearly, they would rather wait for me to try it and even if i claimed success they would be skeptical to no end. Yet, i see clearly this is the solution even without building it, and build it i will when its turn comes since i am now doing another project of higher priority.

So, to summarize, OU, like everything, is a big learning experience for everyone in it, and those who are passionate and persistent will be awarded, slowly but surely, with deeper understanding of all associated phenomena and finally with solutions, not one but multiple, cause when the flood gate opens it opens big.

As for 'claiming' if others' devices work, i addressed that already, when i share others' devices i am clearly expressing my opinion, that is, that i think it works (or does not). As i have written for Yildiz

"If it was not real do you really think he would go to such lengths of starting a series production of generator units based on his magnet motors, giving public demonstrations in universities all over."

And for Yussefi

"As for skepticism would Daniel Yussefi go to these lengths, build such complex machines, invest in marketing and attempt series production/selling (before they silenced (killed?) him) if it did not work, of course he would not."

Would they, of course they would not, this is common sense. + We hear about magnetic repulsion OU in so many other examples like Danzik of Earth Engine etc.

I mean, to have any doubt Yildiz's motors work is in my opinion either lack of research or lack of intelligence. You simply cannot have looked into it deeply and exit thinking hoax. For Yussefi one can retain a level of doubt cause he never gave a demonstration, but the above arguments stand, would he go to such lengths if it didn't work + magnetic repulsion is a common OU claim.

Because just one open sourced FE device that runs with gain is all that is needed
Always been that way !
Your comments and mission statement speak volumes!

I will ask you again
Have you personally had any success with a self running system
Of any type !

Just one self sustaining gain mechanism ( “perhaps “ as you point out with your shielding comment?or pick another..?
There are builders here waiting to replicate!
Community can put a budget together to make it happen !

Just one success you have from your bench!
There are moderated builders boards where no one will
Volunteers wishing to build !!
Edit for comment below
It’s yes or no Nix
Do you have or don’t you?
Sideways answers  “concrete solutions “ sounds like no real answer!

As you write “thousands” out there !
We did this exact thing years ago … you showed some attempts
And said “not yet” ( then was also comments of much stronger claims and words
Like concrete solutions!!
Please just be honest!
Yes or no !

Easy, no need for drama or exclamation marks. Like i said such device will not happen until humanity is ready and i think you know it very very well, makes me wonder why you insist so hard on the act and drama.

What humanity needs more than OU device is to rise to higher level of intelligence, morality and spirituality. Then and only then OU devices will be massively replicated and you'll be able to get one in the store.

Unlike you, i give concrete solutions, for those able to see and hear, so yes that speaks volumes. Far more than exclamation marks and soap operas. You need to start being honest and lose the useless act.

--- Quote from: nix85 on February 15, 2023, 12:00:09 AM ---We've been through this. Firstly cut the silly act, for years and years you've been repeating

"world desperately needs just one !" and "just one will do !" and "do you have any now ?"

Yes world needs it, but it does not need it desperately, humanity is at a certain level of moral / intellectual / spiritual development, if time was ripe it would've happened long ago, technology is not the issue, there are thousands of devices, i think you know that. OU will become widely replicated and mainstream when humanity is ready for it, not a second earlier. Until then it will be reality for those who make it themselves or get one on the black market (and i hear it's big).

I know well we have builders and i am one of them. No one is asking or begging for help, forum is for sharing ideas, knowledge, builds, including videos of others' success, so those who resonate with it can either replicate or get inspired to do something along similar lines or maybe something totally different. That's the beauty of an open forum.

But most 'builders' do not operate on high enough energy level, knowledge and understanding is lacking, as well as clear vision.

I gave some concrete solutions over the years but people rarely see others' vision and even when they do at least partially they would rather wait for the other to do it than invest their own time and energy. Just the last solution i shared is far bigger deal than you realize, the FACT that strong magnetic field can be shielded with minimal energy using a screen of repelling magnets covered with iron of proper thickness. But how many will try it, i'll tell you, not one is going to try it cause they don't see it clearly, they would rather wait for me to try it and even if i claimed success they would be skeptical to no end. Yet, i see clearly this is the solution even without building it, and build it i will when its turn comes since i am now doing another project of higher priority.

So, to summarize, OU, like everything, is a big learning experience for everyone in it, and those who are passionate and persistent will be awarded, slowly but surely, with deeper understanding of all associated phenomena and finally with solutions, not one but multiple, cause when the flood gate opens it opens big.

--- End quote ---

Let this go into your piggy bank of knowledge:  ;)


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