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Mister Nader Hoville you are very very very wrong

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Mister Nader Hoville no needs to insult people you are very  wrong

what you claim without proof :

--- Quote ---94441Re: [EVGRAY] Flat earh is a fucking Psy ops manipulation! ( THE EARTH IS BIGGER NOT FLAT)
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    Nader Hoville
    Today at 2:19 AM

    ABOUT 3 TIMES BIGGER.   THE FUCKING FORMULLA IS FAKE!  it is not 8 inch but 3 inch per sqare miles

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--- Quote ---Nader Hoville
Today at 2:30 AM
PHYTOGORE FORMULLA IS WRONG !!!!    IT IS NOT   curvature of 8 inches per miles square but    3.2 inches ....SO instead of insulting could have found out too.
and thatmeans the earth is nor 25000 miles but almost 3 times bigger..

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what you can see from marseille is :

--- Quote ---Accelerated video twice.
Observation of Canigou (2785m/8400ft) from a place near Marseille (south France) February 4, 2011. This observation shows that it is possible to observe the Canigou, summit of the Pyrenees at a distance of 253km/157miles in straight line over the mediterranean sea.
The atmospheric refraction, well kown by astronomers as astronomical refraction for extraterrestial objects like Sun Moon and stars, makes possible this observation of this rare phenomenon. This refraction lifts far objects such as mountain peaks above the horizon.The continuous variation of the pressure from sea level to the top of the atmosphere bends the path of the light which is gently curved over the horizon.
Also high contrast between mountain and backgound of the sky is required to see clearly the phenomenon because of the attenuation of the light during long travel through the atmosphere. The high contrast can be obtain when the Sun is aligned with the mountaint. In this case this phenomenon can be seen at two periods each year, around the 10th february and 3st October. Sometime in anticyclonic conditions, with perfectly clear atmosphere and low temperature, the Canigou mountain can also be observed without the need of an astronomical alignment with the Sun or Moon.

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Mister Nader Hoville you are very very very wrong
you can not see all the mountain but only what is above 2400 m ( 1500 miles )

you need to calculate

Distance to horizon

--- Quote ---At a height h above the ground, the distance to the horizon d, is given by:

  d = sqrt(2*R*h/b)

b=0.8279 is a factor that accounts for atmospheric refraction and depends on the atmospheric temperature lapse rate, which is taken to be standard. R is the radius of the earth. Note that the earth is assumed smooth- likely only true over the oceans!

For h in feet and d in nm:

 d =1.17*sqrt(h)

i.e. from 10000 feet, the horizon is 117nm away

(Reference Bowditch American Practical Navigator (1995) Table 12.)

--- End quote ---

for the earth R = 6380 km (  3970 miles )

but you say is R is not 6380 but 3 x 6380 = 19200 km ( 11900 miles )
so the Distance to horizon from canigou now is 358.7 km ...
so we can see marseille every day from canigou !!

sorry  it is not the reality

Mister Nader Hoville you are very very very wrong

in the same way if i calculate
the Distance to horizon from marseille in your case  R is not 6380 but 3 x 6380 = 19200 km ( 11900 miles )
so we get 119 km
distance from marseille to canigou is 263 km

now with D = 263 - 119 = 144 km

and   D = sqrt(2*R*H/b)  give H = 450 m ( 0.3 miles )

so from marseille we can see all the mountain above 450 m

so we have to see barcelone (spain ) to canigou ( france ) !!

sorry  it is not the reality

Mister Nader Hoville you are very very very wrong

you can not see all the mountain but only what is above 2400 m ( 1500 miles )

so , Mister Nader Hoville ...

every day from marseille i look for the canigou ...

and there is a big miracle ... you know what ?

the NASA have borrowed the mountain from the horizon !!

this is a big miracle , now the NASA can manipulate picture in real time and prevent
the people from marseille to see the canigou ....

LOL Mister Nader Hoville ... you are so stupid

look at south america ... can you evaluate the distance from bolivia to tierra de fuego ?

no ! it is not 5000 km ( 3100 miles ) ?  1/4 of the circonferance of the earth ?

i think you have never took a plane

I think now everybody knows Nice
I just come back from Italy via Nice ...

and I am very sorry for non beleiver in flat earth
but from nice it is impossible to see corsica ( it is very near )

it is the PROOF that NASA is manipulating pictures in real time
so look everywhere there is so many strange thing on this flat earth

flatearthers you have not to consider yourself as stupid you have to beleive in yourself ( the real life is so strange )

evgray est en pleine décadence ... est envahi par des platistes de tout bord

--- Quote ---

Nader Hoville
Jul 31

What do you think about this new movie - documentatary showing a lot of leading scientist moving toward thinking that earth is actually the center of the universe?   ( the principle)  This is after a third probe came back with data supporting that copernicus was wrong.


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mister nader hoville you are very wrong , look at wikipedia ( and the pic )

--- Quote ---
La gare et Salvador Dalí Pour le tableau, voir : La Gare de Perpignan. Salvador Dalí considérait la gare de Perpignan comme le lieu privilégié de son inspiration : « C'est toujours à la gare de Perpignan […] que me viennent les idées les plus géniales de ma vie […] L'arrivée à la gare de Perpignan est l'occasion d'une véritable éjaculation mentale qui atteint alors sa plus grande et sublime hauteur spéculative […] Eh bien, ce 19 septembre, j'ai eu à la gare de Perpignan une espèce d'extase cosmogonique plus forte que les précédentes. J'ai eu une vision exacte de la constitution de l'univers. L'univers qui est l'une des choses les plus limitées qui existe serait, toutes proportions gardées, semblable par sa structure à la gare de Perpignan8. »
À partir de 1960, Dalí se référa à plusieurs reprises à la gare comme « centre cosmique de l'univers », entre autres formules. La première d'entre elles[pas clair] fut liée, selon le peintre, à l'intuition d'une représentation de la troisième dimension à base de stéréoscopie9,10. Cette citation fut reprise lors d'une conférence en 1983 à propos de La Queue d'aronde11 avec le mathématicien René Thom, qui assura au peintre « que l'Espagne pivote précisément – pas dans la zone de – mais exactement là où se trouve l'actuelle gare de Perpignan »9.
En retour, la rénovation de la gare effectuée au début du XXIe siècle intègre plusieurs éléments de l'univers du peintre : le plafond du hall est peint dans son style (maquette de Robert d'Hoosche peinte avec Charançonnet sur commande de la SNCF) et le dallage posé devant la station s'inspire du tableau La Gare de Perpignan12. Le centre commercial créé à cette occasion a été baptisé el Centre del Món (ce qui signifie « le centre du monde » en catalan)13.

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mister nader hoville this is the PROOF that earth is not flat and not the center of the word

because the center of the univers is perpignan  (  el Centre del Món  )


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