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Author Topic: Ufo propu engine, closed loop  (Read 478729 times)


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Re: Ufo propu engine, closed loop
« Reply #1095 on: May 28, 2017, 10:14:28 PM »
 Service Industry to fight poverty
Can China set up retirement centers in minority race or remote areas to cater for their benefits? At present, many families have the young working outside. The old are left to care for themselves. If the Central Government funds the setup of retirement centers, there will be employment and the old will benefit.
Money is not a problem. Staff is not a problem. Is this a Meaningful Economic Activity? If China adds such activities to its GDP, the chance of bringing moderate prosperity to all citizens by 2020 is not a problem.


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Re: Ufo propu engine, closed loop
« Reply #1096 on: May 29, 2017, 05:03:36 PM »

Technology, technology, technology.

Has China made great progress in the exploration of combustible ice?

If the venture succeeds, the energy picture of the World will change. Can China master the technology ahead of Japan, USA, Canada, Russia, etc.?


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Re: Ufo propu engine, closed loop
« Reply #1097 on: May 30, 2017, 03:56:35 PM »
 The housing problem in China and how to solve it.
In China, the price of homes in some Cities have risen so high that the average worker cannot afford to buy them. Some rich persons own many pieces of property. In some other Cities, there are empty homes and are labelled as Ghost Cities. Many Western Economists claim that this represents a Bubble and that the bursting of the Bubble will cause a major financial crisis in China.
There are elements in the Chinese State Capitalism setup that are very different from the West. Among these include:
1.       The Government can always buy back the properties and rent them out to the needed. Thus all those who cannot buy can still live in good housing.
2.       The Government can always demolish some properties. It is similar to over-production of apples. If the apples cannot be sold, one way is to plough them back into the soil. Such a powerful tool is only possible with a strong Government.
3.       The Government can state (as now) that houses are for living and not for speculating. No individual is allowed to own more than two pieces of property. Those who own more than two must sell the excess back to the Government at no profit (and no loss).
4.       The Government will set up investment vehicles for the excess funds. These may include special one belt one road funds for different Nations; special funds on sure-win businesses; high risk funds on innovative projects; retirement funds tied to rise of living index backed by the Government; insurance funds backed by Government and (at the last resort) derivatives and Forex trading and the bond market.
5.       There will be recommendations from Think Tanks. These will be discussed thoroughly via many Internet Forums. The discussions will cover the global view as well as the individual view. The interest of all will be identified. (Some corrupt gains will be exposed.)


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Re: Ufo propu engine, closed loop
« Reply #1098 on: May 31, 2017, 03:04:45 PM »

The presentation on June 13, 2017 will be treated as a dry run.

A Chinese version is being prepared.


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Re: Ufo propu engine, closed loop
« Reply #1099 on: June 01, 2017, 12:17:34 AM »

Currency Pegging
RMB exchange rate had a big rise in the last few days. What does it mean?
1.       China is Forex Trading via its own Forex Exchange. It can effectively determine the RMB exchange rate.
2.       The best path for RMB to become the Settlement and Reserve Currency is for its exchange rate to rise slowly.
3.       Other Developing Nations can peg to RMB. If RMB is stable, their currencies will be stable too.
4.       The one belt one road projects can be settled in RMB. Chinese firms will accept that. Nations with currency pegged to RMB will also accept that. RMB will be on real, material projects while the US dollar will still focus on derivatives, forex gambling, bonds etc.
5.       Mutual credit agreements will be more meaningful. A particular Nation may change the pegging rate when deemed appropriate and after consultation with other trading partners.

There is no need to go down the path of Euro where Nations gave up their own currency and the control of their financial policies.


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Re: Ufo propu engine, closed loop
« Reply #1100 on: June 02, 2017, 08:43:12 AM »

Kra Canal in Thailand is now a reality. Work is going to start. It may take 10 years.

The idea started in the seventeen century.


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Re: Ufo propu engine, closed loop
« Reply #1101 on: June 03, 2017, 01:08:09 AM »

Tseung, the one belt one road initiative will not work for a small Nation with no natural resources.

When a small Nation has no resources to trade, how can it acquired the capital, the technology, the interest from richer Nations?

*** With Mutual Credits, China can use the exchanged currency to help the small Nation rich. China wants to have examples to show the World that the new order led by China of win-win really works. A small Nation is ideal for a showcase project. Just approach China or its Think Tanks...


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Re: Ufo propu engine, closed loop
« Reply #1102 on: June 06, 2017, 08:48:37 AM »

Tseung, the one belt one road initiative will not work for a small Nation with no natural resources.

When a small Nation has no resources to trade, how can it acquired the capital, the technology, the interest from richer Nations?

*** With Mutual Credits, China can use the exchanged currency to help the small Nation rich. China wants to have examples to show the World that the new order led by China of win-win really works. A small Nation is ideal for a showcase project. Just approach China or its Think Tanks...

