Conventional alternative energy systems > energy systems based on corn burning

Micro Fueler.


I came across this prior-to-market innovation about 2 years ago & promptly forgot about it.  Having just remembered it, I did a Google search and was surprised to find that at least in the USA this appears to have been 'allowed' to proceed!

However, reading through their "Subscriber Agreement" is quite disheartening.  First, there's is a compulsory network-connection charge - $99 -> $120 per year, arguably necessary & bearable...  Much worse though, If you source the "organic-fuel" from another dealer, you are charged per-gallon of fuel produced at a rate determined by what you are paying the dealer.  If you are in a position to supply your own organic fuel, you are billed $0.25 per gallon of fuel produced, or a minimum of $10 per-month - whichever is greater!

They talk about the Greed of Big-Oil, here you have an upstart-company who from the get-go is out to fleece people for what they can, even after having received $10,000 for the unit itself!

A company that surely deserves to fail...


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