OverUnity Prize > Devices applied for the OU prize

Selfrunning HHO system with 400 Watts additional output

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Hi guys,
this is the first real selfrunning device:


Oliver and Valention, 2 users from the OverUnity.de forum, showing their selfrunning HHO system powering
a 400 Watt incandescent lamp for the first time in public
as a Christmas present for 2010.

This unit only runs on Water being splitted and producing overunity power
to run the lamp.

This is the first candidate for 2011 for the OverUnity Prize.

P.S: The small accumulator is only powering the ignition circuit for the ignition spark and only needs a few Watts, so this could also be powered by the output of the generator in later units.

These are the comments Oliver did send me with this video:

The setup is on a trolley and they drive it around the house.
Since they let the camera run continuously,
so there will be no cuts in the video, the camera catches all the
glitches like the blown out
Lamp due to filament failure due to the vibrations of the whole trolly
and the missed elevator.

At the Beginning of the movie  the system  is started with the help of
another steady Anton HHO system.
From 0:45 it will be "cut off" and the whole system runs self-sufficiently.

At 1:15 the construction light is still switched on as a load.

Then the "journey " goes on.

Then of course Murphey´s law hits twice:

1. At about 2: 50 unfortunately, the lamp goes broke because of vibrations and
then the motor runs too fast because of the lack of a load.

2. At 3:25 we missed the elevator .. * grr *

Murphy´s law always applies ! ;)

At 4:55 of the elevator finally comes back and we go with the running motor-generator
4 Floors down.

As of 5:37, the system turns suddenly far above the normal speed and we
want to stop it before it breaks.

No matter.
Without consideration of losses, we continue down the corridor, out into the
open courtyard ..

7:00 - The system is in the courtyard and the transformer moves around bounces against the motor because of the vibration
the engine.

8:00 - I turn off the camera, because I'm afraid for the expensive variac
and the engine and because of the lack of light load the system still runs much too high RPM..

I like the concept of this movie, because
nobody has yet shown a combustion engine running  in an elevator before.

Any known fuel would have clouded the air in seconds and poisoned us.

Also inside the elevator there could not be any hidden cables as some
people always claim..
People wake up, this is a real system selfrunning !


I will visit them early in 2011
and will have a close look into it.

Happy Christmas to all Forum users and
please spread this video !
Many thanks for your support and a happy and great 2011 for you ALL !

Regards, Stefan.(admin)

Looks promising Stefan.

So Oliver and Valention designed their own ignition system and replaced the old one? Yes, that would give them more control over spark timing, and perhaps they've created a stronger spark with this design as well.

Is there anything special about their water cell design? Is there a good breakdown of what they are doing on the German thread?


Interresting device !!! So maybe the (whole) plan and/or comercialisation is a question of couple of months... If this real Congratulations to the inventor, for this "First" FE device. So for winter 2011 I can go off the grid and overheat my full home, thank you !!!

I have a smile that just won't go away now!!
What A wonderful Christmas present !!

And spread it around I will!!


Correction for spelling [makes Wilby Crazy]!

The video you have shown was shot many months ago and been doing the rounds for some time. What is most puzzling is thye have cancelled many demonstratiions for people (some who even flew overseas) especially people who wanted to measure the exhaust gases..
During this time they were also known to have neen experimenting with carbons in the electrolyte or the water filter. A small amount of alcahol in either can produce the result without causing fumes that would hurt them. By having HHO in the combustion they nearly eliminate the all the carbon monoxide so they could run the thing all day inside even with petrol. (that really worries me they think like this)
I have even known of much better demo's where the hydrocarbons were actually coated on the plates to try and fool people.
So Stephan, these guys are fakes and possibly fraudsters until such time as they allow someone to test the the exhaust gas or do a proper validation. if you want to award them overunity money then you need to have the exhaust gas analysed.
The final nail in the coffin for these guys is that the amount of HHO comming out of their cell could not sustain that engine no matter what modifications they did to the engine.
I am sad that given the hard time they gave you that you would be so gullable to believe them.
I am happy to have people their anytime to test with full instrumentation, even at their local university.


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