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New theories about free energy systems => Understanding OverUnity => Topic started by: pinestone on January 31, 2015, 06:36:48 PM

Title: Is overunity really possible?
Post by: pinestone on January 31, 2015, 06:36:48 PM
The 'laws of the universe' say NO from any one type of overunity source. But what if one was to combine all free energy systems together as one?
For example, photovoltaic's are now more efficient than ever. Neo magnets can induce large current flow for their size and weight, and there's always good ol' Gravity.

So what numbers could one expect from combining all three relatively free energy sources into one device?
I've been away from this kind of thinking and research for a long time...maybe someone else on this forum has said this before?

Let's design something!
Title: Re: Is overunity really possible?
Post by: profitis on January 31, 2015, 07:06:17 PM
'Laws of the universe'? Say no? No comprehende
Title: Re: Is overunity really possible?
Post by: pinestone on January 31, 2015, 07:44:16 PM
'Laws of the universe'? Say no? No comprehende

You're right profitis, the universe doesn't obey any laws!
I should have said "laws of modern science"
Title: Re: Is overunity really possible?
Post by: dieter on January 31, 2015, 09:06:26 PM
You have to be an anarchist to make any progress. You need rubber boots to wade trough hordes of system agents who try to hang you because it satisfies their traumatized minds... You have to ask yourself if mankind deserves free energy.

But what is overunity anyway? The creation of energy from nothing? There is no such thing like nothing.

You can turn matter into useful energy, be it air, aether or even dark matter. If you wan't to call this OU, then ok.

There is free energy popping up in every corner, the system agents can hardly lock it away fast enough. The question is not if there is free energy, the question is how to get rid of those who have poisoned mankind with antisocial culture, taken over control and stopped evolution.

Those who say "I am not against the system" are using a double negative, while the true meaning is "I defend the system" and I don't know what you think, but my opinion is, the system, as in Bush, Bilderberger, CFR, NWO etc. is worse than the excrements of a sick pig. That's what they defend.

Mankind must get rid of the parasite.

EDIT: text slightly edited due to foul language.
Title: Re: Is overunity really possible?
Post by: Floor on January 31, 2015, 09:25:30 PM

I'm game "lets desiiiign something".

What ever I can contribute. I'm down.

What say you Profitis, Dieter ?

                lets rock it
Title: Re: Is overunity really possible?
Post by: pinestone on January 31, 2015, 11:59:43 PM

...But what is overunity anyway? The creation of energy from nothing? There is no such thing like nothing...

...but my opinion is, the system, as in Bush, Bilderberger, CFR, NWO etc. is worse than the shit of a sick pig. That's what they defend...

...Mankind must get rid of the parasite.
To me, overunity is getting more out of something than you put in. (ie unity meaning 'whole' and over that 'more than whole').
Starting with nothing will bring you nothing. I'm talking about combining energy sources and ending up with more than any 'one' can contribute.
'Summing parts of the whole' in which one energy source is featured, but other energy sources contribute to.
It would appear to be overunity, but more like free energy (almost free). What could happen if you combine a Gravity machine, magnet machine
and solar machine into one energy producing device?

Is there a need to be paranoid? Not during the design process. Maybe a little during the testing phase, and hell yea during the 'proving it' phase.
But that shouldn't stop one from trying. What's the alternative?

And we've been surviving with parasites since the beginnings of humanity. I don't see that situation changing anytime soon.
Title: Re: Is overunity really possible?
Post by: dieter on February 01, 2015, 12:35:21 AM
Coun't me in for "Rock'n'Roll" :)

My primary interest is independence, not the money or the fame. But a little oven at the north pole, making my igloo nice and snug.

I really think there are many ways to get free energy, just don't let yourself be disappointed by those who say this is impossible and that is impossible. These guys suck out your energy, inspiration and motivation like vampires. Assume that many energy sources do exist. Then tap em. Follow your own instincts, do your own research, verify the theories.