A seminar preview comment:

It has many pieces that can be placed together as the economic war strategy.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2017, 06:44:42 PM by ltseung888 »


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Re: Ufo propu engine, closed loop
« Reply #1103 on: June 07, 2017, 09:08:25 PM »

What is the difference between Mutual Credits and Currency Swap?
With Mutual Credits, the richer Nation A uses the Swapped Currency B to help Nation B rich. One example is to build model homes in Nation B’s environment. The model homes can be largely factory built. That will help the local industries in designing and supplying the various components. The actual building or assembling will train and employ many local workers. These can be paid with Currency B.
The homes may be initially owned by Nation A (or its investors) in Special Economic Zones. The land could be purchased with Currency B. When Nation B becomes richer, almost all its assets including the homes mentioned will increase in value. Thus Nation A will get richer via helping Nation B to become richer. Nation B never needs to go into debt.
Nation A (e.g. China) has the confidence that it can help Nation B to become rich because it has the experience in getting itself rich. Nation A also knows that for its citizens to become rich, it has to increase its money supply. Mutual Credits extends that philosophy to include Nation B. Win-win. Nation A also knows that in giving away its knowledge, it will learn more!

USA could have played the role of Nation A. It can still lead Camp A to compete with Camp B (Russia+China). The purpose of the competition is to help Developing Nations rich...


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Re: Ufo propu engine, closed loop
« Reply #1104 on: June 08, 2017, 01:39:17 AM »

Now that China has introduced the opaque anti-periodic element to its fixing of the official RMB exchange rate, what is likely to happen?

The effect is essentially telling the World - China will determine the RMB exchange and not the Market Force or Crocodiles. There will be no need to burn Foreign Currency Reserves to support the RMB exchange rate. China does not need to play in the Forex Exchange Casi*os.

The May Foreign Currency Reserve rose. It is expected to be relatively stable and is likely to increase slowly.

Pouring money down the one belt one road projects is not likely to change that picture much - Chinese contractors accept RMB. The total amount is less than the 1 trillion USD China lost in the Forex Exchange Casi*os. The loss of that one trillion did not do obvious harm to the Chinese Economy. (It did not do much good either). But one trillion USD infrastructure projects will result in many roads, bridges, airports, seaports, power stations, internet connections, hospitals, model farms, hotels, industrial parks etc worldwide. The Citizens will see many new variety of goods in the supermarkets and over the Internet...


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Re: Ufo propu engine, closed loop
« Reply #1105 on: June 09, 2017, 12:07:27 AM »

What is the difference between Mutual Credits and Currency Swap?
With Mutual Credits, the richer Nation A uses the Swapped Currency B to help Nation B rich. One example is to build model homes in Nation B’s environment. The model homes can be largely factory built. That will help the local industries in designing and supplying the various components. The actual building or assembling will train and employ many local workers. These can be paid with Currency B.
The homes may be initially owned by Nation A (or its investors) in Special Economic Zones. The land could be purchased with Currency B. When Nation B becomes richer, almost all its assets including the homes mentioned will increase in value. Thus Nation A will get richer via helping Nation B to become richer. Nation B never needs to go into debt.
Nation A (e.g. China) has the confidence that it can help Nation B to become rich because it has the experience in getting itself rich. Nation A also knows that for its citizens to become rich, it has to increase its money supply. Mutual Credits extends that philosophy to include Nation B. Win-win. Nation A also knows that in giving away its knowledge, it will learn more!

USA could have played the role of Nation A. It can still lead Camp A to compete with Camp B (Russia+China). The purpose of the competition is to help Developing Nations rich...

Tseung, I heard about Mutual Credits before. I thought it was just a simple Currency Swap. I never realize that it is a powerful Economic War Weapon.


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Re: Ufo propu engine, closed loop
« Reply #1106 on: June 12, 2017, 02:38:59 PM »



The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge, A Tour


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Re: Ufo propu engine, closed loop
« Reply #1107 on: June 12, 2017, 06:02:28 PM »

Service Industry to fight poverty
Can China set up retirement centers in minority race or remote areas to cater for their benefits? At present, many families have the young working outside. The old are left to care for themselves. If the Central Government funds the setup of retirement centers, there will be employment and the old will benefit.
Money is not a problem. Staff is not a problem. Is this a Meaningful Economic Activity? If China adds such activities to its GDP, the chance of bringing moderate prosperity to all citizens by 2020 is not a problem.

The Business Schools taught the need for " Return on Investment". Social Service Projects will need constant pumping in of resources. There is no financial "Return on Investment". Such welfare projects are a drain on the Government.  Europe lost its economic momentum because of too much welfare.


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Re: Ufo propu engine, closed loop
« Reply #1108 on: June 12, 2017, 06:05:12 PM »

The Business Schools taught the need for " Return on Investment". Social Service Projects will need constant pumping in of resources. There is no financial "Return on Investment". Such welfare projects are a drain on the Government.  Europe lost its economic momentum because of too much welfare.

This comes back to the issue of Meaningful Economic Activities. What is meaningful to one Nation may not be meaningful to another. What was meaningful at one time may not be meaningful now.


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Re: Ufo propu engine, closed loop
« Reply #1109 on: June 14, 2017, 03:26:46 AM »

The average age of the Group is 72.3 years. They are the classmates of Tsinghua University. They are the ones that helped to produce the Chinese  Miracle...