New theories about free energy systems > The Aether

Aether is time... and time can be increased

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Do you remember the n-machine of Bruce de Palma? It consisted to put in battery the Faraday's homopolar engine, by making it turn very fast ... It actually brought a huge energy gain, and presented curiously a variation of time on stopwatches placed around.

The problem that Bruce Palma met :  his system exploded because of the speed.

He did not understand "a trick, a ruse" that exists in our solar system, in our galaxy and throughout the universe: to reduce the excessive power of the angular momentum of a planet around a sun, a satellite around a planet, nature uses the concentration of time.

If Bruce de Palma had increased the time on the sides of the disks of Faraday, his machine did not explode.

You begin to understand? Time is not the same on the Moon than on Earth ... It is more concentrated

Speed = space / time
If speed "increases", with the the same time, all the energy concentrates on the same space ...

In the Universe, what is more little, turning far away from a rotation center,  presents a polarized (increased) temporal power, more than at the center of mass of this system.

How to create this ?

Hi soliris , the problem that Bruce de Palma had was that, he along with every one else , is they look at it on a flat plane. Two dimensional, it won't work this way.I don't think even three will work. Multiple Dimensions will though, cascading effect is the answer...something to think about...shylo

Ok for the first part of your answer, Shylo: de Palma used a battery of flat planes (disks); but we MAY not speak about 4,5 or even 11 dimensions, like the scientists do.

It's the summit of their power on us : they tell us that we can BUILD nothing without their huge understanding.   ;D

It's just an idea launched in the "free energy area" : time is already modulated step by step, like G. Gurdjeff said, from the center of the universe, passing by the clusters and the galaxies, until our solar system, to preserve the pressure (and not the temperature) of the CMBR.
Why could'nt we use a device of modulation (polarization) of time (aether), that could bring us a surplus of power, each time ?

Bob Smith:
I think I understand your point on why time is more concentrated on the moon.  Could we produce the same effect in the following way?:

- set the vertical axis of a gyroscope at one pivoting end of a flat steel bar
  (i.e., the bar is free to move 360 degrees around the pivoting point)
- set the vertical axis of a second smaller gyroscope at the opposite end
   of the bar.
- both gyroscopes spin: the central gyro on its stationary axis, the outer
   gyro moving in a circle spinning on its own stationary axis as well.
- will time be constricted around the second (outer) gyro?

If there is a difference of time, how does one use it to access energy?

If we substitute "vortex" for the word "gyroscope", can we achieve the same thing with magnetic fields?

To asnwer this part:

- set the vertical axis of a gyroscope at one pivoting end of a flat steel bar
  (i.e., the bar is free to move 360 degrees around the pivoting point)
- set the vertical axis of a second smaller gyroscope at the opposite end
   of the bar.

Look at the attachment, below:

1. I guessed the right angle (90 °) determines the angle of polarization of the temporal power, as you can see in this picture.

If the bar is lying down and may turn itself around its own center, ok. If the vertical axis (90°) of the gyro is standing at the end of the bar, ok for me.
But I 'm looking for more details (since the theory) for the lenght of the bar, the power of the gyros... You talk about free moving around the pivoting point: this point of view is the reflection of a very deep and very old knowledge: "all the universe never stops to set its own center face at each one of its elements". It's a great part of the Law of Polarity...You refind it in the Tao.

2. The number of gyroscopes placed on the disc has the merit of balancing the whole system, but why the second gryor should be "smaller" ? ...  and why should the constriction of time must be different with the second gyro ...that's a part of your theories or your experiments, I ve not noticed in my observations .

How to use the difference of time to access energy... You ask the right questions, Bob
An englishman has realized these experiences, correctly: his set began to turn more and more, took off and has gone into the deep space..
Was it reality ?
But there are other possibilities (invisibility of associated apparatus with this engine..)

from ma part of this research, I think that the magnetic fields REPLACE the bars and the gyros...Do you understand my point of view ? Magnetic fields are preformed-pack   aether-wired apparatus 

 (Excuse my english)



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