As for gravity and magnets, they are no obvious energy sources, although I think it may be possible to combine them as an alternating oscillation, but it's definitely tricky.

There are so many fields that are promising. For instance the many reports of heat excess in LENR to name just one.

Read about the various projects and systems. If you find something that is verified by many, including professors and if there is complete information about the technical howabouts (no guessing and speculation like in many closed source things, like don smith, thestatica aso.), then you may wanna reproduce it.

An other aspect is: combustion engines are wasting so much heat, you could easily run a stirling engine only by that heat of a car engine. And that already violates the 2nd law...

You say OU is when you get more out than what you put in. Well, putting some gas in isn't that much work, yet the car has a lot of output. It is the fuel. And in that sence you will always be on a 1:1 level, although the car has great heat and friction losses. Energy won't get lost, it's just getting out of your hands, or your tank.

There are sources of energy that are desperately waiting for us, tapping them. Eg. the casimir force, or the electron spin aso.

Title: Re: Is overunity really possible?
Post by: Overunutty on March 14, 2016, 06:09:17 PM
My question to all you geniuses is: "If I can create, mechanically, 100,001 joules of stored energy in a set of flywheels with input used to reach this goal being 100,000 joules, is this considered OVERUNITY?
Title: Re: Is overunity really possible?
Post by: Farmhand on July 15, 2016, 01:21:42 AM
My question to all you geniuses is: "If I can create, mechanically, 100,001 joules of stored energy in a set of flywheels with input used to reach this goal being 100,000 joules, is this considered OVERUNITY?

Well you can't "create" 100,001 Joules of stored energy in a set of flywheels with an input of 100,000 joules simply because energy cannot be created or destroyed. You can store energy, but you cannot "create" stored energy.

It is possible to utilise "free" energy, but the only type of "over unity" possible as far as energy goes is to utilise more energy than is input to a system or process.

An simple example is if you use a water wheel powered by the natural fall of water to do work for you.

Title: Re: Is overunity really possible?
Post by: massive on July 15, 2016, 05:52:48 AM
the mayflower made it to america with no on board power source
Title: Re: Is overunity really possible?
Post by: seychelles on July 15, 2016, 06:01:54 AM
Title: Re: Is overunity really possible?
Post by: tinman on July 15, 2016, 06:23:52 AM
I would go read Mark Dansies last thread on salt water to fresh water ion transfer.
This would be the best idea i have seen in a long time,and there is clear evidence  that a self looped system could be possible

There are already systems today that use this effect,but this new nanomaterial could make it a game changer.

The energy now stored in the universe  had to come from somewhere-but where?.
Guess you would have to know what existed before the big bang.

But anyway,i will be looking very closely at the system Mark Dansie has posted about,as there is no shortage of salt water-just need to find that nanofilm.

Title: Re: Is overunity really possible?
Post by: darediamond on July 15, 2016, 11:38:44 AM
The day Astronauts Discover the Earth and other Planets Hanging upon something is the day overumity will ends.
Title: Re: Is overunity really possible?
Post by: darediamond on July 15, 2016, 11:51:24 AM
As to eternal savaltion, God gave us Jesus. But as to Electricity.demystification and it subordinates, he gave us Tesla.

For me, the  Spiral SeriallybConnected Bifillar Coil Tesla Invented is the Most Powerful of is hinventions because you can use it to directly Harvest the same Force hold the Earth in the Open Space with ease.
You also with minimum power use the coil to Massively amplify POWER.

Just add more Strands or in other words make it multifillar. You do not even need to add extra wires. Just further divide the same length of wire and use the same voltage to get higher Power.

Imagine that.

But all these techniques of Pure POWER AMPLIFICATION are what they say is not possible.

They pay billions of dollars just to surpress our freedom year in year out.

The spend billions to promoteblies in various School Books around then world. 

Overumity is the Sea, Overumity is the Earth which is hanging upon nothing as said by the Bible and confirmed by those Atheistic Astronauts.